火曜日, 9月 28, 2004 by kaz
fri: back to school, vball & es nomikai
man, all these little holidays have really messed up my schedule. my body can't really figure out what's goin' on. a normal day @ school. the lunch was pretty good, we had some sweet & sour pork. for lunch recess, played knockout with da 9th grade boys. this time, i didn't lose @ all. think there was more pressure for me to do well cuz noguchi-chan was there ;b
ran vball practice cuz toita sensei had a meetin'. i was bringin' it tough to the 8th graders and since yukino-chan was there, i was givin' her some of my best stuff and she was diggin' it up. afterwards we had hittin' drills and i did some hittin'. tweeked chinami-chan and manami-chan's settin' form and i think it helped them...well i hope it did. i even filled in to set some. when yukino-chan stepped in to set, i had her try to set me some a's...but we never connected. even the heeko's were bad...oh well...she's not a setter anywayz...can't really expect her to be able to do it.
headed out @ around 1730ish, went home, showered and then headed out to kita nara to join my elementary school's nomikai. tabata sensei, as usual was off da hook. also, a common thing that happens at these school events, the principal and vice principal seem to leave suddenly w/o sayin' goodbye. some interestin' new things: goto-kun is havin' a kid in january! sugimizu sensei likes to sing the theme from alladin (which she made me sing with her...) tsutsui sensei is a comedian. uchiyama sensei can drink. headed to chacha to chill with mama and then went home.
kohara sensei and tabata sensei
kodama sensei, uchiyama sensei and yours truly
kyoto sensei, tabata sensei and kanezuka sensei
goto sensei and tsutsui sensei
sat: lack of sleep, house party, bday party
woke up way too early and couln't go back to sleep. decided to put some time into marketin' the ba brand. must've been be addin' foos for like 2 hrs straight. cooked some lunch and after that, played the demo of doom3. man, that shiet is scary! also d/l'd david chappelle's showtime special @ da fillmore in sf. only got to see the first 15 min, but that ish was funny!
anyhow...headed out to 'pongi to meet up with b. went to eat some chinese food. we then headed to this vietnamese cafe for some coffee. after that, we went to meet up with jt & crew and then headed to the house party @ nick's pad. man, his pad was dope! can you say 3 stories, 50"+ plasma and b&o audio. was talkin' to jt and he figured this place's rent is at least 50,000yen (approx $4,500)/month!!! for some reason the tequila shots came out and my big bros made me do it and can you guess what kind of tequila it was??? man, it was fffnnn cuervo, wtf!?!? i was kinda expectin' patron silver, but hey, beggars can't be choosy, yah?
after like an hour or so, me and b headed out to shibuya to go to timo's party. it was a small place, but it was koo to kick it with the younger guys we play ball with. kicked it there for a bit and then headed out. it was good timin' too cuz the place pretty much cleared out. me and b then went to eat some ramen. decided to call it a night. crashed @ b's.
sun: tgs & dinner w/da makuhari fam
in da mornin', checked out b's notebook (inspiron 3800) and man, this guy has tons and tons of adware! and for the 4 yrs he has had the notebook, he hasn't ever scanned disk or defragged!?! time was runnin' a bit giriri, so we decided to put it off til later. before i headed home, i called up eugene to see if he was still goin' to go to the tokyo game show. he said that he couldn't make it anymore, so i just went by myself cuz it was kinda short notice to ask anybody else.
before i got in, called up ami to see what she was doin'. the fam was free so they invited me to dinner @ mom & pop's. i'm also finally gonna meet derek, their exchange student.
got to tgs and man, it was crazy there! unlike e3, where the only people that dress up are the ones hired by the companies, normal guests came dressed up in costumes!! as for size, it's a lot smaller than e3, only 2 halls. there was this area between the 2 halls where you can take pics of all the peeps that came in costume.
the main attractions of the show:
1. the sony psp
2. mgs 3
3. the xbox booth
got to play the psp and i must say, it was pretty dope. they must've had at least 40 of them on "display". the funny thing bout the display was that sony had most of their booth girls fitted with this utility belt of some sort and connected to them by lock and power cord. so the times when you get really "caught up" in the game, you can sometimes find yourself pullin' the girl closer to you ;b
the sony psp
everytime i walked past this booth, they kept tryin' to make me sign up for this star wars credit card.
the xbox booth was the best of show
cuz of this
and this
since i was comparin' and contrastin' tgs and e3, the main thing i noticed was actually near the end of the show. each of the main booths rewarded their fans by bringin' out all of their booth girls for pictures.
the capcom booth
the tecmo booth
car @ the ea booth
for all you star wars fans
after the show, got picked up by ami and sho and headed back to their place and met derek. he's a pretty stalky guy from ny. ami kept on sayin' that i'm really good english, cuz this is like the first time she has heard me speak my normal english. it's always refreshin' to have somebody from back home to talk to. derek is a koo guy, his japanese is pretty good and he's a rugby player. unfortunately, there's this one problem...he's allergic to alcohol!?!
we headed to mom & pop's for dinner. hide was there chillin' on da couch as usual. mama hooked up a phatty feast: maguro and chicken nabe! pops brought out some of this rich sho chu from kumamoto which was off da hook. on tv, they were showin' 8-legged freaks or "spider panic" as it's called in japan. i always wonder where they get all these names for movies.
all in all, it was great to see the makuhari fam again cuz it's been a while.
came home and finished watchin' the chappell special. ya'll gotta check it out.
tokyo friend park ii had a special 2 hr program. since the team consisted of 6 people, they brought out some crazy new events.
hey hey hey is havin' their 10 year special edition program. they showed some pretty natsukashii stuff. i think i've seen all the good ones from '95-2000. opinions: don't know why hamasaki ayumi is so popular...she can't sing and her fake nose is really prominent now. amuro namie, k i got mad love for her, but the tatoos...even tho i'm down tats, when you get your son's name in that crazy mexican letterin' on your skinny arm, that's where i draw the line & i wonder how she was feellin' w/her baby's daddy bein' there too...
tues: elementary school
the weather was nice this mornin' so my ride to school wasn't as bad as yesterday's. taught the 5th & 6th graders today and tried out some new games and the student's loved them. played soccer @ lunch with the 3rd graders and damn, some of them were pretty good. they play on club teams already!?! it was good to just get out there and play cuz i had the nice cool weather to thank for that. played a little bit of bball with the girls' team, but it was kinda wack in the sense that they play on a mini hoop. i was able to double tap and dip, so it was koo in dat aspect ;)
so i'm tryin' out the new my yahoo beta right now and so far it seems pretty koo.
i'm in first place now in my fantasy football league. thanks to a great weekend from dante, t.jones, r.wayne and d.akers.
man, all these little holidays have really messed up my schedule. my body can't really figure out what's goin' on. a normal day @ school. the lunch was pretty good, we had some sweet & sour pork. for lunch recess, played knockout with da 9th grade boys. this time, i didn't lose @ all. think there was more pressure for me to do well cuz noguchi-chan was there ;b
ran vball practice cuz toita sensei had a meetin'. i was bringin' it tough to the 8th graders and since yukino-chan was there, i was givin' her some of my best stuff and she was diggin' it up. afterwards we had hittin' drills and i did some hittin'. tweeked chinami-chan and manami-chan's settin' form and i think it helped them...well i hope it did. i even filled in to set some. when yukino-chan stepped in to set, i had her try to set me some a's...but we never connected. even the heeko's were bad...oh well...she's not a setter anywayz...can't really expect her to be able to do it.
headed out @ around 1730ish, went home, showered and then headed out to kita nara to join my elementary school's nomikai. tabata sensei, as usual was off da hook. also, a common thing that happens at these school events, the principal and vice principal seem to leave suddenly w/o sayin' goodbye. some interestin' new things: goto-kun is havin' a kid in january! sugimizu sensei likes to sing the theme from alladin (which she made me sing with her...) tsutsui sensei is a comedian. uchiyama sensei can drink. headed to chacha to chill with mama and then went home.
kohara sensei and tabata sensei

kodama sensei, uchiyama sensei and yours truly

kyoto sensei, tabata sensei and kanezuka sensei

goto sensei and tsutsui sensei

sat: lack of sleep, house party, bday party
woke up way too early and couln't go back to sleep. decided to put some time into marketin' the ba brand. must've been be addin' foos for like 2 hrs straight. cooked some lunch and after that, played the demo of doom3. man, that shiet is scary! also d/l'd david chappelle's showtime special @ da fillmore in sf. only got to see the first 15 min, but that ish was funny!
anyhow...headed out to 'pongi to meet up with b. went to eat some chinese food. we then headed to this vietnamese cafe for some coffee. after that, we went to meet up with jt & crew and then headed to the house party @ nick's pad. man, his pad was dope! can you say 3 stories, 50"+ plasma and b&o audio. was talkin' to jt and he figured this place's rent is at least 50,000yen (approx $4,500)/month!!! for some reason the tequila shots came out and my big bros made me do it and can you guess what kind of tequila it was??? man, it was fffnnn cuervo, wtf!?!? i was kinda expectin' patron silver, but hey, beggars can't be choosy, yah?
after like an hour or so, me and b headed out to shibuya to go to timo's party. it was a small place, but it was koo to kick it with the younger guys we play ball with. kicked it there for a bit and then headed out. it was good timin' too cuz the place pretty much cleared out. me and b then went to eat some ramen. decided to call it a night. crashed @ b's.
sun: tgs & dinner w/da makuhari fam
in da mornin', checked out b's notebook (inspiron 3800) and man, this guy has tons and tons of adware! and for the 4 yrs he has had the notebook, he hasn't ever scanned disk or defragged!?! time was runnin' a bit giriri, so we decided to put it off til later. before i headed home, i called up eugene to see if he was still goin' to go to the tokyo game show. he said that he couldn't make it anymore, so i just went by myself cuz it was kinda short notice to ask anybody else.
before i got in, called up ami to see what she was doin'. the fam was free so they invited me to dinner @ mom & pop's. i'm also finally gonna meet derek, their exchange student.
got to tgs and man, it was crazy there! unlike e3, where the only people that dress up are the ones hired by the companies, normal guests came dressed up in costumes!! as for size, it's a lot smaller than e3, only 2 halls. there was this area between the 2 halls where you can take pics of all the peeps that came in costume.
the main attractions of the show:
1. the sony psp
2. mgs 3
3. the xbox booth
got to play the psp and i must say, it was pretty dope. they must've had at least 40 of them on "display". the funny thing bout the display was that sony had most of their booth girls fitted with this utility belt of some sort and connected to them by lock and power cord. so the times when you get really "caught up" in the game, you can sometimes find yourself pullin' the girl closer to you ;b
the sony psp

everytime i walked past this booth, they kept tryin' to make me sign up for this star wars credit card.

the xbox booth was the best of show

cuz of this

and this

since i was comparin' and contrastin' tgs and e3, the main thing i noticed was actually near the end of the show. each of the main booths rewarded their fans by bringin' out all of their booth girls for pictures.
the capcom booth

the tecmo booth

car @ the ea booth

for all you star wars fans

after the show, got picked up by ami and sho and headed back to their place and met derek. he's a pretty stalky guy from ny. ami kept on sayin' that i'm really good english, cuz this is like the first time she has heard me speak my normal english. it's always refreshin' to have somebody from back home to talk to. derek is a koo guy, his japanese is pretty good and he's a rugby player. unfortunately, there's this one problem...he's allergic to alcohol!?!
we headed to mom & pop's for dinner. hide was there chillin' on da couch as usual. mama hooked up a phatty feast: maguro and chicken nabe! pops brought out some of this rich sho chu from kumamoto which was off da hook. on tv, they were showin' 8-legged freaks or "spider panic" as it's called in japan. i always wonder where they get all these names for movies.
all in all, it was great to see the makuhari fam again cuz it's been a while.
came home and finished watchin' the chappell special. ya'll gotta check it out.
tokyo friend park ii had a special 2 hr program. since the team consisted of 6 people, they brought out some crazy new events.
hey hey hey is havin' their 10 year special edition program. they showed some pretty natsukashii stuff. i think i've seen all the good ones from '95-2000. opinions: don't know why hamasaki ayumi is so popular...she can't sing and her fake nose is really prominent now. amuro namie, k i got mad love for her, but the tatoos...even tho i'm down tats, when you get your son's name in that crazy mexican letterin' on your skinny arm, that's where i draw the line & i wonder how she was feellin' w/her baby's daddy bein' there too...
tues: elementary school
the weather was nice this mornin' so my ride to school wasn't as bad as yesterday's. taught the 5th & 6th graders today and tried out some new games and the student's loved them. played soccer @ lunch with the 3rd graders and damn, some of them were pretty good. they play on club teams already!?! it was good to just get out there and play cuz i had the nice cool weather to thank for that. played a little bit of bball with the girls' team, but it was kinda wack in the sense that they play on a mini hoop. i was able to double tap and dip, so it was koo in dat aspect ;)
so i'm tryin' out the new my yahoo beta right now and so far it seems pretty koo.
i'm in first place now in my fantasy football league. thanks to a great weekend from dante, t.jones, r.wayne and d.akers.