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last night

after meetin' with kato san @ yac's, we headed to matsugaoka kominkan. she gave me a little background about herself. in a nutshell, she's been to more probably all of the continents except for antartica. as for the class, it was my first time teachin' elementary school kids; 6-8. one boy, thinks he's from outer space and anytime he answered, had something to do with that fact. anytime they completed something, they would say,"i'm finished!" and then i would have to give them a stamp. i was pretty much givin' out stamps the last 10 min of class! i was impressed of their skill level. after them, was another group of elementary school kids; 9-11. then we had a 30 min break in which kato sensei introduced me to this boy who works at the community center who has lived in america for a little bit. when i met him, i asked him where he lived and he says san jose, california! i was bouts to throw some bay lingo but first had to ask when he was there. he said from 3rd to 8th grade. anyhow, had to get goin' to the next class. the next group were three 9th graders and one 8th grader. one 9th grader goes to one of the most prestigious private junior high schools in tokyo...however i forget the name of it. after that, i had the last group of students. they were all pretty quiet which made it difficult to teach. plus i was gettin' pretty tired too. as we finished cleanin' up the meeting room, kato san handed me my pay. i was shocked to find out how much it was...let's just say it would take care of this whole weekend of partyin'. after kato san dropped me off at kita nara, i had to get off @ the next stop to go pick up my bike and called mama to see if it was ok still to come by and eat. she said koo and when i got there, ken and his 2 buddies were there as well as hashimoto. hashimoto bought some toys in tokyo; a little, cute plastic thingy that dances when there's noice or vibrations. so when people sang, it was gettin' down. kicked there for about an hour or so and then headed home. after takin' a shower, went straight to bed.


it was freezin' on the way to school. the weather report said it was about 35 f but with the wind chill it "felt" like 23 f!!! taught with takahashi sensei today as well as the 9th grade elective class. the friday elective class was pretty dead...i think (i hope) that they were just tired from the week cuz they weren't too enthusiastic 'bout the lesson. takahashi sensei is slowly relapsin' into his sickness which makes him go overboard on some things he's tryin' to say to me. he just needs to go home early and get some rest. for soji, tokuoka kun and i were the last ones left in janken and on the last try, i edged him out with paper over his rock so he had to clean all the toilets and urinals.

just chillin' right now, tryin' to kill time before i get to leave. not goin' to play bball today because of two reasons: 1. the practice is only 1.5 hours long & 2. i'm partyin' tonite.

tonite is yu and his friends' performance @ garam, in shinjuku. we're also celebratin' mike's bday so it's gonna be one long night/day. hopefully i don't stay out too late cuz i gotta get some sleep before headin' out to ueno for hideki and my bday party. it's gonna be a long weekend!!!

aite then...i'm wrappin' this up...expect an update on sunday.

kaz out...
