back to reality, best yakitori, movies, mos burger, tiger & nano
as i check my tracker for this blog, i've noticed that i've gotten more hits durin' the time i was back home then after i did my trip entry. one would think that it would be the opposite but who knows. i saw a lot weird search entries that linked to my site. some stuff even goin' back to over a year!
so, been back in school for about a week now. kids haven't changed one bit. the 8th and 9th grade classes are still wack as before. the 7th grade classes were fun tho. this saturday is the school's sports day, so the kids have been practicin' like crazy this past week. unfortunately, since typhoon #14 came hit japan pretty hard, there hasn't been a lot of practice. today however the weather was pretty nice, so they did a "dress rehearsal". i stayed inside all day cuz it was way too hot to be outside for 3 hrs.
like every school before, the teachers all go out for drinkin' after sports day. however, this year (like my first year), かおる is havin' her bday party. i don't really mind as much not bein' able to go cuz the teachers at my new school are koo and all, but, we ain't as tight as my teachers from my previous schools. in japanese, we say しようがない = can't be helped.
after partyin' til 0900, crashed @ b's and went to eat some grubbin' yakitori.

since comin' back with over 30 movies, i decided to watch a few these past couple days. first movie i watched was elektra, starrin' jennifer garner. the movie had no weight to it. the story was unfinished and the dialogue kinda sucked. however, the fx were pretty good and havin' jennifer garner helps a lot. ratin' = 4/10.
next movie was the girl next door. starrin' a bunch of no names except for elisha cuthbert from 24. she really stole the show and gained a lot of pts.. in my book. this was a light hearted comedy that a little bit of everything. well paced & very funny. it was also a total bonus havin' sung hi lee in it. ratin' = 9/10.
another movie that i watched was team america. it was made by the creators of southpark. i thought it was a pretty funny movie, seein' as tho it was done with all puppets. i was sorta amazed of how they were able to move the puppets in ways that showed a lot of emotion. after hoolie let me listen to the soundtrack (which was hilarious) when i was back in sac, i was wonderin' when these songs would pop up in da movie. overall, a typical stone & parker comedy. ratin' = 7/10.
when i went to the grocery store the other day, i noticed that mos burger was under construction. i was shocked! couldn't believe they were closin!?! but, when i examined further, they weren't closin', they were remodelin'!!! it's gonna be a high end mos burger now and that means they're gonna have better stuff and more variety!!!
so, i finally broke down and installed osx 10.4, otherwise known as tiger. i must say, i do like the slightly new look and things seem to be runnin' a little bit faster. still importin' all my music/photos/files/etc... but i'm gonna try to keep it much more clean and organized. still need to fiddle with a lot of things and i'm pretty upset that my weather widget doesn't work.
::UPDATE:: got my weather widget fixed!

if ya'll haven't seen the new ipod nano, boy is it dope! i'm totally thinkin' about buyin' one now. when i went to the apple store in ginza yesterday, peeps were buyin' not 1, but like 2-4 of them!?! maybe this was a blessin' in disguise, but they sold out on the 4gb ones. guess i'm gonna have to wait, huh?
had dinner with lisa at this yakitori place in shinjuku. it was pretty good but not as good as da place near b's.
well, football season is right around the corner and that means fantasy football baby!!! should be really fun this year (our 3rd annual prima league that i organize) cuz we got some new blood to talk shiet to.
aite ya'll, have a good week.
kaz out...
as i check my tracker for this blog, i've noticed that i've gotten more hits durin' the time i was back home then after i did my trip entry. one would think that it would be the opposite but who knows. i saw a lot weird search entries that linked to my site. some stuff even goin' back to over a year!
so, been back in school for about a week now. kids haven't changed one bit. the 8th and 9th grade classes are still wack as before. the 7th grade classes were fun tho. this saturday is the school's sports day, so the kids have been practicin' like crazy this past week. unfortunately, since typhoon #14 came hit japan pretty hard, there hasn't been a lot of practice. today however the weather was pretty nice, so they did a "dress rehearsal". i stayed inside all day cuz it was way too hot to be outside for 3 hrs.
like every school before, the teachers all go out for drinkin' after sports day. however, this year (like my first year), かおる is havin' her bday party. i don't really mind as much not bein' able to go cuz the teachers at my new school are koo and all, but, we ain't as tight as my teachers from my previous schools. in japanese, we say しようがない = can't be helped.
after partyin' til 0900, crashed @ b's and went to eat some grubbin' yakitori.

since comin' back with over 30 movies, i decided to watch a few these past couple days. first movie i watched was elektra, starrin' jennifer garner. the movie had no weight to it. the story was unfinished and the dialogue kinda sucked. however, the fx were pretty good and havin' jennifer garner helps a lot. ratin' = 4/10.
next movie was the girl next door. starrin' a bunch of no names except for elisha cuthbert from 24. she really stole the show and gained a lot of pts.. in my book. this was a light hearted comedy that a little bit of everything. well paced & very funny. it was also a total bonus havin' sung hi lee in it. ratin' = 9/10.
another movie that i watched was team america. it was made by the creators of southpark. i thought it was a pretty funny movie, seein' as tho it was done with all puppets. i was sorta amazed of how they were able to move the puppets in ways that showed a lot of emotion. after hoolie let me listen to the soundtrack (which was hilarious) when i was back in sac, i was wonderin' when these songs would pop up in da movie. overall, a typical stone & parker comedy. ratin' = 7/10.
when i went to the grocery store the other day, i noticed that mos burger was under construction. i was shocked! couldn't believe they were closin!?! but, when i examined further, they weren't closin', they were remodelin'!!! it's gonna be a high end mos burger now and that means they're gonna have better stuff and more variety!!!
so, i finally broke down and installed osx 10.4, otherwise known as tiger. i must say, i do like the slightly new look and things seem to be runnin' a little bit faster. still importin' all my music/photos/files/etc... but i'm gonna try to keep it much more clean and organized. still need to fiddle with a lot of things and i'm pretty upset that my weather widget doesn't work.
::UPDATE:: got my weather widget fixed!

if ya'll haven't seen the new ipod nano, boy is it dope! i'm totally thinkin' about buyin' one now. when i went to the apple store in ginza yesterday, peeps were buyin' not 1, but like 2-4 of them!?! maybe this was a blessin' in disguise, but they sold out on the 4gb ones. guess i'm gonna have to wait, huh?
had dinner with lisa at this yakitori place in shinjuku. it was pretty good but not as good as da place near b's.
well, football season is right around the corner and that means fantasy football baby!!! should be really fun this year (our 3rd annual prima league that i organize) cuz we got some new blood to talk shiet to.
aite ya'll, have a good week.
kaz out...
4:25 午後
I decided I'm buying a nano. And a new powerbook. Word.