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change, spontaneousness, future

well...based on a lot of feedback, i've gone to a simpler template with less bells and whistles to hopefully correct some of the problems ya'll been havin'. let me know if you're still havin' probs, k?

chilled w/futagaki and noriko @ sala. good time to catch up with futagaki. it seems that noriko knows everyone at that place. hung out @ cha cha afterwards.

got up bright and early and went to go-karts @ kita senju wit da fellas. had the 2nd fastest lap time. rick beat me by 0.012 seconds. tried da new teriyaki chicken filet sandwich. went to korakuen, rode the super 80% drop roller coaster; that ish was intense. went to this high-tech onsen and chilled for like 6 hrs. had a grubbin' dinner there to boot.

not too many guys showed up for bball. my team was aite, too bad we had a black hole on da team. luckily craig only got to experience it for one game or he would've killed the guy. my offense sucked but due to how da team was formed, i had to be the bruce bowen and guard: nobu (aka. giNOBUli) and derrick (game like antoine walker). our team only won 1 game....

sean invited us over to da house for pizza. can't believe ryan is walkin' now!?! just seein' the whole family life in full effect made me think a lot bout da future. of course sean gave me the interrogation of what's goin' on in my life, and as always, i'm inspired to pick up my game.

went to rick's afterwards, chilled, and watched some of chappelle's show season 2.

well...my back is killin' me right now for some reason so i'm gonna home early. aite then, cya when i cya...

kaz out...
