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typhoon #18 is ravengin' thru japan and wreakin' havoc to anything that stands in its way with wind speeds of more than 60 m/s!!! 12m waves, cars got tipped over, trees uprooted and the shrine @ miyajima is got flooded!

in other news...


not sure how the heck i forgot to add this link before! yuta tabuse signs with the suns.

logitech comes out with its new laser mouse

the bible in legos!

the internet2 record was broken again. 859gb in 17min omg!?!?

had elementary school today and boy was it tough! havin' 5 classes and tryin' to control 170 kids takes a lot out of ya!!

on a side note, in okayama, a 9-year-old girl was murdered in her home after school. this kinda hit me a little hard today, seein' all my elementary school students. i couldn't imagine if something like that were to happen to them...

aite then, i'm off to bed.

kaz out...
