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it's been a quick week since it was a national holiday yesterday (文化の日). was able to get a lot of stuff done around da house.

we have part II of our computer trainin' today in a little bit. then i'm finally meetin' up with buddy hitoshi, who i haven't seen in like half a year.

finished up the dvd video of my school's chorus festival. not bad for my first idvd project. also updated my powerbook to 10.4.3 without any problems. after all of that, cleaned up my files/directories as well as my usb keychain.

no real plans this weekend but chill. i'm wonderin' if rick will be comin' back so i can pick up my games that my buddies made for me...

kaz out...

here's the latest pic i have of my niece, maile

fantasy sports wrap up:

- nfl
::::: prima league: tied for 1st., 7-1-0, 6 game winnin' streak
::::: public league: 1st., 6-1-1, 3 game winnin' streak

- nba
::::: diablo's league: 3rd place, 477.9 pts.
::::: back home league: tied for 1st., 60 pts.

in da news:

- xbox lounge opens up in japan
