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it is now the time where i hate the weather for about 4 months (from june -> sept) because of:

A. rainy season
where it rains almost every day for a whole month, makin' travelin' a real hassle

B. heat & humidity
i have no problems with heat (summers in sac that reached 110+) but the frickin' humidity. bein' from cali, there is not such thing as humidity.

C. typhoon season
wtf!?! it's just like rainy season but add in strong winds.

da nba draft is in less than 24 hrs. there aren't really big names in this year's draft which makes it even more interestin'. the current mock drafts are all over the board. add that to the drama of: jordan's new job with the bobcats, larry brown firing/thomas coaching, trade talks with names like: kg, ai, & matrix.

so the world cup is almost down do da elite 8 or quarterfinals. both japan and usa played like crap and didn't deserve to advance imho. did ya'll see the rugby match between portugal & holland? dat ish was crazy. i predict a germany vs. brazil final.

in closin', here's the results of a nation-wide poll of japanese men aged 18 to 30 which female celebrity they would want as a girlfriend.

til next time,

kaz out...
