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so tiger came out 2 weeks ago and i'm kinda ponderin' whether to drop the money down to get it. most ppl that i've talked to say that it's dope. well...we'll see if there's any left over cash after my next paycheck. hmm.... 13,000円 is a little steep...

as for the weekend, headed over to 江ノ島 w/tamawa. went to the aquarium there and saw a real live ほっけ, which is one of my favorite grilled fish. after that, we headed over to 湘南 (shonan) which is like a beach town area in 神奈川県 (kanagawa-ken). it reminded me of santa cruz/newport beach because of all the surfers and boardwalk like atmosphere. headed to this hawaiian themed curry place. it had an awesome view with cute waitresses in mumus ;b after that, headed over to 鎌倉 (kamakura) and picked up some mother's day gifts.

pretty much chilled the next day and headed over to いっこ to have dinner and give mama her gifts. tons of ppl came thru to bring her flowers, plants, etc. she gave a free beer to everyone who brought something. after that, headed over to my 2nd mama's place and chilled there for a bit.

next mornin', called my real mother and also spoke to my sis. i left a message with my mother #2. headed to school and it was the first day of school lunch for me. we had curry but it wasn't all that. now after 2 days of school lunch, i'm not that impressed ;(

after lunch, i was surprised to see that there are 2 a/c's in the teachers' room. holy crap!!! this is huge!!! when summertime comes around, i'll be able to chill in the comfort of the teachers' room and use my pb. this is great!!!

durin' 5th period yesterday, we had a hiroshima bomb survivor come in and talk to the 9th graders because their school trip is to hiroshima. they're the first 9th graders in funabashi to go somewhere other than kyoto/nara. everyone should go to the hiroshima peace memorial. it's a life changin' experience.

aite, time to for bball practice.

kaz out...
