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and 1

b's friend matt who works as kazuhisa ishii's assistant, came back to japan and hooked us up with tix to and 1 in odaiba.

went to meet up with b and this girl wendy who is in japan visitin'. she kinda looked familiar but i couldn't put my finger on it. come to find out that she went to sac state and was a sac kings royal court dancer! we had a lot of mutual acquaintences but i don't think we ever formally met.

when we got to the arena, they had outdoor courts and there were just tons and tons of peeps everywhere. called up lisa to see where she was at and she came by to say hi. didn't notice her @ first cuz she was head-to-toe in streetball gear. shorts must've been down to her ankles and shirt to her knees. matt, matt's g/f, jimmy & caroline came by and we got in line. we had some ok seats at first, but then moved closer afterwards.

the program started @ 1700, but it was mainly "hip-hop" and reggae performances. i think i should rather say "rap", "jrap" or "hip-pop" instead. i now know why i don't even bother to listen to japanese rap cuz first of all, they have no concept of a mic, cuz they can't even enunciate their words. secondly, they just look funny tryin' to imitate the american style and lastly, they just suck!!!

the first act was: by some group who didn't have it together. i don't care if your the younger brother of the most famous rapper in japan. u still gotsa have skills. ya know what i'm sayin'??

the second act was this reggae duo which reminded me of yu and his friends. i kinda thought yu and his friends were way better. for one set, this reggae dancer came out for a solo performance. that's when all the and 1 guys got their cameras out. this girl did this thing, man, i never seen it done before. then, as wendy put it, the japanese shaggy came out with his harem of girls. wendy, bein' a professional dancer, was just in awe watchin' this performance while me and b kept on sayin' daaayaaammmm!!!! i kinda felt bad for the parents who brought their kids to watch bball but instead had to be subjected to this smut. then this duo came out to rap but...yeah...if they would just not scream into the mic, it would be a lot better. plus they went a little overboard on the sound fx. by this time, it's been almost an hour and everyone wanted to get the game on. i came for and 1, not a frickin' concert!?!

so finally the game got on, they introduced all the japanese guys and then the and 1 team. man, the japanese think the professor is a god!!! this was my first time seein' and 1 live. durin' warmups, the and 1 team ripped the net from all the dunkin'.

i think one of the most shockin' things i saw was this girl holdin' up a sign that said, "i love you AO, f@#k me!!!" the game was koo, one of the japanese guys did pretty well. he even stole the ball from ao. there were some crazy alley-oops but i must say that i don't know how the pharmacist does it, cuz he's kinda big, but he's frickin' quick and gots mad handles. spyder's vert is so high, he'd hurt his knee on the rim if he wante too.

afterwards, we went to eat @ kua aina (my first time). it wasn't bad but it's not even close to the one in waimea. we walked around a bit and then i headed home.

here are some pics from and1 & some more pics from halloween. enjoy!

kaz out...
