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月曜日, 8月 30, 2004 by kaz

japan olympic update

kin = 16
gin =
do =

so the olympics have come to a close with japan finishin' 5th in gold medals. they got upgraded to a gold medal cuz adrian annus of hungary refused to take another drug test.

can't believe the us men's bball team lost. but hey, it was the us men's bball team and not the dream team!

in japan, there's typhoon #16 comin' thru kyushu right now and it's wreakin' havoc! it's not even close to where i'm at, but the winds lately have been pretty strong.

watchin' shingo kattori on tv right now. the program is all in english and it explores all this stuff about american and japanese culture. they even have a george bush look-a-like. it's funny how they portray "bush" as a stupid idiot. he keeps on sayin' to be sure to vote on 11.02, even tho the japanese ppl can't vote. there's also these short skits about japanese stereotypes which is hilarious. i'm really surprised on how well his english is. in one of the interviews, i learned that over 50% louis vuitton's global sales comes from japan. they even localize some of their styles especially for the japanese. kinda crazy, huh?

日曜日, 8月 29, 2004 by kaz


japan olympic update

kin = 15
gin =
do =

so...it's been a chill week. got my speech done for the international relations association.

on friday, went to shibuya to meet up with bsato, to give him some stuff before he took off back to cali. found out he's gonna be in nippon for another week. supposed to go to some party next week. while we were chillin' @ hachiko, one of his friends came by, so we chatted for a bit then i headed back home. so when it comes down to it, i pretty much went all the way to tokyo for nothin'...oh well...shoganai.

pretty much all that's on tv now is the olympics and the high school baseball national championships. today was the championship game. the team from hokkaido won it all. the first ever for a school from hokkaido.

played bball for da first time in like 4 months w/da guyz. man, i'm rusty. missed way too many layups. but da dimes were there, as always. went to azabu juban matsuri yesterday. went there last year with tri and aki to meet up with yu. but last year, we were off to da side. didn't dare go into the main street. but this year we did...and boy, it was the most crowded place i've ever been to. but we got to eat what we came for: roasted corn, buttered potato and grilled steak. we then headed over to see b's friend sing and then met up with cyndi and then headed to tamawa's friend's chinese restaurant for some drinks and some more food. after that, b and cyndi went home so tamawa and i headed over to this english pub for a drink. man, that place had way too many gaijins, felt like i was in london or something. the whole place was like 98% gaijin. even the bartenders. we just got a pint of guiness and chatted on the balcony til it was time for me to catch my train. on the way home, i was fortunate to get a seat. i woke up halfway home and noticed that all these people that were standin' up in front of me were gone. i looked around and saw the reason why. man, somebody threw up on the floor about 3m away from me. yuck!?! stopped off @ chacha to chat with mama there. had a little bit to drink and some spicy food she fried up. we tried to find this one song that i heard when i first came to japan 12 years ago by this popular band but we couldn't find it.

had speech practice on monday and was surprised on how well takaoka chan's pronunciation was. for some reason, sekiguchi sensei had her pronouncin' "dreamed" as "dreh-med". i think takaoka chan has a good chance in gettin' top 3.

played vbal for the first time this month. we had a joint practice with minato jhs. we did drills for the whole 4 hours. practiced usin' a high school (regulation) ball with rie and yukino.

had my speech for the funabashi international relations association. saw some of the past exchange students that came to hayward: nao, emi, akiko and masako as well as the 2 students goin' next month. also saw pretty much all of my father's friends there. the first speech was given by this one lady from the tokyo american center. she did a presentation about american holidays and their origins. next up was me and then we had a california style lunch headed by atsuko san. noticed that mikie came, along with several of her english club peeps. durin' lunch break, i saw the principal from my jhs. i also noticed there were a lot of 20-30's people outside. i then saw 2 teachers from my elementary school. they were pretty shocked to see me there. they were there for trainin'. after lunch, masako did her presentation with a lot of photos that she has taken, many of some famous entertainers. i couldn't really remember masako, who was an exchange student almost 10 years ago. all i gotta say was wow! she's really pretty!! after that, we had a guy who went to csuh and is an alt now. then we had this symposium which i had no idea that i'd be a part of. probably the 2nd person from the floor that posed a question was none other than my father's friend tajima. he asked about what the motivation for kids these days to learn english and he brought up his first experience of english way back durin' the occupation when he asked the soldiers, "give me chocolate!" after that was over, we hung around a bit and talked then some of us went to have some snacks and drinks at this coffee shop across the street from bunka hall. found out that emi lives in hatagaya, which is where i play bball. her place is only about a 5 min walk away from there. on my way home, got a call from cha cha mama, and she asked i wanted to go to torikatsu, where her son works to have drinks and some food. she said that mi-chan is goin' to, so i couldn't turn it down. it's always a good time to drink and chat it up with her. i met some of mama's friends there and one of them was a movie aficionado. we chopped it up about all kinds of genres and everything. this guy knew his stuff. anyhow...afterwards, we went next door for some karaoke and things start to get a little fuzzy from that point on...

had the final speech practice before the contest. got to hear the 7th graders as well as the other 9th grader. got to talk with miura sensei a bit and i also noticed that we got this new computer and color copier! man, the new desktop is dope! dvd-rw and everything!!

so i'm watchin' the rhythmic gymnastics and i now know where the street ballers get some of their moves from. some of the girls have mad handles yo!!!

da speech contest went ok. none of my students won this year. however one of my old students got third place. had lunch with nakamura sensei, found out that he got married last week. after the contest, takahashi sensei and i went to get a drink afterwards. it was good to catch up. seemed like old times...

went out to daijingushita, to meet up with b & q @ nobu's place. went there, met some new peeps, ate some grubbin' food and got a little tipsy. nori & yoshi came thru as well as sachiko. b was sellin' his kicks @ liquidated prices, so i came up on some iverson's for about $9!!!

just lounged the next day and made a phatty lunch for myself. homemade gyoza, nira tamago sandwich, natto & tomato salad. grubbin'!!! then headed out to roppongi hills to meet up with tamawa to go watch fahrenheit 9/11. i really don't think the japanese can fully understand this movie. @ most of the jokes, there were only about 10 ppl in the theater that laughed and they were all foreigners. not much of a popcorn fan, but roppongi hills cinemas have some off da hook popcorn. afterwards, headed to eat mexican food...yes mexican food. i was a little skeptical @ first, but since tamawa lived in la for 7 years, she knows what good mexican food should taste like, so i trusted her. man, all i gotta say was that the chimichanga was off da heezy!!!

after walkin' her home, headed to shibuya to meet up with b. it's his last night to party in tokyo before headin' back home after 4 long years in japan. his buddies from london were here on tour dj'in drum & bass, but i wasn't really feelin' the music nor the scened that much. so after b took off, q and i headed to harlem courtey of yuko. unfortunately, as we got to the vip area, she and her friend were leavin', sayin' that we took too long. wtf!? but all in all, it was good to relax and listen to some descent music. listenin' to drum and bass for 2 hours is kinda wack, imho. after comin' up on some umbrellas, we headed home. but @ shibuya station, q was gettin' hella mad cuz all deez peeps were hittin' his umbrella. guess ya'll had to be there to truly appreciate that scene.

came home (took about 1 1/2 hours) and crashed out!

so...i only have 3 more days left of my summer vacation. there wasn't anything fun and excitin' that i did, for example travel, but in other aspects, the summer has treated me very, very well...

金曜日, 8月 20, 2004 by kaz

olympic update

kin - 9
gin - 4
do - 2

currently ranked 5th in total medal count.

so...i've been feelin' a little ill since yesterday. it's kinda feels like the early stages of da flu. been takin' medicine and eatin' healthy, hopefully it subsides by tomorrow.

i'm surprised on how well japan is doin' this olympics. durin' some highlights last night, sensei and i were goin' at. he would rub it in when japan won and i would when da usa won. as you can probably see, i had more opportunities. even mama, started to sing the star spangled banner which got sensei really mad.

well...gotta go do some laundry, cut my hair and make some lunch.

kaz out...

火曜日, 8月 17, 2004 by kaz

man, got word from my buddy b, that durin' hoops this past saturday, the one and only mca of da beastie boys came out. happens to be one of the guy's we play with friend! man, i can't believe i didn't go play ball...

by kaz

olympic update

kin: 5
gin: 1
do: 1

c'grats to the japan team for winnin' the team competition in gymnastics! tomita did this one release move that was crizzy (an ode to marian for that word, i hope i used it in the right context)

i must've seen the medal winners' highlights like 50 times. they play the shiet out of it on like every station.

well, gonna go cook up my supper now.

aite then,

kaz out...

月曜日, 8月 16, 2004 by kaz

well the olympics have got underway. this is my second time watchin' the olympics from japan, the first bein' durin' the '92 barcelona olympics.

anyhow...japan has gotten off to a rather good start. of course, 3 of those medals have come in judo...

kin: 4
gin: 1
do: 0

in japan durin' the olympics, it gets pretty hectic. everywhere you go, you'll find the olympics. the even have special events or places to watch....usually put on by the hometown of the specific olympian.

it was kinda interestin' to see the men's soccer team get in a little scuffle with italy.

well...it was actually cold last night. cold enough that i wore pants and sweatshirt!

some koo stuff

- ever try to walk home while intoxicated??? well here's a game to check out, minus the hangover! i only got 88. how far can ya'll get???

月曜日, 8月 09, 2004 by kaz

a question of ethics

so...japan wins the asian cup soccer tournament championship by beatin' china, 3-1, in beijing. throughout the tournament, the chinese fans booed durin' the playin' of the japan national anthem. ok...i understand that japan has done some terrible things to china in the past, but come on. burnin' the japan flag and breakin' one of the windows of a japanese diplomat's transport. it reminded me of the anti-america actions in iraq. how civilized is china?? and they're hostin' the 2k8 olympics??? from the point of view of an american, i kinda lost a little respect for china...

by kaz


man, not sure why all my neighbors are doin' their remodelin'/renovations now. 2 houses are gettin' their exteriors done which means the sounds of scaffolds bein' put together is quite annoyin'. and the house in the front of my apt is gettin' torn down, so the sounds of a crane is irritatin'.

since i'm home durin' the mornin' & afternoon these past 2 weeks, i get the brunt of the pandemonium.

saturday: edogawa hanabi taikai

thanks to nakamura sensei and tamaki chan for tyin' my obi for me. edogawa's fireworks were a lot better than last year's sumidagawa's.

since it was still early, meg wanted to meet mama, so we headed back to my hood. it's so much more convenient to kick it in east tokyo. it's quick and easy to get back home. partyin' in shibuya/shinjuku/roppongi is a hassle man.

after droppin' her off @ the station, headed to serenade to say hi and asada san came thru. we then headed to cha cha. i still can't picture him and yumi chan as husband and wife. anyhow, asada san did some of his magic with one of these jietai san (japan's self defense force). then everyone brought out their magic tricks. learned a few new tricks from asada san.

walkin' a few km and goin' up and down hills in getas resulted in this sharp pain in my ankle that i still have...

sunday: vball team party

for lunch, mama had the whole "family" over for lunch. it was good to see some peeps that i haven't seen in a bit. mama made some grubbin' mazu gohan and chi mama made her famous tenpura.

later that evenin', the parents of the 9th graders from the vball team had a party to thank the coaches. we went to a sushi place and i got to meet some of the parents for the first time. it's quite amazin' how much the girls resemble their mother/father. the coaches (toita sensei, miyamoto san, last year's kyoto sensei and i) got gifts from the parents. toita sensei had gifts for everyone, rangin' from pan and fruit. we all picked numbers and the received the corresponding prize. miyamoto san got the booby prize which was goya (a bitter vegetable).

on the way to the nijikai (after party), i saw some of my elementary school students. they were comin' back from a matsuri and some of them were wearin' yukatas. i was shocked to see that many of them had cell phones, wtf!?!?

@ the nijikai, maki's parents came. maki's mom is filipino and can rock da mic!!! most of the time i was chattin' it up with rena's dad. he's the one that lived in iran and sf. so for karaoke, it was women (team usagi = rabbit) vs. men (team tanuki = raccoon dog). rena and emi's mothers were makin' sure that everyone was gettin' drunk. surprised that miyamoto san could sing so well. plus, not sleepin' for 36 hrs, i think he did a good job hangin' in til the end. for a sunday night, we partied til 0100! can't believe that these parents can party so hard. totally different than my last year's school's parents.

well...gotta get ready to go have dinner with my senpai @ tsudanuma. yet another day of drinkin'...

kaz out...

日曜日, 8月 08, 2004 by kaz

Rick James
February 1, 1948 - August 6, 2004

金曜日, 8月 06, 2004 by kaz

been pretty busy with writin' my speech, writin' the dialogue for my 7th graders and makin' a business letter to an investor for my friend's new business.

last night @ around 0323, there was an jishin (earthquake). the thing with earthquakes in japan is that the initial part of it is like somebody picked up your table and dropped it, then the side-to-side motion comes. tri tells me that it might be how the tectonic plates are in japan cuz back in cali, i never felt the up-and-down motion.

been rentin' a lot of movies lately to pass the time (as you can see from my updated movie list) while on summer break. i must say that i liked: pirates of the carribean, good will hunting (i kno, i'm like the last person in da world that has seen this), g@me (a japanese movie w/the ever so pretty nakama yukie), 8 mile, phonebooth (surprisingly better than i thought it would be) &ocean's eleven. theater wise, hittin' up the late shows (not payin' 1800yen (approx. $16), whereas late shows are 1200yen (approx. $11)). i've seen spiderman, and lately been goin' to movies on wednesdays (wednesdays in japan are women's day, ie. they get to watch for only 1000yen (approx. $9)) with mikie. last week we watched day after tomorrow and this week we watched king arthur (was supposed to go see shrek 2, but she hasn't seen shrek 1).

well...tomorrow i'm off to school to help out the kids a bit on their speeches and then i'm goin' to hanabi taikai (fireworks festival) w/megumi.

aite then,

kaz out...

some other stuff from the past 2 weeks:

- mama got me a yukata!

- my girls finished 2nd in the city and best 8 in the prefecture

- went to barbacoa (the root of the word barbeque), a brazilian bbq place in omotesando w/b, rick, mika and ko. tabehodai (all you can eat) = grubbin'!

- rick and mika's tokyo weddin' party with 3 after parties! nice restaurant, koo but chotto incriminatin' slide show from hawaii, saw all my big bros and met my new big sis

- many lunches with mama

- kicked it in odaiba w/megumi

- hiyori's phat bday party in koenji. met tons of peeps, had some grubbin' but hot ass thai food and somehow broke hiyori's wine opener (the screw is still in the cork!)

- kicked it with marian in shibuya one last time before she went back to maryland. was floored by her and shirelle's singing @ karaoke! they made me sign up for membership to get a discount and made sure that i got the hello kitty member's card. ; b

- went to my junior high school's matsuri, saw some of my old students and had a good time with my current ones. bought all my kids drinks (ramun not beer!) and then went back to ikko to kick it with one of my big bros there.

- jamie and burr got me a shirt but sent it to ryoko. so she forwarded it to me along with the june issue of pb. since she works for pb japan, she always gives issues to her friends as gifts. it just so happens that this issue is a special edition cuz it's the first japanese pm.

in other news

- apple comes out with the 4th gen ipod. hmmm....this may actually make me buy one now

- ricky williams retires!? i really like some of the comments he said: "I didn't quit football because I failed a drug test," he said. "I failed a drug test because I was ready to quit football." & "Marijuana is 10 times better for me than Paxil".

- team usa bball loses to italy!?! ummm....wtf!!!

- jamal crawford goes to the knicks! isiah does it again...we'll see how this pans out

月曜日, 8月 02, 2004 by kaz

man...been a while since i updated, huh?

well, a whole lot has taken place the past two weeks.

probably not goin' to update as frequently as before but we shall see.

i'll try to get one out sometime.

kaz out...


yonsei from cali experiencing his roots in the land of the rising sun.


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