here are some pics from ikko's end of the year party:
my table setting
the sashimi (the far one on the left with ginger on top is whale!)
the various props/accessories for karaoke
hiratsuka sensei & mama
the layout of our room
mama rockin' da mic
maira (daughter) & kita (pops)
mama and me cheesin'
soon to be father, nakamura sensei
ezure san gettin' his mask on...
it's dancin' time
kobi san & yours truly
kumi chan
ezure san and ....ehhhh!!! kohiyama san
maira beltin' out another one of her enka songs! she's only in the 6th grade!
my big bro, sakamoto
double sakamoto in action: at the beginnin'...
double sakamoto in action: later...

6:31 午後
ahh... i only expecienced ikko once... but damn, i miss it.
2:45 午前
more of a reason to come back out here. trust me, it'll be much better. as long as you stay longer than 6 days...