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congratulations to masui chan. she got 5th place (in the nation) in the 800m.


classes went well. the students always have something interestin' to say bout everything. hung out with aki and asuka in the music room. they showed me how to play some of the instruments. got a call from a non supported number (aka private number) and was a little hesistant to answer...then i realized that most of the time it means that somebody from the states is callin'. so i pick up and say hello. the female voice says hello back. now i'm really confused cuz i don't recognize the voice. after a while, she introduced herself and i was surprised that it was katsuta san. she and atsuko san are makin' dinner and want me to come by. man...and i was gonna have to cook tonite. what great timin'!!!

on my way home, stopped off to get some wine. tried this new italian sangovese. it was aite...still prefer chile or australian wine. after that, biked to atsuko's mansion. both her and katsuta san were makin' a feast. katsuta counted all the different kinds of food they used and it came out to be like 20 different kinds. it was a feast. the three of us killed 2 bottles of wine which made me really sleepy, so i took my normal position on the couch for a quick kyuukee (break) and ended up takin' an hour nap! yanase came home and we chilled some more. finally went home @ around 2230.

came home and got a lot of games in on my season. still haven't caught up to the real season yet...but should by the end of the week.


slept in a little bit and then headed out to starbucks @ 0I0I (marui). rina invited me to the tastin' party there. got to try all kinds of different coffee and learn bout the processes of how they make it and the proper way to drink it. they had this little quiz too and they gave prizes to the people who answered correctly. rina also introduced me to her co workers who all thought i was japanese at first but once learnin' that i was an american, they spoke to me in english. stayed there after the tastin' party and read about 100 pgs of snow crash. it was a nice relaxin' time, drinkin' tazo tea and readin' a book.

@ around 1530, went to gap and jusco to look around. on my way home, headed over to ikko and was surprised to see chi mama workin'. the whole crew: yoko, sensei, takahashi, ryuko, kita, ozaki, junko, nakamura, ezure, shacho & bara. kinda don't remember the time i came home cuz i went straight to bed.


came in early today for work. found takahashi sensei and kyoto sensei tryin' to figure out what's wrong with the stove in the back of the teacher's room. the stove (heater, not sure why they say stove in japan) was just blowin' out this vaporous gas. now abiru sensei and takahashi sensei have taken it apart. hopefully they can fix it cuz it's pretty darn cold in here.

ha san went back to korea for a week and brought back some omiyage for takahashi sensei and me; korean nori! my favorite!! gonna have to thank her for that later.

kaz out...
