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so, it seems as tho i'm gettin' some comment spams lately. just turned on word verification. so screw all you coment spammers!

in da news...

- not sure what s.jobs is gonna talk bout on 10.12, but rumors are sayin' a video ipod and/or upgraded powermacs and powerbooks.

- ntt docomo's prototype 4g service
Officials from NTT DoCoMo say the phones could receive data at 100 megabits per second on the move and at up to a gigabit per second while static. At this rate, an entire DVD could be downloaded within a minute.

- toyota brings out angled dual display gps

- 10.11: robo cafe to open in osaka

- for those of ya'll that have a 15" or 17" powerbook, here's whatcha need to span onto 2 screens

well...it's thursday and it's been a long week. had our city's annual teacher's conference yesterday. was able to gather quite a bit of information however not sure if it's gonna work with my school.

had dinner with megu last nite. went to this one french/italian place in funabashi. was pretty good and the owner is was pretty koo.

today was the speech contest. still waitin' to hear how my kids did. also curious bout my students from my previous schools.

UPDATE: just found out that my 9th grader placed 2nd in the speech contest! i thought his speech was a little short but we worked A LOT on it. just goes to show that hard work really pays off!

til next time...

kaz out


  1. Blogger Thuy Says:

    I had to turn that function on too. Damn spam crawlers are annoying. Their comment would have nothing to do with your post and would always have a link to their spamfest site. DIE SPAMMERS

  2. Blogger kaz Says:

    yah, DIE ALL SPAMMERS!!!