木曜日, 6月 30, 2005 by kaz
motivation, pressure, comparing, gratitude first and foremost, wanna wish my big bro, brian, a happy 30th bday. damn, he's gettin' old. however he's still a bachelor, so any cute/intelligent/funny/sports lovin' girls out there lookin' for a: smart/funny/well established/sports fanatic? please leave your contact info in the comments and i'll set something up, k? not sure if it's the settin', the lesson or what, but to motivate the 9th students at my current school is next to impossible. there's really no interaction that takes place. it's always one-way. i hate comparin' but it just reminds me of how great my students last year were. sure they scored high on the tests, but i'm not askin' for much, just a little bit of life durin' class. i feel like i'm at a funeral, for realz! i know it hasn't even been a full 3 months yet, so i gotta give them time. the current weather ain't helpin' da situation either... there's been debates goin' on left and right bout which is better between the xbox360 and ps3. who's processor is more powerful, who's gpu is better, who has more options, etc. it's really hard to tell right now. this can be compared to the recent switch to intel that apple has done. we truly won't know until it's out and actually get a hands-on performance test. with the console systems, it's the games that make or break it. with one of the latest projections of the price of the ps3 $400, it's gonna be interestin' to see how microsoft markets it's xbox from now til the release of the ps3. with a preliminary sellin' point $300 for the xbox360, this round of the console wars might shift into ms' favor. we shall see... it was my 3rd time yokohama chinatown last night. as much as i proclaim that the japan navigation systems are the best in da world, ami's navigation system was pretty wack. sure it's old but even for japanese people, it's tough to understand which way they tell you to get turn and get off. as ami and mama would put it, "バカナビ!!!". when we eventually got to the restaurant, it was pretty nice. had our own private room. it was shanghai style food, so it was very light. we ordered the usual amount for 5 ppl and can u guess how much it cost??? k, back home, for how much we ate and the quality, it'd probably cost about $100. this came out to be a whoppin' 37,800円(about $350) !!!! as much as i tried to pay for some of it, papa, mama & ami said no. they really have taken great care of me over the years and i totally appreciate it. so in other news, it's lookin' like my school isn't the only that's gettin' broken into these days. 4 other schools have now and now for sure, i'm not leavin' anything of value at school anymore. nba draft just finished up the other day. with many surprises, comes great expectations. there's gonna be a lot of sleepers in this upcomin' fantasy season. what ya'll think of the warriors pickin' up ike diogu? learned an interestin' new word yesterday 除湿器which is a dehumidifier 7 years since havin' an interview and boy was it tough. i did so much research and consulted with many different people however when the rock was passed to me, i couldn't convert. all my big bros tell me that it's just the first game of the season. you're not goin' to be able to jump right in contribute. it's gonna take time and after a few games, you're gonna get a better understandin' of the game and become more natural. i tend to apply sports analogies to my life such as work, relationships, etc... well...i've rambled long enough. ya'll have a good week.
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火曜日, 6月 28, 2005 by kaz
man, it was pretty frickin' hot this past weekend. playin' vball for 4 hrs in a non a/c gym really sucked but was fun. got to meet one of ami's team members who's from atlanta. real bubbly personality. after that, headed over to 西船橋駅 to meet up with aya and atsuko. aya has been havin' some crazy bad luck lately. one bein' lockin' her keys in the car when she went to the gas station and just before meetin' up, droppin' her purse into the toilet. we headed over to odaiba to meet up with ricky, lou and marc. walked around a bit, had some grubbin' hokkaido ice cream and went to this dope sports store. they were also havin' this frog style summer festival. frog style is the little toys that i collect from the $1 machines. they had tons of stuff there. shirts, ties, yukatas, balloons and even books. i got the book that had the whole collection. after that, we drove over to komazawa to eat at kula. thought maki had that day off but she was there. so we just left the food up to her. highlights included: - finally got to meet shin - had some interestin' hawaiian pale ale - atsuko straight downed her first drink - lou goin' out of his comfort zone by orderin' a mango juice - the table next to ours had this big rat (tiny dog) that tried eatin' off rick's late we all barely made the last train home. hung out at cha cha afterwards with kawanaka san, the same guy that found my wallet. found out that he's a certified HALO (High Altitude Low Opening) parachuter. also found out that one of my other drinkin' friends passed away. he was young too, only in his early 30's. haven't seen him that much these past 9 months but last summer, we kicked it quite often. rest in peace... the next day, slept and got a call @ around noon. happened to be mama and she told me to come over for lunch. when i got to her place, there was a little party goin' on. mama, minoru, yasuko and minoru's niece and her husband. they just got married in taiwan a few days before and are now goin' to tochigi, so they stopped over in funabashi for a day to hang out. he's currently in med school @ oregon state and has been livin' there for about 15 years, so he's pretty americanized. she's japanese from japan but studied in america for a few years. since his level of japanese is limited, it was quite refreshin' to be able to speak in west coast english. yasuko was gettin' mad at me since she couldn't understand. she even hit me!?! so, mama calls sensei over and we all talk while watchin' the slideshow from their weddin'. since they had to catch the shinkansen to tochigi, they caught the bus which comes right in front of mama's apt. yasuko busted out a 10,000円 so sensei busted out 100円 to give to them. ken chan came later and we all just hung out, ate sushi and drank. headed home around 1500, got ready and headed out to ohanajaya where megu just moved into a new place and to celebrate her bday. got to meet a lot of new peeps. 2 girls from america, one girl from scotland and a bunch of japanese peeps. since it was a potluck temaki party, people brought various things to put in. this one dude, testu, brought some 大トロ, which is the highest grade of fatty tuna. i must say that megu's place is pretty dope. it's a pretty new apartment complex, but the inside is laid out well. all her kitchen appliances are brand new, full makeshift bar on the kitchen counter, lcd tv, slim form factor pc, nice furniture along with her 4 snowboards displayed on a wall. the only drawback is that it's a little far from the station. megu put me and this other guy, ito, to work by havin' us prepare the sushi rice. brought back memories of when my mom had my sister and i fan the rice. couldn't really get the 味 right, but it wasn't a big deal. after a long nite of fun, headed out @ around 2300 to catch the train. had to escort nao (lives near ikebukuro, 45 min) and ayumi (saitama, 1 1/2!?!) to the station cuz they were pretty drunk. had to keep them from walkin' into the street. another muggy day at school. didn't really have lessons cuz we just went over the midterms. honda sensei had me run the review in japanese. it's kinda koo how he makes me practice my japanese. i think it's a good way to show to the students that i'm tryin' hard at a foreign language even tho i make mistakes here and there. well...i hope the students see that. since all of the classrooms face the field as well as the gym, durin' class, we could hear and see all the students swimmin' durin' p.e. class. made the classes a bit hard to teach cuz i was constantly thinkin' of swimmin' in the nice cool water ;( it was a shortened schedule day cuz the teachers had counselor trainin' so durin' the afternoon, i stayed in the teachers' room. however today was a special day cuz it was the first day that we used the brand spankin' new a/c!!! man, it makes a total difference. i'm glad that the city finally put in da money and think about the teachers for a change. it's another hot and muggy day but i'm chillin' in da nice and cool teachers' room. headin' out early today for an interview. wish me luck. just wanted to thank: b, jt and rick for providin' me with some great information.
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金曜日, 6月 24, 2005 by kaz
man, the weather has been terrible these past days. since it's the start of the rainy season, there's more mold in the air which in turn means that my skin is really sensitive which results in these weird rashes that appear on my skin. game 7 of the nba finals...the first 7th game final since 1994. so who ya'll think is gonna win? i'm contemplatin' right now whether or not to drop some cash on a new digicam since mine broke and would probably cost a lot to fix. right now, i'm checkin' this panasonic lumix fx8. it's a pretty dope camera that also takes video in quicktime(vga res). i'm really diggin' the anit-shake mechanism that came out with the fx7 which is also present in the fx8. well...gotta a pretty busy weekend lined up so it should be fun. kaz out...
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月曜日, 6月 20, 2005 by kaz
man, it was a pretty crazy past 3 days. on fri, met up with 和田先生, 吉川先生 and their 2 friends, also teachers, エミコ and アツコ. ended up goin' to this one place near tsutaya. it was a fun dinner and i got to learn more about relationships in japan from many different female perspectives. the next day, slept in and then headed out to tokyo for rick's punk'd/surprise bday party. junji did some fantastic editin' (usin' final cut pro) and production work for last year's trip to 北海道. the plan was for me and b to show up at rick's while the past 2 weeks, everyone else flaked or was runnin' really late. come 1900, while i was upstairs with rick runnin' distractions so that b could let the guys in. we wanted to think of a way to surprise him somehow but what they (ko, scotty, junji, sean) ended up doin' was all crammin' into the toilet and b did his, "hey rick, you ran out of toilet paper!" rick, in a hopeless tone, "nooo....u didn't clog the toilet!?!" when rick went to open the door to the toilet, BAM! that foo jumped hella far back! guess ya'll had to have been there. anyhow, jt & bnose came thru a little bit after that. we ordered some pizza and snacked before startin' the premier of the video. junji even had a trailer for it, which, we watched each time when somebody arrived. we finally had all the peeps, - eug, cuz he had prior engagements, and we started the show. it came out even better than the time b and i got to see the premier of the premier. afterwards, we were just watchin' tv and decided to go out. i headed home cuz i had a big day ahead of me and couldn't imagine stayin' up all night and then go to a funeral. sunday met up with with kaoru's family @ 馬込沢駅 and then headed over the the funeral hall. signin' in was a little difficult cuz there were 3 different lines to give your 香典 and since i had kaoru's mom write my name on it (my friends from 浅草 know me by kazu/kazuo not kevin), i totally forgot that 田嶋 might not know my middle name, so kaoru fixed that for me. the beginnin' of the ceremony was pretty much the same, chantin', incense and what not. then 田嶋 said a few words and then we were all led into this huge hall where we did another round of incense. i then realized that this hall was where they do the actual cremating! man, i really didn't have to see all this. after that, we were led into a meetin' room where we had drinks and snacks. it was here when i got a chance to talk to chika, yuki, tomoko and meet tajima's son and family. it was kinda weird to talk to chika especially cuz it's been about 10 years since i've last seen her. she was surprised of my level of japanese. after 'bout an 1.5 hrs, we went into this other room for the final part of the funeral. the passin' of the bones... this is why when i was young, my parents and other relatives said to never, ever pass food chopstick to chopstick because of this funeral tradition. you go in pairs and take these long chopsticks and then together, pick up the bones and place them into this urn-like thing. i'm kinda glad b gave me the little run down of what to expect cuz it would've been even more intense if i had no idea. after that, we all headed to this sushi restaurant for food. (around this time i got a email from sho, askin' if would like to have dinner with the fam) had some grubbin' sashimi, tenpura and sushi. first, a big bottle of the lower grade 久保田 came out, then a big bottle of the middle grade came out, then another bottle of the middle grade. kinda funny how they offered me 日本酒 at first and i politely refused (since i'm not too big of a fan anymore of 日本酒 that much anymore) but then katsuta san quickly reminded me that it was 久保田, so then i said, aite, koo! hook it up!! after chillin' for a bit, got a ride from kaoru's family back to the station and then headed home. came home and then shower/changed and then headed over to makuhari to have dinner with my makuhari family. ami and sho got a new exchange student. this 20 yr. old korean american kid from virginia. mama hooked up a phatty/grubbin' feast as usual. didn't eat too much cuz i was still stuffed from the sushi. always good times with them. headed home and then crashed out. i missed the pretty big earthquake last night @ around 0100ish. must've been that tired... louis and marc are in town for a week, so we're tryin' to decide what to do. should be another crazy week.... aite, it's hot and muggy here now, kaz out...
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土曜日, 6月 18, 2005 by kaz
as of 0541 i officially joined the uncle club!!! let me introduce the newest addition to da fam: maile mie yamaguchi!! i'm finally uncle after waitin' x years!!!!thi as much as i am happy for this event, i feel sorry for my niece cuz she ain't gonna be able to date til she's in colllege!?! i'm not gonna be as strict as ross is, but i'm gonna be about a 2nd degree from that. so early warnings, don't even try to mess with my niece , aite!!! kaz out...
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木曜日, 6月 16, 2005 by kaz
here's another article detailin' the apple/intel relationship and it's future.an interestin' quote i picked up on one of the forums i frequent "the problem with america is stupidity. i'm not sayin' there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?"yet again a little lag on da update. so let's see what's been goin' on here in the past week... on friday, the weather was really crappy since the typhoon was coming thru. spent most of the practice coachin' the girls. the key point i taught them was how to roll of the pick 'n roll (p/r). the correct way & timin' of the roll and also to be ready for the pass by immediately extendin' their lead hand for a bounce pass. it's very rare that the p/r can be accomplished with a chest/overhead pass. another thing i taught them was to fake the chest/overhead pass before makin' the bounce pass. it's those little things that i think are normal but that's probably due to the fact that i had really good coachin' when i was younger. the hardest part is not gettin' them to do execute it cuz anyone can go thru the movements. but the hardest thing is to be able to communicate to and make them understand the reason for doin' those little things. and it's a joy to see that light go on in their heads when they realize how such a minute thing results in a totally different outcome. the main thing for the guyz is to work on their shot. you may say, umm....kev....ur probably the last person to teach shootin'. let alone free throw shootin'! well...like mr. jordan, he didn't develop a solid j til the middle/latter part of his career. i already have one kid who has drastically improved his ft% because i changed some minor things in his form. left practice a little early to meet up with lisa for dinner. i chose 広島お好み焼き cuz she's never had it before. so we went to the spot in 下北沢. luckily it wasn't too full, only a couple waitin' to be seated. after a few minutes, the guy next to lisa turns my way with a funny look...it turned out to be lloyd and his wife reiko!?!? of all places!! the bond that lloyd and lisa shared were that they went to rival high schools, lloyd - aragorn, lisa - burlingame. the funny thing is that lloyd graduated 14 years before she did!! they got seated before us and shortly thereafter we got seated right next to them at the counter. they only ordered 1 お好み焼き but forgettin' that i was with a girl and not da homies, i ordered 2 plus the sauteed scallops. even tho she can eat, she probably ate at most 3/4 of one, so i had to struggle to finish everything up. we tried to find a place to get ice cream but @ 2200, not too many places are open. we ended up at this sports cafe and had this banana chocolate cream cake which was more like a banana flavored fudge brownie. we chilled for a bit before catchin' the train home. since i was headin' to b's, we hopped on da 井の頭線, me gettin' off at 永福町 and her stayin' on til 吉祥寺. when i got to b's, sportscenter was on! espn motion doesn't even compare! afterwards, we played madden with the nfl europe teams. b gave me a run for my money, and at halftime, he was up 3-0. there must've been 4 3rd & long plays where i went to a shotgun formation and there was a bad snap, to make things worse, b always bring the house on 3rd down, so those 3 of those 4 plays were sacks while the other one was an interception!?! it was a total defensive game and i finally tied it with a minute to go. i was able to hold him and we went to ot. he won the toss but played totally reckless, 3 & out. i got the ball back and ran a wide variety of plays and got to the 25. went for the game winnin' fg (in madden, when it's a crucial fg, the controller starts to rumble to simulate your kicker's heartbeat) and it went straight thru the uprights!!! the next day, we chilled and then headed to lloyd's cuz b needed to get copies of lloyd's japan "thomas guide". we grabbed some kfc for all of us and then got on the train. so kfc has this new sandwich called the レドホットサンド which is pretty darn good. b had to take off early but i stayed for a bit to chill. it was koo to hangout with them. this was probably my first time really gettin' to know the both of them. lloyd's a lucky guy to have such a koo wife. they showed me pics of fuji rock, this big 3 day concert in 新潟. they've been goin' for the past 7 years! he was tellin' me this year's lineup and crown city rockers (formerly mission) is gonna perform! man, it looks like a lot of fun but not sure if i'm down with spendin' over 3万円 (over $300)... came back to funabashi and then headed over to 茶茶 to hang out with mama. i only meant to hangout for a little bit, but it turned out to be like 5 hours!!! the next day just chilled and did some laundry. 津田沼 and then got a call from 茶茶. mama for the time/place for masaaki's bday dinner. ended up meetin' at this 焼肉 near 習志野駅. it was pretty good. the 和牛 was off da hook!!! it was koo to see masaaki's new baby boy, 銀平 and play around with shimba. he is already gettin' an early start with the ladies as he made a friend with a girl that was next to our table. since it was a nice day, decided to walk all the way home. normal day at school. nothin' really new except that the 9th graders are back. didn't realize how much of a difference it makes durin' lunch time when they're not there or maybe i just chose the wrong lunch cuz the line was hella long! didn't go to practice because i had a dentist appt. i was totally surprised that he didn't have to scrape anything from my permanent retainer this time. after that, got a lot of errands done and went to bed early. the next day at school for bball/vball practice, instead of havin' a regular practice, we had to do プール掃除. so i helped the kids who were playin' more than cleanin'. the girls had to brush and sweep while the boys had to use buckets to empty out the pool. i did that for about 2 hours and then helped the 7th grade boys on the vball team. durin' the end of the practice, the guys and girls who were cleanin' the pool came back into the gym soakin' wet! that night, i decided to just grab a quick bite to eat and finish makin' the listenin' portion of the 8th and 9th mid-term tests at a coffee shop. went to the station, parked my bike and right as i was goin' to go to the gate, i realized that i didn't have my wallet in my pocket. i must've searched my pockets and my backpack like 20 times before retracin' my steps back home. then i searched my apartment again but no luck. so i decided to venture out and retrace my steps again. after searchin' for another 10 min or so, still...nothing. so as i came home (2nd time), i thought maybe i left my wallet at school (as you can see, i was gettin' really desperate here and tryin' to thing of the easiest way out of the situation) but not 3 min passed before my phone rings and it's 茶茶のママ tellin' me that 川中さん sent her an email sayin' that he found a 大切な物 that was mine. when she asked me if i lost/forgot anything, i first thought of my umbrella that i left there a few days before but then i realized she was talkin' bout my wallet. and was like, no way. all this transpired in about a 30 min time frame! so she told me to go the local 交番 and pick it up. after a long, drawn out questionin' with the police and fillin' out all this paperwork, i was able to get my wallet back with EVERYTHING inside. only in japan.... luckily the person i found was somebody i know, huh? as we say in japanese, 偶然. since it was around 2100, it was too late to go finish up the test, so i just went to 茶茶 and celebrated the findin' of my wallet with the crew. the next day, headed to 銀座 to go to the apple store. i inquired bout the education discount and they told me that i need a teacher's card w/picture id. hmm...i'm wonderin' if my visa would work cuz it does say "instructor" for the funabashi board of education... cuz i really don't want to have to pay full price for osx 10.4 tiger ($130) and ilife '05 ($80). with the education discount it comes out to a total of about $120. durin' this trip i got to see 2 30" cinema displays bein' spanned by a dual 2.7 powermac with final cut pro runnin'. omg!!! it was amazin'!!! not that i would probably ever need that my real estate, but it doesn't hurt to dream... after playin' around for about and hour there, headed over to 上野 and finished up the listenin' tests at a coffee shop. then i headed over to かおる's restaurant and chilled there talkin' with かおる n her pops. she closed up at 1930, then ヒデ came thru and went to eat some 焼き鳥 near 上野駅. while we were eatin', i got a call from a payphone and it was same lady with a funny japanese accent. after the initial greetin', she went to perfect english. it turned out to be my aunt jeanne, who's in japan now. i remember gettin' an email months ago about her and uncle fred comin' out, but never heard anything after that. since she was on a payphone, we got cut off like 4 times. they're in 京都 now but will be comin' back to 東京 today and will be leavin' back to hawaii on route to cali on sunday. since i'm free on saturday afternoon and will be in 東京, i'm gonna try to meet up with them. plus, they brought their granddaughter paige with them, so it'll be nice to see her too. back to dinner, since ヒデ has only been out of the country for business, he really has that itch to travel. i told him bout california and all the food and stuff to do there and him and かおる were totally stoked bout plannin' a trip there sometime with me as the tour guide ;b hopefully within the next 3 years they can go out to cali with me and take a super one week tour of da bay, la, and vegas! on day way home, my internal alarm clock worked to perfection, wakin' up just before 京成津田沼駅. back to school on thursday and had my first 9th grade class in over a week. man, this class was so dead. just askin' them a simple question (that i ask to the 7th graders), i didn't even get a response, just blank faces!?! on a side note, my visa is expirin' and when i looked at my passport, it says that the exp. date is the 19th of this month. so i called my boss and he had to scramble to get all the paperwork done and we went to the immigration office in chiba this mornin'. man, at the office, it must've been 80% filipinos there. it was probably the only place where i heard tagalog more than japanese. anyhow, what ya'll think bout the nba finals!? tied up, 2-2. gonna be interestin'...i say da spurs in 7. well...have vball & bball practice and then dinner with 和田先生 and 吉川先生 tonite. should be fun... also, gonna try to meet up with uncle fred, aunt jeanne and paige but now i found out that 田島's mother passed away and that the funeral is saturday. not sure if this is gonna overlap with the guyz' nite out tomorrow but we'll see. aite then, kaz out...
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木曜日, 6月 09, 2005 by kaz
well...i guess i was wrong about the whole apple/intel thing. here's an interestin' article describin' the whole situation. in other news... - japan becomes the first country to qualify for the 2k8 world cup in germany. they beat 北朝鮮 2-0. they even did it without 5 of their best players!! i just love it when japan beats 北朝鮮, 韓国 or 中国 in sports. - mike tyson has come up with another line that is almost as good as his one, "i'm gonna eat your children!" in his next fight with mcbride, he says, "I'm going to gut you like a fish!" ya gotta love tyson and his ego... - arod becomes the youngest player ever to hit 400 hr's.- detroit and san antonio in da finals. it's goin' to be a great series, pittin' the 2 best teams against each other. for all u miami fans who think that they should've been in da finals here's my rebuttle. wouldn't you want your team to be close to 100%? that way there are no excuses for losin'. miami could've ended the series but they didn't. no disrespect to d.wade (who is probably one of my favorite players in da league) but when he went down with an injury, did the other guys step up? NO! d.jones with 1 pt.!? it just goes to show you who the better team is. so...i've been puttin' a lot of time in my jumper these past weeks. this week i decided to work on probably my weakest point, the trey. i've taken a little different approach on my form for da shot. startin' from much lower than my regular j. so far, so good. should be ready for bball on da 3rd. on tues, went to 戸板先生's mom's place for dinner. she cooked up some major grub. it was the first time in a while that i felt my stomach @ 120%. took me 3x as long to bike home. i've also been playin' more of splinter cell: chaos theory. man, that game is awesome. it's nice to finally be able to hack computers. the story is gettin' twisted right now and i think the japanese are up to something. i really enjoyed the level at villa in hiroshima. they recreated the japanese style pretty well. also been playin' mlb 2k5. been tinkerin' with the sliders and even if they're set really high up, i'm still killin' the cpu with ease. my record is like 58-10. the only cat that i'm deficient in is k's. but it makes the pitchin' aspect more challengin'. every k i get, is totally earned. so, from yesterday, the 9th graders are in 広島 for their 修学旅行. here's a poem by a 広島 atomic bomb survivor. ちちをかえせ ははをかえせ としよりをかえせ こどもをかえせ わたしをかえせ わたしにつながる にんげんをかえせ にんげんの にんげんのよのあるかぎり くずれぬへいわを へいわをかえせ
wellz, i'm off to bball/vball practice now. kaz out...
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月曜日, 6月 06, 2005 by kaz
sup sup ya'll! it's been a week of crazy weather here in japan. it's hot & sunny, then rainy, then sunny, etc... it's a never endin' cycle that signals the start of 梅雨. also, we already have 台風 no. 4 bout to hit japan shortly. we also had like 4-5 earthquakes last week. from june - sept, the weather in japan sucks! so what does one do when it gets hot? go to the beach, of course! however, the beaches in japan suck too! you have to travel to the more remote places to get to a "real" beach. been frantically researchin' lately for flights home in august. talked to 智代 and she told me that it'll be cheaper for me to leave a little after da 15th cuz it's still お盆 time. it's lookin' like it's gonna be around $1300!?! oh well, ya do whatcha gotta do. last thursday, had dinner with 戸板先生 @ いっこ. was good to catch up & talk. mama even got a little personal and inquired 戸板先生 bout marriage and that she can introduce some nice peeps to her. kinda funny but mama has this way of pryin' that seems so innocent. gotta love her for that ;b saturday, chilled and headed out to 東京 to meet up with b & rick. we chilled and then we all had to bounce out cuz we all had evenin' plans. was kinda weird cuz when we first got to b's, the weather was nice but by the time we left, it started tomet up with tamawa and we tried this korean dish called "sangetan", which is this chicken like soup with rice and herbs. pretty darn good. then headed over to her version of いっこ which was very interestin'. first of all, which i should've knew in the first place, this place was hella nice! phatty bar, nice interior design as well as bein' real hip. she knew all the workers there as well as many of the customers. after just some home-made gelato, an irish coffee, glass of wine and a coffee, the damage came out to like $40!?! in da news - an interestin' article from wired about how actors want residuals when they do voice-overs for games. coders deserve a piece of the pie too!
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yonsei from cali experiencing his roots in the land of the rising sun.