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a new method of discipline

since the weather has been really muggy lately and starting this past week we're able to use the brand new air conditioners in the classrooms, the 9th grade teacher threatened to turn off the a/c if they didn't become more active in class. i was surprised at how well the students reacted to the threat.

n.korea decides to test out some missles by aimin' them at japan. luckily they fell short by a few km. this is my very quote from the article
"an unidentified newspaper analyst as saying Pyongyang was prepared to answer a U.S. military attack with "a relentless annihilating strike and a nuclear war."

so italy beats germany with 2 goals in extra time. well...there goes my prediction of germany in da finals. now i'll be rootin' for portugal against france...

another tragic story in japan news is nakata's retirement from pro soccer.

big ben (not the stupid nfl qb who is lucky to be alive, but that's another story) signs with the bulls. keep an eye on this team, especially if they can trade chandler for pj brown. also keep an eye on: orlando, atlanta, charlotte & new orleans

kobayashi does it again, breakin' his own record of 53 1/2 hot dogs...
