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a misc update

it's friday the 13th...

had a bday dinner the other nite for ginpei and me. can't believe he's already 1 yrs. old now. has some grubbin' sushi from the local sushi joint and of course some: karaage and gobo kinpira. was koo to play around with shinba and even watch him play this naruto fightin'/puzzle game.

jodie foster is in japan now, promoting her new movie...flight something...flightplan...??? anyhow, they had this big 'ol event @ roppongi hills and even had a 20 ft., 10 ton replica of a plane. they also had all the security guards dressed as pilots...weird.

got this from a friend, an interestin' site bout the rise and fall of dave chapelle.

also, i would like to introduce the madden chronicles

in closin', a brand spankin' new, beautiful & powerful laptop, the new apple 15" intel dualcore macbook pro:

courtesy of apple.com

if only i had an extra 3k, this baby would be mine!! can't believe a friend of mine already ordered one! that bastard!!!


  1. Anonymous 匿名 Says:

    ey kev!! happy belated birthday!!

  2. Blogger kaz Says:

    thx stew! can ya believe it's been one year since joaquin & ya were here?

  3. Anonymous 匿名 Says:

    I know man! time is going by too fast!! I'm shooting for Sep as my arrival date! Like the cool pics of your trip too.