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in da news:

- pretty big (6.5) earthquake last nite. phone lines were tied up for like 15 min. luckily, nothin' fell. click here for more...

- da nba has a new dress code in effect

not sure why the players think this is such a big deal. it's not about race. it's part of their job. when the people who pay you tell you there's a dress code....what do you do? sure you can complain, but in the end, you gonna have to go thru with it, no? just my $0.02

- apple had 3 announcements
upgraded power macs (dual dual processors)
slightly upgraded powerbooks
new digital photo tool called aperture

all the teachers (includin' myself) had a 3 hr. computer trainin' yesterday. we gots a lot of new toys that i'm excited about using.
