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had the worst class of the 9th grade yesterday and had to regulate on them. they have absolutely no common sense at all. 不常識 it's one thing to sleep in class cuz you're not preventin' anyone else from learning. however, if you're havin' a conversation with another student from across the room, then i have a problem. imagine 5-6 different conversations goin' on at the same time when you're tryin' to explain something. had to bring up the whole, "are you really 9th graders? the 7th graders are more mature than you are" bit and they responded with, "we hear that a lot". so when i asked them if they were fine with that, they didn't say anything....

i usually have a really high tolerance and with the other grades i usually just joke around with them. but this class especially, i've had enough. this is just one of the reasons why this is my last year teaching...

