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a new addition, bday dinner, circus, wifi network, fantasy football, japan series

just want to announce
ronan wong
7.7 lbs, 22 in.
congrats to russ, arlene & bryson

so on fri nite, had 2 buddy's bday dinner @ sakura. good times, met one of da guys' old buddies. had way too much nihon shuu. almost got into a fight.

took chinami & ai to the circus on sunday morning. it was pretty interestin'. saw some things for the first time. can't believe they had a frickin' giraffe!?

finally set up my wifi network. had a little bit of problems but got it all worked out. tri also helped me get started on bittorrent stuff.

got lucky this past week. played hayame (da #1 in our league) but LT2, mcgahee & palmer didn't have good weeks.

the chiba lotte marines are now 2-0 against the hanshin tigers in the japan world series. tonite is game 3 @ hanshin.

not sure how this guy did it, but he got front row runnin' on a mac mini.
