happy birthday mom (09.06)
happy birthday brandon (09.05)
da weekend
even tho the first 3 days of school wasn't that busy, wakin' up @ 0600 didn't agree with my body. playin' vball 3 days in a row after not playin' for about a month was quite taxin' on the body as well. after dinner @ ikko, went to cha cha for a drink, then went home and crashed out. woke up @ around 0800ish, went on da computer for a little bit, then went back to sleep. woke up around 1400ish, cooked lunch, then went back to sleep. finally got up around 2000, got ready and then headed out to roppongi. man, it was mad pourin' when i left. got a call from b, seein' if him and kyoko can come along tonite. we decided to meet up @ almond (the typical meetin' place in roppongi; it's the same as meetin' up @ hachiko in 'buya). i was surprised to hear that kyoko was in town. too bad the weather was terrible for the 2 weekends that she was here. finally met up with megu and then we headed to this italian place near b's old job. had some pizza, pasta and gnocchi. after that, we headed to the club where hiyori and her crew are performin'. we got there around 0000ish and since the performance doesn't start til 0130, we just chilled and got some drinks. after a while; kuri, takako & rei came thru. also met 2 more of hiyori's friends; eri and matsuko. i noticed that they had tantakatan, so i ordered it on the rocks, then they tell me that they don't have anymore. so i tell kyoko, um...i see the brand new bottle on the bar and they're tellin' me they don't got none....wtf!? so kyoko steps up and tells the bartender, um, you guys got some right here. had b try some and he liked it. sometime after that, we all did a tequila shot. the drinks there weren't that great. pretty weak and expensive at that! anyhow, the first act, an mc, was aite. even my japanese friends couldn't understand what he was sayin'. then it was hiyori's crew up. surprised to see that it was only 3 ppl. usually it's 5. anyhow, their beats were really good. a nice mix of new and old stuff. one girl in her group wasn't really into it. kinda just goin' thru the motions. as always, hiyori stood out. the next group was a 2-girl dance team. me and b agreed that these girls had slammin' bodies, like one girl had a straightup washboard, however, it would have been nice to at least see them smile a little. the next group, another 2-girl dance squad, had a nice routine. b liked them the best cuz they had a lot of "missy" flava to them. after that, there was about an hour break before the next group of performers, so the dj just spun stuff til then. b and kyoko left after that. after they left, somehow i became hiyori's cameraman. see, the thing is i don't mind takin' the pics, but at least have a digicam that shines a little red light or something when it's hella dark, ya know!? i had to take these pics from pure judgement. you get pretty good @ shootin' in complete darkness when you take like 30 pics!!! it was pretty warm in that place. like if ya danced for like 5 min, you couldn't dance anymore cuz it was way too hot. the next group that performed was a mc duo. really couldn't understand anything they were sayin'. then there was a reggae/hip hop girl/guy duo. they were pretty good. me, bein' the observant one, i predicted what happened next. 1. girl in 4" heels; 2. slippery floor; 3. she dropped one of her metal bracelets. so, takin' all these into consideration, it was only about 10 sec later that she would slip on her bracelet and almost bite it hard. luckily she recovered quite well and made most of us forgot that happened by the next set of dance moves.... for the final act, the dj made everyone in front of the dj, move to the stage. where i ended bein' situated was right in front of the next act. it was a 5-girl squad that were pretty good. sure they were scantily clad, had mad body, gyrated like crazy, they were in sync rather well. pretty much just chilled for the rest of the night. hiyori introduced me to the organizer and he ended up buyin' us a bottle of wine. as the night came to an end, rei started to bust out some cheerleadin' stuff. she was a cheerleadin' coach in canada. then all of the girls start doin' it. then all of start doin' these other gestures that i have no clue about. we finally got out of the club and decided to get some food. we tried this one udon place, but it was packed. we ended up at this soba place. got some sansai soba and hiyori ordered this inari soba. it was the first time i've seen this. it's inari, ya know the "footballs" with rice in them? well...instead of rice, they had soba noodles up in them with various other toppings such as ebi & wakame. it was kinda weird to cut the inari in half and see the noodles just fall out. kinda like in kill bill when gogo slashes that guy's stomach and all his guts come out. anyhow, after we ate, everyone went home except for rei, cuz she had to go this cheerleadin' competition in yoyogi. that's hardcore. i finally got home @ around 0800ish and crashed out.
slept til like 1500, made some lunch and then headed out to hamamatsucho to meet up with the sachiko and nobu for ryoko's bday party. while waitin' for nobu, was surprised to see lisa and ken. we then went to the other exit and met up with nori, yoshi, masa, daiki, yosuke and others. as we walked to takeshiba, the group got larger and larger. by the time we were in line, our group was around 30-35 heads!?! ken and lisa decided to grab some wendy's just before the line started to move. we had to call to tell them to hurry up. when they finally got back to the line, lisa was still chewin' her food! this ended up bein' the same boat that we had aki's bday party last summer but this time it was a lot better because there were more younger peeps and of course tons of girls wearin' yukatas. also, it was free beer!!! they even had these girls with kegs on their backs, refillin' everyone's cups! it was awesome. found out that it wasn't just ryoko's bday, but like 4 other girls'!! i swear, we must've kampai'd like every 2 min! another interestin' thing bout these peeps was that more than half the peeps all lived in australia. it started to drizzle a bit but by the time we got all of our stuff, it stopped. so of course nobu decided to have a toast for that. when we finally docked back @ da pier and started to make our way out, i ran into megu. she was there with her friends too. kind of a trip. well...we all walked back towards the station and this is where the crazy stuff starts happenin'. nobu and masa take off their shirts so in honor of q not bein' there, i had to yell at those guys, "put da bird away!" then yosuke decides to drop his pants and unfortunately it was @ the same time i was lookin' back. so after seein' that, masa decides to out do yosuke and decides to try to take off his own pants. man...these guys are crazy, yo! when we finally get to the station, ken and lisa decided to go home as well as a few other peeps. sachi then looks at me and i say, well...we can go to the nijikai for like an hour. so at this isakaya (i don't remember the name) we had about 30 (drunk) peeps. it kinda felt weird being the nosiest peeps there cuz it's usually the other way around. i'm always like, damn, these people are hella loud and obnoxious. felt kinda bad that we were so loud and all but hey, it's all good. there weren't that many people there anyways. anyhow, nobu and nori take over and get everything started. for some reason, they wanted me to say something. when i began talkin', they all stopped me and said, "no!!! eigo de!!" i was like damn! ok... as always, there were all the oohs and ahhs about how well my english is and shiet... from that point on, it starts to get a little blurry. somehow i remember tippin' over sachi's beer and while pourin' other peeps drinks, kinda was a little to da side. the food there wasn't bad. grubbed on some potato furai, daikon sarada, tamago yaki & karaage. kinda remember nori, gettin' me to come to this open table and askin' these 2 girls to come join us. at first, i was like, ummm...nori, i don't think this is gonna work...but when i sat down, it must've been like 3 seconds after nori asked them, the girls got their drinks and even brought a pitcher with them! i was like damn! that was too easy!! we chilled for a while and time was gettin' a little giri giri, so we all headed to the station together. ended up bein' on the same train as the other chiba peeps. finally got home around 0045 and crashed out shortly thereafter. it was a great time, met a lot of new peeps, drank a little too much and paid for it this mornin'.
group shot
group shot 2
3 alts and a japanese guy
hey nori, what are ya doin'!?
ryoko, azusa, nobu
masa da enlightened one
lisa & ken
another group shot
funny shot
funny shot 2
nori can never be straight in a pic!
da bday girl and me
came into work today and noticed that for 1st and 2nd period, the 8th graders have sports day practice = no 1st period class! then i see that durin' 3rd and 4th period, the 7th graders have practice = no 3rd & 4th period class!! however, my no class day turned into havin' one class with the 8th graders durin' 3rd period. but for half the time, they were takin' a test. went to eat lunch early with miura sensei. today i chose b lunch. it was a cheese filled chicken katsu sandwich and clam chowder. that ish was slammin'! i never get to go to lunch early cuz i always have class durin' 4th period. but it's totally different eatin' in the cafeteria with 10 ppl, compared to havin' the school inside there. i mean, it's like a difference of like 5C. sesaki sensei had his class to this one exercise outside that was really interestin'. it was like a trust exercise where the students would pair up, one blindfolded while the other led them, runnin' around the track. after that, he had all the girls except for two, and all the boys except for one, blindfolded and the non-blindfolded students would have to lead the whole team and follow sesaki sensei around the school grounds. he made them walk up slopes and thru tight places.
went grocery shoppin' then came home. watchin' my dorama right now and it's gettin' good...
kaz out...
happy birthday brandon (09.05)
da weekend
even tho the first 3 days of school wasn't that busy, wakin' up @ 0600 didn't agree with my body. playin' vball 3 days in a row after not playin' for about a month was quite taxin' on the body as well. after dinner @ ikko, went to cha cha for a drink, then went home and crashed out. woke up @ around 0800ish, went on da computer for a little bit, then went back to sleep. woke up around 1400ish, cooked lunch, then went back to sleep. finally got up around 2000, got ready and then headed out to roppongi. man, it was mad pourin' when i left. got a call from b, seein' if him and kyoko can come along tonite. we decided to meet up @ almond (the typical meetin' place in roppongi; it's the same as meetin' up @ hachiko in 'buya). i was surprised to hear that kyoko was in town. too bad the weather was terrible for the 2 weekends that she was here. finally met up with megu and then we headed to this italian place near b's old job. had some pizza, pasta and gnocchi. after that, we headed to the club where hiyori and her crew are performin'. we got there around 0000ish and since the performance doesn't start til 0130, we just chilled and got some drinks. after a while; kuri, takako & rei came thru. also met 2 more of hiyori's friends; eri and matsuko. i noticed that they had tantakatan, so i ordered it on the rocks, then they tell me that they don't have anymore. so i tell kyoko, um...i see the brand new bottle on the bar and they're tellin' me they don't got none....wtf!? so kyoko steps up and tells the bartender, um, you guys got some right here. had b try some and he liked it. sometime after that, we all did a tequila shot. the drinks there weren't that great. pretty weak and expensive at that! anyhow, the first act, an mc, was aite. even my japanese friends couldn't understand what he was sayin'. then it was hiyori's crew up. surprised to see that it was only 3 ppl. usually it's 5. anyhow, their beats were really good. a nice mix of new and old stuff. one girl in her group wasn't really into it. kinda just goin' thru the motions. as always, hiyori stood out. the next group was a 2-girl dance team. me and b agreed that these girls had slammin' bodies, like one girl had a straightup washboard, however, it would have been nice to at least see them smile a little. the next group, another 2-girl dance squad, had a nice routine. b liked them the best cuz they had a lot of "missy" flava to them. after that, there was about an hour break before the next group of performers, so the dj just spun stuff til then. b and kyoko left after that. after they left, somehow i became hiyori's cameraman. see, the thing is i don't mind takin' the pics, but at least have a digicam that shines a little red light or something when it's hella dark, ya know!? i had to take these pics from pure judgement. you get pretty good @ shootin' in complete darkness when you take like 30 pics!!! it was pretty warm in that place. like if ya danced for like 5 min, you couldn't dance anymore cuz it was way too hot. the next group that performed was a mc duo. really couldn't understand anything they were sayin'. then there was a reggae/hip hop girl/guy duo. they were pretty good. me, bein' the observant one, i predicted what happened next. 1. girl in 4" heels; 2. slippery floor; 3. she dropped one of her metal bracelets. so, takin' all these into consideration, it was only about 10 sec later that she would slip on her bracelet and almost bite it hard. luckily she recovered quite well and made most of us forgot that happened by the next set of dance moves.... for the final act, the dj made everyone in front of the dj, move to the stage. where i ended bein' situated was right in front of the next act. it was a 5-girl squad that were pretty good. sure they were scantily clad, had mad body, gyrated like crazy, they were in sync rather well. pretty much just chilled for the rest of the night. hiyori introduced me to the organizer and he ended up buyin' us a bottle of wine. as the night came to an end, rei started to bust out some cheerleadin' stuff. she was a cheerleadin' coach in canada. then all of the girls start doin' it. then all of start doin' these other gestures that i have no clue about. we finally got out of the club and decided to get some food. we tried this one udon place, but it was packed. we ended up at this soba place. got some sansai soba and hiyori ordered this inari soba. it was the first time i've seen this. it's inari, ya know the "footballs" with rice in them? well...instead of rice, they had soba noodles up in them with various other toppings such as ebi & wakame. it was kinda weird to cut the inari in half and see the noodles just fall out. kinda like in kill bill when gogo slashes that guy's stomach and all his guts come out. anyhow, after we ate, everyone went home except for rei, cuz she had to go this cheerleadin' competition in yoyogi. that's hardcore. i finally got home @ around 0800ish and crashed out.
slept til like 1500, made some lunch and then headed out to hamamatsucho to meet up with the sachiko and nobu for ryoko's bday party. while waitin' for nobu, was surprised to see lisa and ken. we then went to the other exit and met up with nori, yoshi, masa, daiki, yosuke and others. as we walked to takeshiba, the group got larger and larger. by the time we were in line, our group was around 30-35 heads!?! ken and lisa decided to grab some wendy's just before the line started to move. we had to call to tell them to hurry up. when they finally got back to the line, lisa was still chewin' her food! this ended up bein' the same boat that we had aki's bday party last summer but this time it was a lot better because there were more younger peeps and of course tons of girls wearin' yukatas. also, it was free beer!!! they even had these girls with kegs on their backs, refillin' everyone's cups! it was awesome. found out that it wasn't just ryoko's bday, but like 4 other girls'!! i swear, we must've kampai'd like every 2 min! another interestin' thing bout these peeps was that more than half the peeps all lived in australia. it started to drizzle a bit but by the time we got all of our stuff, it stopped. so of course nobu decided to have a toast for that. when we finally docked back @ da pier and started to make our way out, i ran into megu. she was there with her friends too. kind of a trip. well...we all walked back towards the station and this is where the crazy stuff starts happenin'. nobu and masa take off their shirts so in honor of q not bein' there, i had to yell at those guys, "put da bird away!" then yosuke decides to drop his pants and unfortunately it was @ the same time i was lookin' back. so after seein' that, masa decides to out do yosuke and decides to try to take off his own pants. man...these guys are crazy, yo! when we finally get to the station, ken and lisa decided to go home as well as a few other peeps. sachi then looks at me and i say, well...we can go to the nijikai for like an hour. so at this isakaya (i don't remember the name) we had about 30 (drunk) peeps. it kinda felt weird being the nosiest peeps there cuz it's usually the other way around. i'm always like, damn, these people are hella loud and obnoxious. felt kinda bad that we were so loud and all but hey, it's all good. there weren't that many people there anyways. anyhow, nobu and nori take over and get everything started. for some reason, they wanted me to say something. when i began talkin', they all stopped me and said, "no!!! eigo de!!" i was like damn! ok... as always, there were all the oohs and ahhs about how well my english is and shiet... from that point on, it starts to get a little blurry. somehow i remember tippin' over sachi's beer and while pourin' other peeps drinks, kinda was a little to da side. the food there wasn't bad. grubbed on some potato furai, daikon sarada, tamago yaki & karaage. kinda remember nori, gettin' me to come to this open table and askin' these 2 girls to come join us. at first, i was like, ummm...nori, i don't think this is gonna work...but when i sat down, it must've been like 3 seconds after nori asked them, the girls got their drinks and even brought a pitcher with them! i was like damn! that was too easy!! we chilled for a while and time was gettin' a little giri giri, so we all headed to the station together. ended up bein' on the same train as the other chiba peeps. finally got home around 0045 and crashed out shortly thereafter. it was a great time, met a lot of new peeps, drank a little too much and paid for it this mornin'.
group shot

group shot 2

3 alts and a japanese guy

hey nori, what are ya doin'!?

ryoko, azusa, nobu

masa da enlightened one

lisa & ken

another group shot

funny shot

funny shot 2

nori can never be straight in a pic!

da bday girl and me

came into work today and noticed that for 1st and 2nd period, the 8th graders have sports day practice = no 1st period class! then i see that durin' 3rd and 4th period, the 7th graders have practice = no 3rd & 4th period class!! however, my no class day turned into havin' one class with the 8th graders durin' 3rd period. but for half the time, they were takin' a test. went to eat lunch early with miura sensei. today i chose b lunch. it was a cheese filled chicken katsu sandwich and clam chowder. that ish was slammin'! i never get to go to lunch early cuz i always have class durin' 4th period. but it's totally different eatin' in the cafeteria with 10 ppl, compared to havin' the school inside there. i mean, it's like a difference of like 5C. sesaki sensei had his class to this one exercise outside that was really interestin'. it was like a trust exercise where the students would pair up, one blindfolded while the other led them, runnin' around the track. after that, he had all the girls except for two, and all the boys except for one, blindfolded and the non-blindfolded students would have to lead the whole team and follow sesaki sensei around the school grounds. he made them walk up slopes and thru tight places.
went grocery shoppin' then came home. watchin' my dorama right now and it's gettin' good...
kaz out...