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man, it was a pretty crazy past 3 days. on fri, met up with 和田先生, 吉川先生 and their 2 friends, also teachers, エミコ and アツコ. ended up goin' to this one place near tsutaya. it was a fun dinner and i got to learn more about relationships in japan from many different female perspectives.

the next day, slept in and then headed out to tokyo for rick's punk'd/surprise bday party. junji did some fantastic editin' (usin' final cut pro) and production work for last year's trip to 北海道. the plan was for me and b to show up at rick's while the past 2 weeks, everyone else flaked or was runnin' really late. come 1900, while i was upstairs with rick runnin' distractions so that b could let the guys in. we wanted to think of a way to surprise him somehow but what they (ko, scotty, junji, sean) ended up doin' was all crammin' into the toilet and b did his, "hey rick, you ran out of toilet paper!" rick, in a hopeless tone, "nooo....u didn't clog the toilet!?!" when rick went to open the door to the toilet, BAM! that foo jumped hella far back! guess ya'll had to have been there. anyhow, jt & bnose came thru a little bit after that. we ordered some pizza and snacked before startin' the premier of the video. junji even had a trailer for it, which, we watched each time when somebody arrived. we finally had all the peeps, - eug, cuz he had prior engagements, and we started the show. it came out even better than the time b and i got to see the premier of the premier. afterwards, we were just watchin' tv and decided to go out. i headed home cuz i had a big day ahead of me and couldn't imagine stayin' up all night and then go to a funeral.


met up with with kaoru's family @ 馬込沢駅 and then headed over the the funeral hall. signin' in was a little difficult cuz there were 3 different lines to give your 香典 and since i had kaoru's mom write my name on it (my friends from 浅草 know me by kazu/kazuo not kevin), i totally forgot that 田嶋 might not know my middle name, so kaoru fixed that for me. the beginnin' of the ceremony was pretty much the same, chantin', incense and what not. then 田嶋 said a few words and then we were all led into this huge hall where we did another round of incense. i then realized that this hall was where they do the actual cremating! man, i really didn't have to see all this. after that, we were led into a meetin' room where we had drinks and snacks. it was here when i got a chance to talk to chika, yuki, tomoko and meet tajima's son and family. it was kinda weird to talk to chika especially cuz it's been about 10 years since i've last seen her. she was surprised of my level of japanese.

after 'bout an 1.5 hrs, we went into this other room for the final part of the funeral. the passin' of the bones... this is why when i was young, my parents and other relatives said to never, ever pass food chopstick to chopstick because of this funeral tradition. you go in pairs and take these long chopsticks and then together, pick up the bones and place them into this urn-like thing. i'm kinda glad b gave me the little run down of what to expect cuz it would've been even more intense if i had no idea. after that, we all headed to this sushi restaurant for food. (around this time i got a email from sho, askin' if would like to have dinner with the fam) had some grubbin' sashimi, tenpura and sushi. first, a big bottle of the lower grade 久保田 came out, then a big bottle of the middle grade came out, then another bottle of the middle grade. kinda funny how they offered me 日本酒 at first and i politely refused (since i'm not too big of a fan anymore of 日本酒 that much anymore) but then katsuta san quickly reminded me that it was 久保田, so then i said, aite, koo! hook it up!! after chillin' for a bit, got a ride from kaoru's family back to the station and then headed home.

came home and then shower/changed and then headed over to makuhari to have dinner with my makuhari family. ami and sho got a new exchange student. this 20 yr. old korean american kid from virginia. mama hooked up a phatty/grubbin' feast as usual. didn't eat too much cuz i was still stuffed from the sushi. always good times with them. headed home and then crashed out.

i missed the pretty big earthquake last night @ around 0100ish. must've been that tired...

louis and marc are in town for a week, so we're tryin' to decide what to do. should be another crazy week....

aite, it's hot and muggy here now,

kaz out...
