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ichiro meter

hits: 256
record: 257
games to go: 3

typhoon #21

so typhoon #21 swept thru kyushu on monday then came thru kanto on tuesday evenin' thru late wednesday night.

let me just tell you how hard it is to ride a bike, with an umbrella in a typhoon. a bike ride that usually only takes me 8 min, turned into a 25 min adventure!

got the 9th grade listenin' test done and utsumi sensei cracked me up with this bell he had to make the students fill in the missin' phrase.

had a feast @ ikko: katsuo sashimi, saba shioyaki & miso shiryu. there was this interestin' quiz show on called "time shock", so mama decided to bring out her little memory quiz. she wrote down 10 random things and showed it to us for like 30 sec. she then took it away and gave us paper to write down what we could remember. kohiyama san was able to remember everything (he was also on the front page of this small but nationally circulated newspaper), kita san did ok, while sensei couldn't do it. i got all of them right after havin' them explain to me first the kanji i couldn't read.

came home and watched lost in translation. it was kinda koo to be able to recognize a lot of the places in the movie. it portrayed the gaijin experience in japan very well. the movie was ok, i was kinda expectin' something different.

thurs: first round of finals

got the listenin' test for the 7th and 8th graders done. also, finally finished checkin' the 8th graders' summer diaries. i also got my network connection fixed, so i've been online for most of the day.

got to go home early. kinda nice to go home before it gets dark. came home and took a nap then cooked dinner.

d/l'd and installed xp sp2. also started up my fantasy nba league.

fri: round 2 of finals, community service

another day of finals; science, music & industrial sciences. after finals, we had an all school cleanin' of the neighborhood. started out with sekiguchi sensei's class, then moved onto kuwada sensei's class and finally with nagai-chan and fujishiro-chan.

had vball practice for a little bit after that. today was also team pics and toita sensei told me to get in the picture. that felt really nice...

news & links

- futuremark releases its 3dmark05 test

- da sims 2 sold over 1 million units in 10 days

- palm releases its latest version of it's os, cobalt 6.1

- ibm claims it's bluegene/l computer is the fastest in the world, comin' in @ 36teraflops! it now takes over japan's nec earth simulator

- ati's r500(.90 micron) will be used in the next xbox

- latest article tamawa wrote

- for you sims fans out there, jcpenny's is sellin' the sims2 for only $21.99 (use code WELOCT4 during checkout). the catch is that it's gonna take 2 weeks to ship...can u wait?
