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takahashi sensei was absent today...wonder what happened?

there was a little scuffle between hara kun and takamori kun. what was interestin' was that the teachers weren't really doin' anything. they were lettin' them handle it themselves. it's funny to hear how they spoke to each other.

since it's finals week, there's no sport clubs. guess i might have to run sometime this week to shed all weight i gained from the weekend.


takahashi sensei didn't come again today....

only had 2 classes today. all we did was some review for their final exams. i joked to them about if they're havin' a problem understandin' now, wait til they take the exam! all of them got all worried, a pretty funny site to see!

had a meetin' w/mr. miki about my trip. we got all the details worked out. looks like it gonna be a crazy time!

cooked some spaghetti for dinner...i think i made too much. only ate like 1/4 of it. guess i have leftovers for the 2 days.

some things to check out

- splinter cell pandora tomorrow
this game looks sick!!! go d/l some of the trailers...i can't wait for it to come out.

- well i finally seen pics of this jake shimabukuro character that all my students and even some of the faculty think i look like. you be the judge.

- here's a koo little helicopter flash game for ya'll to try out. not quite as fun as pinguin, but it's something you can mess with if you're bored @ your desk! btw, so far tri is the guy to beat @ 1443 pts.

- the maker of dvd-duplication software was ordered to stop selling its copying products in one week. still, 321 studios vows to continue selling the software sans descrambler, and begin directing customers to other sources for similar tools. read more here

- here's a cool site for you die hard nintendo fans.

- the newest apple store is openin' in san francisco on saturday, the 28th of this month @ 1000.
