sorry for da lack of updates. was sick and pretty busy.
please note: for those of you who haven't figured it out yet, that whenever you hold your mouse over the highlighted any of the japanese characters in my post, after a second, the romanization of it and maybe the meanin' will show up. give it a try, ya might like it ;b
in da news:
- i don't understand these financial technology analysts who think that the recent talks between apple and intel means that apple is goin' to use intel chips in their computers!? they do not understand how much development it'll take to transfer to x86. another statement they made was that apple is doin' this to put pressure on ibm because of they're laggin' on the 3ghz chips. that can partially be correct but now that ibm is developin' processors for the xbox 360, nintendo revolution as well as the sony ps3 (cell processor) one would have to think how much pressure a statement like that would affect ibm. apple's processors seem to have dropped to 4th on ibm's priority list. also, intel doesn't just make processors for pc's. it'll be interestin' to see what this turns out to be...
- ever wanted to destroy the planet? well here's how
the past 2 weeks
b finally got a new couch now, so now we can relax on play madden.
junji came by b's last, last weekend and we went to grub at this yakitori place around the corner...da bomb!!! after that, watched the punk'd video that junji almost done with.
the next day at school, we had an ex-national team vball player who is actually a mother of one of the boys from the bball team. got some major hip burns from divin'.
met up with suga-san at the usual korean bbq place. it was good to see ralph. haven't seen that cat in long time. it was good to catch up with him. after comin' back from china, now he's a frickin' grad student @ 東大 it was also good to see tak-kun. still not sure how we crammed like 12ppl in there. on da way home, saw 清水さん at the station and he invited me to go drink with him cuz he won @ pachinko. good times.
wasn't really feelin' to hot the next day. think i ate something bad from the night before. came home and slept from 1800 to 0600 the next day. had a tiny fever and also had to go to the alt meetin'. it was interestin' how my new boss ran the meetin'. it was longer than i expected and bein' sick didn't help the situation at all. came home and went to bed.
so there's this one 7th grader that cries at least once/day. the students say he's been doin' this ever since kindergarten. i can understand that, maybe even up til the 3rd grade, but not in 7th grade! maybe i'm missin' something but it sure takes a lot of you when you have a kid cryin' all throughout class.
on friday, headed out to tokyo to have our annual april/may birthday dinner @ さくら. we had about 10 guys (except for sean) there and we tried to order the bucket again but instead they gave us a huge jug instead. we went thru 2 1/2 of those. the owner's daughter was there this time and we all found out that she went to high school in ny and college in nj. it was surprisin' to see junji there, cuz he just came back from la on business (he got to go to e3!!!) and it was koo to see otake cuz it's crazy to hear a japanese speak with an british accent. the topic for the whole night was about the big norcal vs. socal bball game on sunday. rick was tryin' to get jt flustered by sayin' he was goin' to be a non-factor. however it was kinda funny to see rick not bein' able to say anything when i spoke up. he could only come up with, "umm...are you talkin' right now? what are you tryin' to say??" da norcal team concluded that eugene is gonna be da x-factor cuz we haven't seen him play in over 3 years. talkin' all dat shiet got all of us pumped up for sunday's festivities. oh yah, besides the pride involved, there's a little wager on da line too. loser has to wear da winners' gear, take a picture and buy lunch @ kua'aina.

april/may bday party @ さくら
the next day, da cable came and installed digital cable. now b has espn!!! since i was still feelin' ill, i just stayed at home while b went to work out. we headed to 幡ヶ谷 to meet up with da tashiros for dinner. went to this little 居酒屋. it's always fun to see and play with msey "nephew". it's understandable for him to spill a water glass but when b spilled a whole coke, man, that's inexcusable. misuzu took ryan home so sean wanted to check out this soul bar near his place. when we go in, there's nobody there except for the bartender. let me tell you, this guy has skills. not only was he the bartender, but he was the cook, the dj, the dishwasher, answered phones, etc. sean requested some tracks, some i knew, some i didn't. but the guy must've overheard us or something cuz he put on troop "spread my wings" (remix) and followed that up with ralph tresvant "sensitivity". man, it was crazy. we chilled there for bout an hour and called it a night.
next day, woke up early and headed out to 渋谷 to meet up with everyone. we got to the jordan court in 渋谷 about 15 min before it opened. was kinda nice cuz we were da only ones there. after warmin' up, the championship series started.

message from his airness

some funky lookin' hoops
format: best of 7 to 7. decidin' game, win by 2.
game 1: we were both stuck at 1-1 for like 10 min! good thing we didn't extend the game to 11. sf is up 6-5. la drives and kicks, i get screened which leaves ko open at da top. swish! 6-7, la takes game 1.
game 2: we were pretty devastated by da come from behind. so we made some adjustments. eugene (da japanese ben wallace) was gettin' way too many boards, both offensive and defensive. he was also rippin' everybody. sf wins game 2, 7-3.
game 3: sean and i started runnin' more pick & rolls. my shot started to warm up too. la has no chance. sf wins game 3, 7-4.
game 4: b & jt start contributin'. b almost takes out eugene on da drive. sean steps up and starts takin' it to da hole. sf wins game 4, 7-2.
game 5: b comes out of nowhere with 3 quick buckets on drives/spins to da hoop. jt hits a jumper. after jumpin' to a quick lead, we fall behind 5-6. then scotty starts crampin' up bad! we had to stop and i went to work on his cramps. i haven't seen someone cramp up this much for so long before. when i finished his calf, then his other foot started to cramp up. it must've taken like 20 min to work it out. so then we start the game back up. we take it out and sean then sinks a j. game tied 6-6. i get the ball on top, sean comes and sets a high pick on ko, so i go right and rick does this shaq fake pop up, so i step back and launch. nothin' but net!!! 8-6, sf wins da championship! 4-1.

da champs!

group shot with all my big bros

my bball card
kevin k. sakamoto #5 ¦ pos: pg
height: 162.6cm weight: 58kg
college: csus
draft: 2003 - 1st round
so now it's punishment time, b and jt bust out all their gear. sean comes out with these banners. since ko's son, hayato was there, he wanted to be in the picture, so sean gave him a nice little banner for him to hold. see below for the pic.

the punishment!!!
so we headed to kua'aina for lunch. after that, some peeps went home and some of us went to have some coffee. b and went back to the house and got ready for craig's second annual taco party. b left early to meet up with kyoko while i waited for rick to come over and we chilled before headin' out.
got to the place and waited for ralph and then we headed to the bar. see, this is was craig does. he rents out this bar where he knows the owner. he gets in back and starts whippin' out carnitas and fish tacos. when i told ralph bout havin' some real tacos, he was a little skeptical. but once i told him that craig is from la, that was instant credibility. the whole bball crew was there. al was behind da bar, whippin' up lime margaritas while all the other fellas were just chillin'. there was a lot of peeps there. got to meet some new peeps. man, it was nice to eat real tacos, real guacamole and pico de gallo. @ around 2100, we headed out.
back to work da next day and was pretty tired from da day before. since my stomach was still not totally stable yet, decided to take a break from vball and bball. had dinner with mama and we watched our monday nite tv program, tokyo friend park II.
on wed, had an alt seminar at my boss' old school. it was pretty much a social thing for the alts to get to know each other better. mostly hearin' them complainin' about this and that. but it was koo just to talk to these peeps who are from all around the world and how are views on things are very similar and very different. came home and made some gyoza. grubbin'!!!
i think im finally feelin' better. don't have these constant stomach aches anymore. it's been like a whole week. thank you god!
friday, we had 授業参観, which is when the parents come and observe a demonstration class. luckily i had 7th graders cuz the other grades are pretty uninspirin'. i was surprised to see so many parents. all in all it went really well. went to bball practice in da afternoon and am slowly seein' da kids actually execute what i told them to do. found out from the weekend before, for the spring tournament that our boys soccer team won 2nd and the girls vball team got 3rd.
got a call later that day from mama seein' if i was alrite. headed to いっこ and got to talk with chi mama for a bit. everyone asked me if i was aite which i was surprised to hear.
just chilled the next day, backin' up all my important files on my desktop cuz it's been actin' lately and play my mlb 2k5 career mode. headed over to いっこ and had dinner. 柴田 came thru with his wife. he just got back from korea and told me bout his experiences there. i didn't know he could speak korean. so our conversation consisted of: japanese, english and korean. i had to take 社長 home but only had to go halfway cuz it daughter came to meet him. came back and was given drinks from everybody. i sang this one korean song that surprised 柴田. i found out as i was leavin' that he paid for my whole dinner!? it was nice to go to いっこ on a saturday and see all da weekend folks cuz i rarely go since i'm usually in 東京.
all i did on sunday was sleep in, do more laundry, play some mlb 2k5, back up some more stuff, had dinner @ いっこ then went to 津田沼 for coffee and to study.
back to the grind at school. the same 8th grader that got me upset on my first class was actin' up again so i had to scold him again. i kinda got a little overupset (is that a word??) and my more country/blunt japanese came out which instantly silented the whole class. helped out my girls' vball team. man, bein' a coach is a lot of work man! havin' to hit like 500+ balls everyday takes a toll on your body. but my girls this year have such a different mentality than my girls from last year. they go ALL OUT for balls and they keep on makin' me push them a little more each time. some balls that i hit, i know instantly that it's way too far but somehow they're able to put it up.
the next day, ran both the vball and bball practice. my boys bball team needs a lot of work but they're slowly makin' some progress. my girls bball team is good in practice, but when it comes to games they can't execute. gonna need to spend more time with them.
today i had my medical check-up. this year, like 2 years ago, it was 99% females!!! i found out some interestin' changes in my vitals. my height is the same, 162.6 cm. (5'4") which is the same. however, my weight dropped down to 58 kg. (about 127 lbs.) which is about 18 lbs. lighter than when i first arrived in japan. maybe it's a combination of bein' sick for a week last week and playin' vball & bball almost everyday and eatin' a whole lot healthier.
aite then yallz, i'll try to keep the updates more frequent.
kaz out...
please note: for those of you who haven't figured it out yet, that whenever you hold your mouse over the highlighted any of the japanese characters in my post, after a second, the romanization of it and maybe the meanin' will show up. give it a try, ya might like it ;b
in da news:
- i don't understand these financial technology analysts who think that the recent talks between apple and intel means that apple is goin' to use intel chips in their computers!? they do not understand how much development it'll take to transfer to x86. another statement they made was that apple is doin' this to put pressure on ibm because of they're laggin' on the 3ghz chips. that can partially be correct but now that ibm is developin' processors for the xbox 360, nintendo revolution as well as the sony ps3 (cell processor) one would have to think how much pressure a statement like that would affect ibm. apple's processors seem to have dropped to 4th on ibm's priority list. also, intel doesn't just make processors for pc's. it'll be interestin' to see what this turns out to be...
- ever wanted to destroy the planet? well here's how
the past 2 weeks
b finally got a new couch now, so now we can relax on play madden.
junji came by b's last, last weekend and we went to grub at this yakitori place around the corner...da bomb!!! after that, watched the punk'd video that junji almost done with.
the next day at school, we had an ex-national team vball player who is actually a mother of one of the boys from the bball team. got some major hip burns from divin'.
met up with suga-san at the usual korean bbq place. it was good to see ralph. haven't seen that cat in long time. it was good to catch up with him. after comin' back from china, now he's a frickin' grad student @ 東大 it was also good to see tak-kun. still not sure how we crammed like 12ppl in there. on da way home, saw 清水さん at the station and he invited me to go drink with him cuz he won @ pachinko. good times.
wasn't really feelin' to hot the next day. think i ate something bad from the night before. came home and slept from 1800 to 0600 the next day. had a tiny fever and also had to go to the alt meetin'. it was interestin' how my new boss ran the meetin'. it was longer than i expected and bein' sick didn't help the situation at all. came home and went to bed.
so there's this one 7th grader that cries at least once/day. the students say he's been doin' this ever since kindergarten. i can understand that, maybe even up til the 3rd grade, but not in 7th grade! maybe i'm missin' something but it sure takes a lot of you when you have a kid cryin' all throughout class.
on friday, headed out to tokyo to have our annual april/may birthday dinner @ さくら. we had about 10 guys (except for sean) there and we tried to order the bucket again but instead they gave us a huge jug instead. we went thru 2 1/2 of those. the owner's daughter was there this time and we all found out that she went to high school in ny and college in nj. it was surprisin' to see junji there, cuz he just came back from la on business (he got to go to e3!!!) and it was koo to see otake cuz it's crazy to hear a japanese speak with an british accent. the topic for the whole night was about the big norcal vs. socal bball game on sunday. rick was tryin' to get jt flustered by sayin' he was goin' to be a non-factor. however it was kinda funny to see rick not bein' able to say anything when i spoke up. he could only come up with, "umm...are you talkin' right now? what are you tryin' to say??" da norcal team concluded that eugene is gonna be da x-factor cuz we haven't seen him play in over 3 years. talkin' all dat shiet got all of us pumped up for sunday's festivities. oh yah, besides the pride involved, there's a little wager on da line too. loser has to wear da winners' gear, take a picture and buy lunch @ kua'aina.

april/may bday party @ さくら
the next day, da cable came and installed digital cable. now b has espn!!! since i was still feelin' ill, i just stayed at home while b went to work out. we headed to 幡ヶ谷 to meet up with da tashiros for dinner. went to this little 居酒屋. it's always fun to see and play with msey "nephew". it's understandable for him to spill a water glass but when b spilled a whole coke, man, that's inexcusable. misuzu took ryan home so sean wanted to check out this soul bar near his place. when we go in, there's nobody there except for the bartender. let me tell you, this guy has skills. not only was he the bartender, but he was the cook, the dj, the dishwasher, answered phones, etc. sean requested some tracks, some i knew, some i didn't. but the guy must've overheard us or something cuz he put on troop "spread my wings" (remix) and followed that up with ralph tresvant "sensitivity". man, it was crazy. we chilled there for bout an hour and called it a night.
next day, woke up early and headed out to 渋谷 to meet up with everyone. we got to the jordan court in 渋谷 about 15 min before it opened. was kinda nice cuz we were da only ones there. after warmin' up, the championship series started.

message from his airness

some funky lookin' hoops
format: best of 7 to 7. decidin' game, win by 2.
game 1: we were both stuck at 1-1 for like 10 min! good thing we didn't extend the game to 11. sf is up 6-5. la drives and kicks, i get screened which leaves ko open at da top. swish! 6-7, la takes game 1.
game 2: we were pretty devastated by da come from behind. so we made some adjustments. eugene (da japanese ben wallace) was gettin' way too many boards, both offensive and defensive. he was also rippin' everybody. sf wins game 2, 7-3.
game 3: sean and i started runnin' more pick & rolls. my shot started to warm up too. la has no chance. sf wins game 3, 7-4.
game 4: b & jt start contributin'. b almost takes out eugene on da drive. sean steps up and starts takin' it to da hole. sf wins game 4, 7-2.
game 5: b comes out of nowhere with 3 quick buckets on drives/spins to da hoop. jt hits a jumper. after jumpin' to a quick lead, we fall behind 5-6. then scotty starts crampin' up bad! we had to stop and i went to work on his cramps. i haven't seen someone cramp up this much for so long before. when i finished his calf, then his other foot started to cramp up. it must've taken like 20 min to work it out. so then we start the game back up. we take it out and sean then sinks a j. game tied 6-6. i get the ball on top, sean comes and sets a high pick on ko, so i go right and rick does this shaq fake pop up, so i step back and launch. nothin' but net!!! 8-6, sf wins da championship! 4-1.

da champs!

group shot with all my big bros

my bball card
kevin k. sakamoto #5 ¦ pos: pg
height: 162.6cm weight: 58kg
college: csus
draft: 2003 - 1st round
so now it's punishment time, b and jt bust out all their gear. sean comes out with these banners. since ko's son, hayato was there, he wanted to be in the picture, so sean gave him a nice little banner for him to hold. see below for the pic.

the punishment!!!
so we headed to kua'aina for lunch. after that, some peeps went home and some of us went to have some coffee. b and went back to the house and got ready for craig's second annual taco party. b left early to meet up with kyoko while i waited for rick to come over and we chilled before headin' out.
got to the place and waited for ralph and then we headed to the bar. see, this is was craig does. he rents out this bar where he knows the owner. he gets in back and starts whippin' out carnitas and fish tacos. when i told ralph bout havin' some real tacos, he was a little skeptical. but once i told him that craig is from la, that was instant credibility. the whole bball crew was there. al was behind da bar, whippin' up lime margaritas while all the other fellas were just chillin'. there was a lot of peeps there. got to meet some new peeps. man, it was nice to eat real tacos, real guacamole and pico de gallo. @ around 2100, we headed out.
back to work da next day and was pretty tired from da day before. since my stomach was still not totally stable yet, decided to take a break from vball and bball. had dinner with mama and we watched our monday nite tv program, tokyo friend park II.
on wed, had an alt seminar at my boss' old school. it was pretty much a social thing for the alts to get to know each other better. mostly hearin' them complainin' about this and that. but it was koo just to talk to these peeps who are from all around the world and how are views on things are very similar and very different. came home and made some gyoza. grubbin'!!!
i think im finally feelin' better. don't have these constant stomach aches anymore. it's been like a whole week. thank you god!
friday, we had 授業参観, which is when the parents come and observe a demonstration class. luckily i had 7th graders cuz the other grades are pretty uninspirin'. i was surprised to see so many parents. all in all it went really well. went to bball practice in da afternoon and am slowly seein' da kids actually execute what i told them to do. found out from the weekend before, for the spring tournament that our boys soccer team won 2nd and the girls vball team got 3rd.
got a call later that day from mama seein' if i was alrite. headed to いっこ and got to talk with chi mama for a bit. everyone asked me if i was aite which i was surprised to hear.
just chilled the next day, backin' up all my important files on my desktop cuz it's been actin' lately and play my mlb 2k5 career mode. headed over to いっこ and had dinner. 柴田 came thru with his wife. he just got back from korea and told me bout his experiences there. i didn't know he could speak korean. so our conversation consisted of: japanese, english and korean. i had to take 社長 home but only had to go halfway cuz it daughter came to meet him. came back and was given drinks from everybody. i sang this one korean song that surprised 柴田. i found out as i was leavin' that he paid for my whole dinner!? it was nice to go to いっこ on a saturday and see all da weekend folks cuz i rarely go since i'm usually in 東京.
all i did on sunday was sleep in, do more laundry, play some mlb 2k5, back up some more stuff, had dinner @ いっこ then went to 津田沼 for coffee and to study.
back to the grind at school. the same 8th grader that got me upset on my first class was actin' up again so i had to scold him again. i kinda got a little overupset (is that a word??) and my more country/blunt japanese came out which instantly silented the whole class. helped out my girls' vball team. man, bein' a coach is a lot of work man! havin' to hit like 500+ balls everyday takes a toll on your body. but my girls this year have such a different mentality than my girls from last year. they go ALL OUT for balls and they keep on makin' me push them a little more each time. some balls that i hit, i know instantly that it's way too far but somehow they're able to put it up.
the next day, ran both the vball and bball practice. my boys bball team needs a lot of work but they're slowly makin' some progress. my girls bball team is good in practice, but when it comes to games they can't execute. gonna need to spend more time with them.
today i had my medical check-up. this year, like 2 years ago, it was 99% females!!! i found out some interestin' changes in my vitals. my height is the same, 162.6 cm. (5'4") which is the same. however, my weight dropped down to 58 kg. (about 127 lbs.) which is about 18 lbs. lighter than when i first arrived in japan. maybe it's a combination of bein' sick for a week last week and playin' vball & bball almost everyday and eatin' a whole lot healthier.
aite then yallz, i'll try to keep the updates more frequent.
kaz out...