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火曜日, 8月 15, 2006 by kaz

so i moved again last weekend in the hot n muggy weather. thanks to some good friends, the move went quite smoothly and quickly. still need to take care of all da logistics that come with moving but should be able to with all this free time i have now. as for the place, it's a lot bigger (to hold all of my junk), have my own kitchen and closer to da station. also, with moving into my new place, i was able to set up my desktop box. now i have some more beats on my ipod as well as some videos that have been stored away for almost 5 months.

had dinner with my toita sensei, miyamoto-san and our 3rd year students and a few of their parents. it was good to hear what the girls' plans are ranging from high school and the future. they sure have grown up. kicked it with toita sensei for a bit afterwards and was able to catch up on things.

played bball competitively for the first time in months this past weekend. tho we had a pretty stacked team, it was just good to get bball back into my body after 2 months of only vball. being in vball shape and being in bball shape is like night and day with only maybe jumping being the only thing they share. runnin' and having body contact killed me. started to cramp up after only 3 games!?! my shot was way off (missed like 5 open layups) but i think i made it up in dishin' out da dimes and some decent d. brought ralph with me and was mildly surprised at his game for not playin in over 8 months. after ball, had da famous yakitori for dinner and then chilled and watched glory road, a pretty good bball movie. the next day, headed out to yokohama for rick & mika's hula show. tho we kinda missed rick's performance, the show itself was pretty koo. tons and tons of dancers with some traditional as well as more modern styles.

in other news:

- apple releases the mac pro & previews leopard.

- want to give a bday shout out to ben...is he 30 now!?!

more random stuff...

木曜日, 8月 03, 2006 by kaz

- dance dance revolution extreme freestyle
this gots to be an old vid cuz is ddr still popular??

Dance Dance Revolution Extreme Freestyle

- 50,000 dogs slaughtered in china
that's a lot of food wasted, no?

- check out youOS, a web-based (ajax) OS.

random stuff...

水曜日, 8月 02, 2006 by kaz

so they're closin' down the マツキヨ (matsumoto kiyoshi) in my hood. i've been goin' there ever since moving to 薬園台 but i guess things like this happen. sure seemed like they were doin' pretty well.

after their last game of the jhs career, we had a little shin dig @ the local 焼き肉 joint. here is the pic with my 3rd year girls from shibayama jhs and 宮本さん.

had aki's bday the past weekend. had a bbq @ a park near yoshi's hood. weather was great, had grubbin' food, saw yoshi's niece for the first time, played キャッチボール (catch ball = catch), checked out a 祭り (matsuri = festival) but unfortunately had a crazy headache (probably from drinking too many chu-hi's) and missed out on the fireworks.

here are some pics:

for more pics, check out gavin's flickr

- da breakdown of amd & ati @ anandtech

- OMG -- UT tn XLS @ txtng = ?

if you can figure out what that means, you must be in high school. for the translation, go here

- nintendo ds headset?

- nvidia quadro plex 1000

- The perfect man & the perfect woman

A perfect man and a perfect woman met in a perfect day.

After some perfect dates they had a perfect wedding.

One night on X-mas they drove there perfect car on a dangerous road, but suddenly they saw a man on the side of the road, and because they are perfect they stopped for him and they discovered that the man is Santa, and he is carrying a bag of gifts.

Santa got in the car and they drove away.

After a couple of minutes there was an accident and 2 of them died. Only the woman survived...

Why did the woman survive, you ask?... because the perfect man and Santa do not existent.

If you are a woman: Stop reading here.

If you are a man: If the perfect man and Santa do not exist, that means that the woman was driving and that explains the accident.

If you are a woman and you kept reading: You just proved that women won't listen!


yonsei from cali experiencing his roots in the land of the rising sun.


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