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man, was this a long week!

classes were ok this week. had the students' job projects tody i learned quite a lot about blood types and relationships. out of the top 10, the type b male highest rankin' was 7th and that was with another type b. however, the out of the top 10 worst rankings, type b was ranked 2 times!

vball this week went ok. didn't really have time to work on everything they need for this weekend, but a little something is better than nothin' i guess. i got to see for the first time the handin' out of the uniforms today which was kinda koo. it's like a mini ceremony. especially when the 3 7th graders were chosen. the 7th graders have grown (ability wise) so much from the first day. i'm spikin' at them durin' drills now at about 80%. a big jump from startin' off @ like 20%. since it's been cold and the air's been dry and also from about 300 balls i hit everyday @ practice, i split some of the skin on my hittin' hand. it's kinda like a papercut but good thing it doesn't hurt as much as one.

been manually updatin' the rosters for nba 2k5. would be so much easier if i had xbox live... i'm done with all the pg's and sg's. gonna finish up the sf's, pf's, and c's tonite hopefully. as for the game, by far the best they put out in terms of true bball simulation. some of the player movements make me feel like i'm watchin' a real game. especially with the half time and end game highlights. the association mode (franchise mode) is interestin' cuz you can be the coach and set the number of shots a player takes, what kind of shots as well as def strategy for each player, all with highlights. if you want to play the game yourself you can do that too. i still haven't even tried out 24/7 mode yet. will probably start that up in the new year.

speakin' of the new year, man, it's just around the corner! i can't believe how fast this year went by. i'm almost on 2 years bein' in japan and i must say it has totally been more than i expected. livin' totally independent has also been a life changin' experience. who knows how much longer i'm gonna be livin' out here. tho i'm asked when i'll be returnin' to da states for good, i can't really answer. my only reply is: "at least another 3 more years" is that crazy? life in japan has been great. thanks to the peeps i knew before comin' here and all the new "family" and friends i've made in the past 18.5 months. as for the next time i'll be comin' back to visit...it looks as tho i might be back in august. i'll be sure in a few months.

well...got a pretty busy weekend with bball and the annual xmas party with the nikkei crew. should be fun.

aite then,

kaz out...
