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dilemmas, good times, constant changes

man, i've been pretty bad with posts lately, huh? the weather has really been weird lately. it's been rainy, then hot, then cold, then rainy, then cold, then hot, etc.. today is pretty muggy. i'm always rushin' back to da teachers' a/c'd room.

so last week, i had my first nomikai with some teachers from my school. went to ちゃんこ鍋 place. the owner was is an ex-sumo and has appeared on tv numerous times and has tons of pics with all these famous people lining the walls. had some grubbin' 馬刺 as well as eatin' 小袋. it was great gettin' to know the teachers in a different atmosphere. found out a lot of interestin' things bout the teachers. definitely good times.

this past bball, there was about 27 guys and even 1 girl that showed up. had a better team this time around: sean, gardner (probably one of the best big man who can do it all, think karl malone), amlan, yo (the girl who not only was pretty good, but really, really cute!) and timo, our sixth man, who came later. we had 2 highlights for our team. the first: b was guardin' me and sean came to the high post, i give him an entry pass and then break around. sean hits me with a money give and go pass and then i take it to the hole. mike comes over to help and then i dish to gardner for the game winner. the second highlight: the score is 5-5 to 7. we work the ball around and i get the ball on top. yo comes around and i dish her the ball while screenin' both her man and my man. 2pt. 2-hand set shot off da glass for the game winner. afterwards, chilled @ rick's and finished watchin' some chappelle while grubbin' on pizza. sean came by and we all headed to roppongi. they went to see episode 3 while i headed home cuz i had to wake up early.

the next day, woke up bright n early to get ready for vball @ my old school. miyamoto san picked me up and we hit up mcdonald's for breakfast and then headed to the gym. maki, her older sister (whoah, she was pretty rocked out with 2 lip piercings, tongue piercing and some crazy ass hair), miyamoto's co worker's son came thru too. it was really good to see all my girls again. they improved a slight bit. for lunch we hit up this soba/udon place where they charged us 300円 more to change the set lunch from udon to soba. wtf!?!?! 教頭先生 treated us. we scrimmaged for 3 games, them winnin' the 1st but us winnin' the last 2. yoshida kun dropped by and it was good to catch up with him. went back to miyamoto san's house, took a shower and then went shoppin'. picked up some: unagi, yakitori, cake (it was his wife's bday) and of course some beer. chilled there, arm wrestled and watched empire strikes back. came home and crashed out. playin' vball for 7 hours and then drinkin' takes a toll on da body.

so tomorrow, i'm meetin' up with b and junji and we're gonna go see episode 3 @ roppongi hills. should be fun. aite then, i'm outtie!

kaz out....
