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things have been goin' aite.

some stuff that i've been doing for the past 2 months or so:

- moved into a new place

here are pics of my empty place. it was a good 3 years...

- hung out with my big sis jamie and her friend aileen

- back to back hanami @ 代々木公園 & 薬園台公園

- went to the sakura city tulip festival, didn't know there were that many kinds of tulips

- grubbin' brazilian bbq for ikko's bday. saw ramos, the first brazilian to play in the japanese professional soccer league.

this was for ikko's belated bday/anniversary

this was for me findin' a job

the remains after gettin' run thru by aki

love me my chile wine...we killed about 3 bottles of this stuff

with ami, sho & joe.

sports day

- met up with jan & chester and had dinner w/yoshi, shizu, yoko @ this place in tsudanuma. afterwards, headed over to 茶茶 and had early morning sushi.

- one day while walking back to the station after work, as i passed thru the gates, i realized that i dropped my jacket somewhere on the way. when i retraced my steps, i saw my jacket on the bushes with an old man just waiting. he said he saw me drop my jacket and just walk away. so he picked it up and waited for me to return!?! crazy, huh? ain't no way that's happenin' back home...

- kicked it with gavin's friends for da first time out in tokyo. all of them went to cal state at some time so it was just a trip to talk bout all these local places with japanese ppl in japan of all places.

- a few weekends ago, junji had some extra tix to the vmaj's (mtv japan video music awards). it was interesting to finally see an awards show live rather than watchin' it on tv. the vibe was totally different. the highlights were: seein' amuro namie in person for the first time & watchin' koda kumi perform. probably the biggest thing was seein' the king of pop himself, m.jackson for the very first time. would've been koo to see him perform but oh well.

ami's bday

- eugene & satomi had their baby shower and satomi's mom came all the way from akita. she and her sisters made a huge feast and we grubbed on homemade pizza, various asparagus dishes (she brought 25 lbs. with her), danzu & botan mochi and of course, akita udon. there were a lot of kids there which made it a little loud but was good to hangout with all my "nephews".



  1. Blogger Thuy Says:

    Awesome! Finally an update. Good to see you're doing well. I'm headed out to France tomorrow morning. I'll post pics on my blog when I return and find time. I know you're one of the few "regulars" that read my blog.