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just wanted to wish masui chan good luck @ the zenkokutaikai in osaka (national championships of japan). she's a long distance runner. she gots skillz yo...remember her name.


another day @ school...cough kinda came back a little bit. had lots of classes today, especially with the dreaded 2-4 zoo...i mean class. takes a lot of energy out of ya when you're constantly havin' to tell the students to be quiet or try talkin' over them. hmmm....i don't think i was this bad as a junior high school student...or was i???

decided to take a day off from ball. was still tired from yesterday. went home early and played a little bit of my espn season before meetin' up with mikie for dinner. i took her to okonomiyaki place in front of yakuendai station. just had some okonomiyaki and some yaki udon. yoko was playin' 80's music the whole time from her laptop so it very natsukashii to hear all those old school jams. anyhow...came home afterwards and played some of my season before goin' to sleep.


nba news
big trade between the hawks and blazers. blazers send r.wallace and w.person to the hawks for s.abdur rahim, t.ratliff and d.dickau. this is gonna mess with my fantasy team a bit.

video game news
nintendo says next gamecube to be ready in '05, '06

oh yeah...snow crash is gettin' good. probably gonna read a bit tonite. aite ya'll i'm headin' home. pz!!!

kaz out...
