random stuff...
so they're closin' down the マツキヨ (matsumoto kiyoshi) in my hood. i've been goin' there ever since moving to 薬園台 but i guess things like this happen. sure seemed like they were doin' pretty well.
after their last game of the jhs career, we had a little shin dig @ the local 焼き肉 joint. here is the pic with my 3rd year girls from shibayama jhs and 宮本さん.

had aki's bday the past weekend. had a bbq @ a park near yoshi's hood. weather was great, had grubbin' food, saw yoshi's niece for the first time, played キャッチボール (catch ball = catch), checked out a 祭り (matsuri = festival) but unfortunately had a crazy headache (probably from drinking too many chu-hi's) and missed out on the fireworks.
here are some pics:

for more pics, check out gavin's flickr
- da breakdown of amd & ati @ anandtech
- OMG -- UT tn XLS @ txtng = ?
if you can figure out what that means, you must be in high school. for the translation, go here
- nintendo ds headset?

- nvidia quadro plex 1000

- The perfect man & the perfect woman
A perfect man and a perfect woman met in a perfect day.
After some perfect dates they had a perfect wedding.
One night on X-mas they drove there perfect car on a dangerous road, but suddenly they saw a man on the side of the road, and because they are perfect they stopped for him and they discovered that the man is Santa, and he is carrying a bag of gifts.
Santa got in the car and they drove away.
After a couple of minutes there was an accident and 2 of them died. Only the woman survived...
Why did the woman survive, you ask?... because the perfect man and Santa do not existent.
If you are a woman: Stop reading here.
If you are a man: If the perfect man and Santa do not exist, that means that the woman was driving and that explains the accident.
If you are a woman and you kept reading: You just proved that women won't listen!
after their last game of the jhs career, we had a little shin dig @ the local 焼き肉 joint. here is the pic with my 3rd year girls from shibayama jhs and 宮本さん.

had aki's bday the past weekend. had a bbq @ a park near yoshi's hood. weather was great, had grubbin' food, saw yoshi's niece for the first time, played キャッチボール (catch ball = catch), checked out a 祭り (matsuri = festival) but unfortunately had a crazy headache (probably from drinking too many chu-hi's) and missed out on the fireworks.
here are some pics:

for more pics, check out gavin's flickr
- da breakdown of amd & ati @ anandtech
- OMG -- UT tn XLS @ txtng = ?
if you can figure out what that means, you must be in high school. for the translation, go here
- nintendo ds headset?

- nvidia quadro plex 1000

- The perfect man & the perfect woman
A perfect man and a perfect woman met in a perfect day.
After some perfect dates they had a perfect wedding.
One night on X-mas they drove there perfect car on a dangerous road, but suddenly they saw a man on the side of the road, and because they are perfect they stopped for him and they discovered that the man is Santa, and he is carrying a bag of gifts.
Santa got in the car and they drove away.
After a couple of minutes there was an accident and 2 of them died. Only the woman survived...
Why did the woman survive, you ask?... because the perfect man and Santa do not existent.
If you are a woman: Stop reading here.
If you are a man: If the perfect man and Santa do not exist, that means that the woman was driving and that explains the accident.
If you are a woman and you kept reading: You just proved that women won't listen!