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man, it's been a pretty long week. yesterday, i had to meet with a city council man and discuss the city's english curriculum and answer questions concernin' my feelings with bein' an alt...all in japanese!?! luckily for me, it was in a small office and not in front of the whole city council. since i was downtown, a ran a few errands and did some shoppin'. on the way back home, i ran into tomoyo. pretty random. she's back now @ narita airport from workin' @ haneda airport. gonna have dinner and catch up one of these days.

well...the weather has gotten pretty cold these days with the lows for the next few days dippin' down to the 1-3 °C (for you celsius inclined ppl, that's bout 34-37 °F). however on monday the low is gonna hit the minus mark...

just got some そば焼酎 called 雲海 (when you're at the top of a mountain and the clouds are below you, the clouds look like an ocean) from sakaime sensei. gonna try it out this weekend...

in closin', here's the latest pic of my niece, maile!
