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another shortened class schedule. the days are finally counting down.

the weather was awesome today. nice and warm but unfortunately windy as hell.

for dinner, i cooked up some spaghetti and played some ut2k4 (unreal tournament 2004) with tri. need to practice...i'm really rusty.

got a lot of cleanin' done...well actually just pickin' up all my $h!et from the floor.


was really busy at school today. not much free time. had leftover spaghettin for lunch with all the teachers askin' me if my (/makes a fist with only the pinky finger extended which means girlfriend) "girlfriend" made it? i was like, uh no...i can cook my damn self (well...i didn't really say damn)

i also bought my license code for uplink, so no more warnin' messages and now i can continue and advance to higher levels.

japan has got some funky weather. yesterday is was nice, but today it's cold, rainy and windy! wtf!?!?

anyhow...after school, headed over to oshima san's for dinner. i brought over this bottle of australian shiraz (australia makes the best shiraz) so my pops could try it. when i got there, all of oshima's friends were settin' up the feast, so not to be in the way, i took a seat on the couch. noticed that oshima had a wireless pcmcia card in her desktop, so i busted out my pb and tried to see if i could piggyback the signal. within a couple of seconds, voila, internet access baby.

pops, setsu and ray came by shortly after and we started dinner. man, man, man...grubbin' food. there was tonkatsu, sukiyaki, kinpira, oshinko and many drinks. for the first time that i could remember, ray and i had a serious conversation about life, politics and can you believe this one...girls! i'll let ya'll imagine the details we talked about. after killin' 2 bottles of wine with pops and tajima, i went to take a break on the couch...which turned out to be a nice nap. woke up when everyone was leavin' on got on my bike and headed home.


for some reason, left extremely late for school today. the whole way to school, i was thinkin' of what i'm gonna have to say to the vice principal. thank god that my ketai clock is faster than the school clock. i got to school in about 3.5 min (due to waitin' @ narita kaido) and arrived @ school with like 3 min to spare! woo hoo!!!

it's payday today!!!

so after the mornin' meetin', honda sensei comes up to me and asks,

honda sensei: "kebin, kesa wa, jitensha kita no?" (kevin, this mornin', did you come by bike?)
me: "eee...hai" (hmmm...yup)
honda sensei: "kashite? ii desu ka?" (can i borrow it? is it ok?)
- pause while i'm tryin' to make sure that he just asked me if he could borrow my bike -
me:"hai, dozo....nande?" (sure, go right ahead...why?)
honda sensei: "yakuendai sho no sotsugyo shiki" (for yakuendai elementry's graduation ceremony)
me: "ahhh, wakarimashita. mondanai yo" (oh, i understand. it's not a problem)

i guess ya'll had to have been there and know how honda sensei is. my students got a kick out of it.

so durin' cleanin' time, one of the girls from 2-2, uchida, gives me a letter from another girl from that class, horie. horie is the same girl that double flipped me off while i was goin' home the other day...this girl is a trip.

tonite i have dinner w/ihato sensei, miyazaki, some other big wigs from the city, ray, setsu and pops. then, ko & i are meetin' up my friend nao and some of her friends @ sala.

my .02

here's a new section that i will sometimes post. whether you agree or disagree, i would like to hear from you, so leave some comments, k?

so i got this little...ummm...pet peeve. it really hasn't bugged me that much and i can honestly say that there have been a few times that i'm guilty of this. what i'm talkin' bout is chat etiquette. if you're in front of your computer and have your chat programs open that's koo. if you leave your computer for an extended period, either put up an away message or shut down your chat program. is that too much to ask for? it's like havin' a cell phone, but not bringin' it with you.

another thing is when you do have your away message up (in plain sight) and you get an im from somebody with only the words, "yo", "hey", "sup", etc...thinking they're gonna get a fast reply. hello...i have an away message up, therefore i'm not here to read your one word greeting. in aim: there's a nice little piece of paper next to the name (in ichat, their (default)color icon is red). in yim: their status is the most clearest of places...after the person's name!!

another thing is if you're havin' a conversation with somebody, unless: your boss is comin', please at least say bye. do you just hang up on the phone in the middle of when you're talkin' to somebody? i didn't think so. i know a lot (if not all) of you probably think that i'm overractin' about this trivial issue, but i'm just tryin' to lay a common foundation because in the future, (like the telephone and email have already done) chattin' will be an integral part of our lives, especially to those of who don't really use it that much right now.

/my .02

friday five

if you...

1. ...owned a restaurant, what kind of food would you serve?

japanese, chinese, korean bbq & vietnamese

2. ...owned a small store, what kind of merchandise would you sell?

buddhapparel, shoes, computers, video games, electronics

3. ...wrote a book, what genre would it be?


4. ...ran a school, what would you teach?


5. ....recorded an album, what kind of music would it be?

