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Days til I'm home!: 11

Daily excerpt from The Paranoid's Pocket Guide:
Lightning is a massive buildup of static electricity. Seconds before you are struck by lightning, all of the hair on your head will stand straight up. Lightning kills approximately 300 Americans every year - more than any other type of natural disaster. Most lightning deaths occur during the summer, when people spend more time outdoors. Lightning tends to strike the most conspicuous person or object in a group; golfers are often struck while holding a metal pin or swinging a club.
Woke up at: 1000
Mood: Kinda tired from the past 2 days/nights
Listening to: All In My Grill by Outkast
Weather Report: A little cloudy
Japanese Word/Phrase/Food of the Day: senkyo = election
Japan News: TOKYO - The popularity of sake is booming in the United States, with its export value from Japan growing nearly threefold over the last eight years, according to governmental statistics. According to Finance Ministry trade statistics, the amount of Japanese rice wine exported to the U.S. jumped to 2,000 kiloliters in 2002 from 1,300 kl in 1994.

Fantasy Football Update (as of 11.09.03):

Record: 5-3-1
Week 10 matchup: Spam Jam (Tri: 2-7-0)
Well...goin' against tri again. Not really concerned...
Fantasy Basketball Update (as of 11.09.03):

Week 1 Matchup - Dribbling Balls (Jookie aka Jeff)
As of right now, I'm up 5-4.
Current Book Status:

The Best American Short Stories 1999: pg 15 Sorry Ha chan, but that book was kinda wack yo!
Count Zero: pg 10

- NEW YORK - A North Korean diplomat called the Japanese "Japs" three times during a meeting of the U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday. North Korea's Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations Kim Chang Guk made the remarks in English while he was accusing Japan of taking a hostile stance toward his country. The comments sparked a protest by his Japanese counterpart, Yoshiyuki Motomura. The president of the current General Assembly session, Julian Hunte, asked North Korea not to use the derogatory term any more.
This just shows how the North Koreans are so ignorant.

- A long-term temporary worker says that the software giant fired him after he posted a photograph on his Web site of Macintosh G5 computers being delivered to the company's Redmond, Wash., campus. Read more here

The Past Weekend


This was the last day that the student teachers will be at my school. So their classes were observed by the teachers. After class, I had to eat lunch early because I had to go to Tsuboi junior high school for a seminar.

Ihato sensei picked me up and I got to meet Terry who is from Wales. An interesting cat. We then went to pick up another ALT named Jeff from Buffalo. We then headed to Tsuboi. Met Cindy (from Michigan), Tsuboi's ALT. Ihato then brought Colleen (from New Zealand) and Mark (from Australia). We were introduced to the english teacher, social studies teacher and the man who is in charge of this discussion. We then went to the classroom and introduced ourselves and broke up into smaller groups, each group having 1 ALT. The students introduced themselves and we played games. The leader of the discussion, Kuze san, then gave us some kujira (whale) to eat. What was funny, is that we didn't even talk about whales in our small groups with the exception of Cindy's group. Well...we have to go back there again Thursday and the following Tuesday. I don't mind goin' cuz we get to leave school early. After the discussion was over, some of the ALTs went for a drink near Kita Narashino. Got to talk to some of the ALTs which I never really get a chance to do. Found out the closest station Cindy lives near is Inaricho. The same as Kaoru. I'm really fortunate that I can bike to school while the other ALTs all commute by train from Tokyo or Ichikawa.

Went back to school for a minute to get all my things. It was very natsukashi for me because I walked from Narashino eki which I haven't done since I moved into my apartment. After school, headed home and went to run some errands. Before meeting up with Kaoru and Hide @ Yakuendai eki, I went to Ikko for dinner and some drinks. Hashimoto san came with me. After meeting up with Kaoru and Hide, we headed to Serenade for some food, drinks and karaoke. After a couple of drinks...things started to get fuzzy. I didn't realize that we were there til 0330. Made it home somehow but I do remember everything since coming home. We didn't go to sleep til like 0530ish.


Woke up @ around 1000ish and started cooking breakfast. Also found out that Kaoru forgot her ketai @ Serenade. But we wouldn't be able to get it til later that evening. I made some corned beef hash with onions and corn over rice with an over easy egg. While we ate, we watched Animatrix, with Japanese dialog so that Hide and Kaoru could understand. After the movie and meal, we headed over to Makuhari to go see Kill Bill. Yes, I went to see it again. It's a totally different movie the second time. Got to see things that I missed from the first time. From the Japanese perspective, my friends who have seen it all say that it's very funny. If ya'll haven't seen it yet, go out and see it. After the movie, Hide and Kaoru bought all these 100 yen toys from the vending machines...I forget what they're called in Japanese....hmmm...gatcha ben?.

Headed to Ikko around 1800ish and feasted on some: sanma, kotechan, natto ten, miso shiru, and kaki. Daisuke joined us around 1900ish and we had some more natto ten and drinks. Hide had to take off early cuz he had to meet up with his friend from college. The women's volleyball world championships were on and I didn't hesitate to let everyone know how fond I am of Takahashi Miyuki, who plays opposite for the team. She can do it all: serve, spike, block, set, pass and dig. We then headed out of Ikko so that Kaoru can get her phone. Dropped her off at the station and then headed to Try 'em with Daisuke. Had some Kubota, chatted up with Yoko and Georgia then headed out. Daisuke went home and I stopped over at Serenade. Was surprised to see Hashimoto there. Chilled there for awhile and then called it a night.


Just been chillin' at home all day. It's always nice to just relax and not do anything or go out.

Well...Kohiyama called me to come to Ikko. When I got there, Kita & Sakamoto were there. This was around 1530ish. I just got back now, 2000ish. Shacho, Mori, Kobi, End & Yoko all came thru...the regulars. I forgot to pay last night so everyone gave me a hard time bout that. Mama was koo about it. So it's all good yo!

Anyhow...I'm gonna go to bed early tonite.

Kaz out...
