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Did ya'll know that I love Japan??? Anyhow...what meant to be just a nice little dinner, somehow turned out to be super duper tantakatan fest! I want to send a special shout out to Mike, for dealin' with all my shiet on the way home. I pretty much gave him a tour of Funabashi in our journey to get home! I really didn't expect to go that crazy last night...but hey, who's BDAY was it??? A-chan and I, officially killed 3 bottles of tantakatan!!! Don't get it sick and twisted...I'm not an alky....well....I don't think. I would tell ya'll everything that transpired last night...but...I kinda don't remember. Let's just say...it was a birthday to remember yo!!!

Went to Ikko today after doin' some shoppin' @ Jusco. Mama had a present for me (she got me clippers and a hair catcher; kinda like a big, huge collar to catch the hair), Sakamoto sang me Happy Birthday and even Takahashi and Ryuko gave me a BDAY gift!!! For the latter part of the night; Mama, Sakamoto and I were talkin' about all the customers that come to Ikko. I learned a lot about the peeps. The most shockin' news that I learned was that Chi Mama was 62!!! She looks 50 and has the mind of a 30 year old!!! But 62!!! Shiet....zen zen shinjiranai yo (I don't believe it!!!)

Anyhow...I'm home, good thing I have tomorrow off. It's the Coming of Age Day. Where they honor all the 20 year olds for becomin' adults. In Japan, when you turn 20, you officially become an adult. You can drink, smoke, vote, etc... It's a pretty big day, some girls dress up in kimonos to celebrate.

Wellz...I might go see Last Samurai tomorrow with Sakamoto and Mama. Sakamoto insists that I bring a "friend" but I don't think that's goin' to work out.

Ok...I think I said waaaaayyy more than I should've. I'm callin' it a night yo!

Kaz out...and is still feellin' the effects of his birthday party!!!
