man, not sure why all my neighbors are doin' their remodelin'/renovations now. 2 houses are gettin' their exteriors done which means the sounds of scaffolds bein' put together is quite annoyin'. and the house in the front of my apt is gettin' torn down, so the sounds of a crane is irritatin'.
since i'm home durin' the mornin' & afternoon these past 2 weeks, i get the brunt of the pandemonium.
saturday: edogawa hanabi taikai
thanks to nakamura sensei and tamaki chan for tyin' my obi for me. edogawa's fireworks were a lot better than last year's sumidagawa's.
since it was still early, meg wanted to meet mama, so we headed back to my hood. it's so much more convenient to kick it in east tokyo. it's quick and easy to get back home. partyin' in shibuya/shinjuku/roppongi is a hassle man.
after droppin' her off @ the station, headed to serenade to say hi and asada san came thru. we then headed to cha cha. i still can't picture him and yumi chan as husband and wife. anyhow, asada san did some of his magic with one of these jietai san (japan's self defense force). then everyone brought out their magic tricks. learned a few new tricks from asada san.
walkin' a few km and goin' up and down hills in getas resulted in this sharp pain in my ankle that i still have...
sunday: vball team party
for lunch, mama had the whole "family" over for lunch. it was good to see some peeps that i haven't seen in a bit. mama made some grubbin' mazu gohan and chi mama made her famous tenpura.
later that evenin', the parents of the 9th graders from the vball team had a party to thank the coaches. we went to a sushi place and i got to meet some of the parents for the first time. it's quite amazin' how much the girls resemble their mother/father. the coaches (toita sensei, miyamoto san, last year's kyoto sensei and i) got gifts from the parents. toita sensei had gifts for everyone, rangin' from pan and fruit. we all picked numbers and the received the corresponding prize. miyamoto san got the booby prize which was goya (a bitter vegetable).
on the way to the nijikai (after party), i saw some of my elementary school students. they were comin' back from a matsuri and some of them were wearin' yukatas. i was shocked to see that many of them had cell phones, wtf!?!?
@ the nijikai, maki's parents came. maki's mom is filipino and can rock da mic!!! most of the time i was chattin' it up with rena's dad. he's the one that lived in iran and sf. so for karaoke, it was women (team usagi = rabbit) vs. men (team tanuki = raccoon dog). rena and emi's mothers were makin' sure that everyone was gettin' drunk. surprised that miyamoto san could sing so well. plus, not sleepin' for 36 hrs, i think he did a good job hangin' in til the end. for a sunday night, we partied til 0100! can't believe that these parents can party so hard. totally different than my last year's school's parents.
well...gotta get ready to go have dinner with my senpai @ tsudanuma. yet another day of drinkin'...
kaz out...
man, not sure why all my neighbors are doin' their remodelin'/renovations now. 2 houses are gettin' their exteriors done which means the sounds of scaffolds bein' put together is quite annoyin'. and the house in the front of my apt is gettin' torn down, so the sounds of a crane is irritatin'.
since i'm home durin' the mornin' & afternoon these past 2 weeks, i get the brunt of the pandemonium.
saturday: edogawa hanabi taikai
thanks to nakamura sensei and tamaki chan for tyin' my obi for me. edogawa's fireworks were a lot better than last year's sumidagawa's.
since it was still early, meg wanted to meet mama, so we headed back to my hood. it's so much more convenient to kick it in east tokyo. it's quick and easy to get back home. partyin' in shibuya/shinjuku/roppongi is a hassle man.
after droppin' her off @ the station, headed to serenade to say hi and asada san came thru. we then headed to cha cha. i still can't picture him and yumi chan as husband and wife. anyhow, asada san did some of his magic with one of these jietai san (japan's self defense force). then everyone brought out their magic tricks. learned a few new tricks from asada san.
walkin' a few km and goin' up and down hills in getas resulted in this sharp pain in my ankle that i still have...
sunday: vball team party
for lunch, mama had the whole "family" over for lunch. it was good to see some peeps that i haven't seen in a bit. mama made some grubbin' mazu gohan and chi mama made her famous tenpura.
later that evenin', the parents of the 9th graders from the vball team had a party to thank the coaches. we went to a sushi place and i got to meet some of the parents for the first time. it's quite amazin' how much the girls resemble their mother/father. the coaches (toita sensei, miyamoto san, last year's kyoto sensei and i) got gifts from the parents. toita sensei had gifts for everyone, rangin' from pan and fruit. we all picked numbers and the received the corresponding prize. miyamoto san got the booby prize which was goya (a bitter vegetable).
on the way to the nijikai (after party), i saw some of my elementary school students. they were comin' back from a matsuri and some of them were wearin' yukatas. i was shocked to see that many of them had cell phones, wtf!?!?
@ the nijikai, maki's parents came. maki's mom is filipino and can rock da mic!!! most of the time i was chattin' it up with rena's dad. he's the one that lived in iran and sf. so for karaoke, it was women (team usagi = rabbit) vs. men (team tanuki = raccoon dog). rena and emi's mothers were makin' sure that everyone was gettin' drunk. surprised that miyamoto san could sing so well. plus, not sleepin' for 36 hrs, i think he did a good job hangin' in til the end. for a sunday night, we partied til 0100! can't believe that these parents can party so hard. totally different than my last year's school's parents.
well...gotta get ready to go have dinner with my senpai @ tsudanuma. yet another day of drinkin'...
kaz out...