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looking back

today is the 16 year anniversary of the loma prieta earthquake. on oct. 17th @ 1704, a 7.1 on the richter scale earthquake shook northern california for 15 seconds. at that time, game 3 of the battle of the bay world series was takin' place @ candlestick. i was playin' football outside w/my buddy jon. my father told me durin' previous earthquakes that he could see the ground move in wave-like manner. i never believed him cuz a: i never saw it before & b: i was always inside durin' all the other earthquakes. however, this earthquake was the first one i was outside. light posts were swayin', cars were jumpin' and yes, the street became rollin' waves. tho it only lasted a short amount of time, it seemed like it lasted forever. didn't realize how much damage it caused until i watched the news. one of the bay bridge sections collapsed and the a big portion of the 2 level cypress freeway structure became one. for the general population, sept 11th and dec 7th are days that everyone remembers. for me, oct. 17th is also a day that i will never forget.

in da news...

- rocky VI!?!

- the chiba lotte marines go to the japan series (japan's equivalent to the world series) for the first time in 31 years! they go up against the hanshin tigers.

da past week...

had a great time hanging out with a friend from back home. went 'round my hood and ended up in tokyo on da last day. it kinda sucked cuz the weather was rainy. discovered some grubbin' food in one of the shinjuku food courts as well as not to drink @ bars in nice hotels. another thing i learned was that i could be vegetarian if i really wanted to...however i don't "really" want to.

finally got to play madden '06. kicked b's @$$! there was a pretty big quake that occured that shaked b's place pretty well. ricky came over to kick it. we chilled and hit up the famous yakitori place. since da 15th to the end of the month, all the yakitori is 50% off!!! so we went nutz!!! 3 ppl = ¥7600, and that's after the 50% off!?! ate way too much but refused the ochazuke for the first time.

so, i'm officially in this high stakes nba fantasy league. currently there are 18 teams. draft if on da 29th. gonna be a fun & competitive season. won both my matchups in fantasy football.

kaz out...
