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spent most of the day yesterday just chillin' @ the house. finished up my sukiyaki for lunch and watched some movies: black rain and dazed & confused. tried to watch bowlin' for columbine, but for some reason, my xbox couldn't read it. not sure why...

got a call from sakamoto, askin' me to come to ikko cuz one of the other boy scout leaders were there. so i headed over there, it was pretty packed. kobi, kita, takahashi, mori, ken, kuro, ezure, ryuko, sugita and sakamoto. another boy scout leader by the name of shibata. his english really, really good. spoke to him a lot while helpin' mama out. @ around 2300, mama went home and all guys decided to play mahjong and sent me out to the convenience store for some instant udon. takahashi, shibata and i just chilled while the other guys played. i even brought out a bottle of tantakatan to share with the crew. we were there til about 0200!!! when we went outside, it was snowin'!!! not much, but it was kinda crazy. though it was pretty damn cold, i'd take this weather over the humid summers anytime! came home and instantly crashed out.


didn't do too much. did some movin' of furniture and set up the mirror takahashi sensei got me for my bday.

i also added some minor stuff to this blog...if you haven't noticed, i put a world time script @ the top, yim & aim notification buttons and added my fantasy bball status on the left side.

i'm also in the midst of makin' a super duper blockbuster trade. it seems as though wholly shet hasn't been updatin' his roster which could mean that he is either been too sick to access a computer or, given up on the season, or both. we'll see how this turns out, details to follow....

london boots were on tv this afternoon. it was a pretty funny show. they did all kinds of challenges based on will power. guess ya'll had to just see it. one of the funniest shows.

wellz...gonna have to get ready soon, havin' dinner w/tomo tonite in tsudanuma tonite. it's been a while since we kicked it...hmmm...i think the last time was in august. anyhow...should be fun to catch up on things.

kaz out...
