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I'd like to take a moment of silence for Oshige san, who passed away this past week. He was part of the Ikko family.

Fantasy Football Update (as of 12.16.03):

Joe Horn! I just wanted to thank him for callin' me after he scored his TD!!!

Playoff Picture
Week 15 matchup: Spam Jam (Tri)

Goin' into MNF, I'm up, 72-35. But Tri has Westbrook but not sure if that guy can score 7 TDs and gain some major yards.

Championship Bracket

Poopsie Liver Butts (Marty) #1 vs. Scruffs Minions (Don) #4
Current Score: 91-61

japanimal (Ko) #2 vs. Feo Football (Marc) #3
Current Score: 82-87

Consolation Bracket

Sakamoto Samurais #5 vs. Spam Jam (Tri) #8
Current Score: 72-35

wholly shet (Matt) #6 vs. Macs Silver & Black (Jim) #7
Current Score: 35-87

Fantasy Basketball Update (as of 12.16.03):

Record: 42-26-2
Week 1: 6-4 W, japanimal (Kotaro)
Week 2: 6-3 W, Dribblin' Balls (Jookie)
Week 3: 6-4 W, Scruffs Thugz (Don)
Week 4: 6-4 W, Gsytle (Gee)
Week 5: 5-5 T, Prima Hooligan (Hooli) (My toughest opponent so far. Out of all the teams that I've played, I have the most respect for this one.)
Week 6: 6-4 W, Macs Kings (Jim) (Even though I more than doubled his pts, rebs, steals, assists, blocks...I also more than doubled his TO's and Techs.)
Week 7: 7-2 W, wholly shet (Matt) (He didn't even have a chance!)

Week 8 Matchup: Spam Jelly (Tri)
As of right now, I'm up 7-3.

So Ricky Davis gets traded to the Celtics. Not sure if it's a good or bad thing. Right now it's a bad thing because now I have 3 Celtics.

Current Book Status:

The Best American Short Stories 1999: pg 15 Sorry Ha chan, but that book was kinda wack yo!
Count Zero: pg 112
Was able to get some readin' done this past weekend but the story

The Past Week

Normal day @ school. Left early for my ALT meeting @ City Hall. Nothing really much goin' on: some ALTs left, some new ALTs, winter vacation news and new year's concert. Kicked it with the International Relations department for a little bit and on the way downstairs, I saw Takun, whose office is right down the hallway from the International Relations department. Talked to him for a sec and then headed downstairs to meet up with Sam and Mark. Since it was gettin' a little late, and both
of them had stuff to do, we decided just to hang out another time.

Decided to head over to Aeon and LAOX. Got some wine and spam from Aeon and bought myself my Christmas present. The Braun Activator 8585. Came home and had some of my leftover sukiyaki. Yummy!

Another day @ school. More interviews. After school, went to Ikko and had some dinner. Kicked it with Tamaki chan, who cracked me up the whole night. Headed over to Serenade to drop off some gifts to Master san. Met up some other new peeps. Hashimoto san swung through later too. Came home and crashed out.

Woke up around 1130ish and tried to get ready for the Christmas concert @ school @ 1300. Stopped by 7-11 to get some snacks and headed to school. I didn't realize there was tennis practice and the baseball team's picnic too. Got to the gym and noticed that the concert was nowhere near to startin'. Hung out with Takahashi sensei and chilled with the students. Some of the students that came were in street clothes. It was hard to notice them at first. Anyhow, the concert was great! Megumi chan, being 1st violin, warmed up the orchestra and they got underway. Yamazaki sensei came out in a Santa Claus outfit for the first half. 1st song: Lord of the Rings, followed by Hotel California, Mission Impossible, Tequila, Mambo #5(with the 7th graders dancing w/pom poms) some old and new Japanese songs. They even played our school baseball team fight song, makenaide. There were also some solos done by some 9th graders. The drum solo was off da hook. There is a lot of talent in our orchestra. Overall is was a cool concert. Also got to meet Na-chan's older sister, who was pretty cute. ;b.

After the concert, headed home to pick up some stuff and then took off to Asakusa for Hide's BDAY party. Got to Asakusa @ around 1730ish and was shocked at all the decorations and food that were prepared @ Kaoru's restaurant. Ikko, Kaoru and Hideki made a feast! Aki, Tetsuo and I helped where needed. Hide arrived @ around 1830ish and we started the party. All the food was grubbin' and we had everything from champagne, beer, wine and cocktails. Hide was pretty over when we all decided to go sing karaoke. On our way there, I piggy-backed Hide up the flight of stairs so he wanted to return the favor on flat ground. As we got goin', I slowly feel like we're fallin'...and sure enough we are. I jump off while Hide proceeds to do a head first slide on the ground. It was a sight to see! After karaoke, we head back to Kaoru's to pick up our stuff and Hideki, Hide and I walk Ikko back home. On our way back to Hide's, Hide has this idea that we're chinese acrobats and decides to try to get all of us on his bike. Me being the smallest, I get stuck in the middle where I can't see anything. Hide takes the front and Hideki rides the "pegs". We get goin' for only about 20 meters and then I notice that Hideki has jumped off. Since he can see, I figure we're gonna crash. But luckily Hide saves us. Anyhow as we get back to Hide's place, it looks totally different from the last time I was there. He's got a computer and an entertainment center in the bedroom. It looks more like a college apartment. We stay up for a bit while watching some movie about Picasso with Anthony Hopkins. Crashed out @ around 0345ish.

Had to wake up early, around 0730 cuz Hideki had to go to work and Hide was meetin' up some friends. Came home and went back to sleep til like 1500ish. Did some laundry and @ 1545, headed over to Yanase's for a shabu shabu party. Miyahara and her husband, Katsuta, Oshima, Tajima and Kazue, and later, Hori. Man, Katsuta, Oshima and Miyahara can drink! They were puttin' down beer, wine, champagne and Kubota like it was water! I couldn't hang! I got to try some fugu for the first time. It was grilled, so it kinda tasted like any whitefish. I'm anxious to try the sashimi. Kazue also made her famous gyoza which was the bomb! After takin' a nap, I headed home @ around 2130. On my way home, stopped over @ Ikko to have some ocha. Kita and Sakamoto were there and they were tellin' me about the boy scout Christmas party next Saturday. Kita san was also teachin' me some crazy Japanese gesture while Mama and Sakamoto were tellin' me he's drunk. After chillin' there for a while, came home and crashed out.

While watchin' the news in the morning, found out that Hirose Ryoko is pregnant and engaged now.

At school, during the first period, Takahashi sensei and I were teaching the 7th grade, 4th class when Ito sensei (7th grade, 4th class' homeroom teacher) respectfully excuses himself by entering, grabs the nearest boy and throws him outside into the hallway. And in style, respectfully excuses himself and proceeds to discipline the boy outside in a voice that I've never heard from Ito sensei. Man...I got hyped from that! Made my heart start pumpin' yo! Let me reiterate that I love the Japanese school system!!!
Another day of interviews with the 8th graders. Almost done. Hope to be finished by the end of this week. This week's schedule is all jacked up because the 9th grade teachers are havin' appointments with the parents.

Played bball after school and noticed that like 5 graduates came to play. It was fun to play with them, however their level wasn't what I expected it to be. But all in all it was fun.

More interviews. I'm surprised at the level of the 5th class. The boys, for the most part are all scoring high.

Played some more bball again. Since the girls only had a light, late practice, I challenged Mika chan (the 9th grade girl's bball captain) to one-on-one, with the rules we used last time but she quickly yelled out "muri". So I taught her how to play HORSE. Unfortunately, she beat me...twice! She definitely has a future playin' ball in high school. She'd easily make startin' PG on any varsity squad back home. When the boys team startin' doin' shootin' drills, I teamed up with Saeki kun. Basically the drill goes like this, one person rebounds while the other is the shooter. After shooting, you must run back to the half court line and come back to receive a pass from your rebounder, then shoot again. Do this 20 times, then switch. After only thinkin' we were only goin' to do 3 sets, for some reason, we did like 7 sets of these. Then we scrimmaged, but I was only able to scrimmage til about 1615, cuz I had a dentist appointment.

Went to my dentist appointment and then headed over to Life to get some groceries. Came home and had some salmon sashimi and cooked up saba and sauteed some asaparagus and mushrooms. Got stuck watchin' CDTV Japan's year end music special. They went through the top 10 songs startin' from 1990 til 2003. It was pretty natsukashii for me to see the songs from early/mid '90s. When I wanted to clean up my apt, London Hearts came on, so I was stuck watchin' that too. After gettin' some stuff done, crashed out @ around 2315ish.

Kaz out...
