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tgif, ポッキの日

i wish i could tgif but i can't since i have to work tomorrow. we have 授業参観, where the parents come to observe class.

today is ポッキの日, because the date; 11.11, resembles the fine japanese snack.

finally was able to get caught up on 24: season 2 after almost 3 years! hopefully i can finish it by this weekend. after that and firefly, gonna check out lost: season 1.

am a little sore from bball practice yesterday. i actually ran most of the practice with them. i was helpin' out the 7th graders on defense and tried to explain to them the proper ways of: defendin' the inbound, bumpin' the screen, help rotation, etc... at first they weren't really comprehendin' it, but when they actually executed it correctly, they prevented the startin' 5 from gettin' an easy shot.

my girls vball team is goin' to the chiba prefecture tournament. i wish them the best of luck.

til next time,

kaz out...
