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Daily excerpt from The Paranoid's Pocket Guide:
Each year, you face a 1 in 13 chance of suffering an accident in your home serious enough to require medical attention.
Woke up at: 0545
Mood: Was tired but now feelin' content
Listening to: The Zephyr Song by Red Hot Chili Peppers
Weather Report: Nice and clear
Japanese Word/Phrase/Food of the Day: odori = Japanese classical dance
Japan News: Japan will give 1.5 billion dollars (165 billion yen) to Iraq in 2004 to help rebuild the war-torn country, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Fukuda announced Wednesday. The chief government spokesman told a news conference that the money would be used to rebuild Iraq's infrastructure such as electricity and water supplies, as well as to restore basic services, including health care and education.
Fantasy Football Update (as of 10.15.03):
Record: 3-2-1
Should be an interesting weekend
Week 7 matchup: wholly shet (Matt)
Fantasy Basketball Update (as of 10.15.03):
Current Book Status:
Cryptonomicon: page 900
Shikyoken & Jimei Jinja Matsuri
Takahashi sensei was goin' to pick me up @ 0700, so I had to get up really early. The vice principal was surprised to see me so early...I was the 4th teacher @ school this morning. Anyhow, we only had one class today because of the big chu kyo kyo or shikyoken @ Narashino dai chugakko. Takahashi sensei told me sit with him @ the chairman's table and we had to sit through a couple of presentations. The first one tried to be all nice and technical with video clips of their classes on DVDs, unfortunately they had tons of technical difficulties which made their presentation drag past the alloted 1 hour. Anyhow, after the first presentation, we had lunch. I went with my buddy Mark, another ALT, to the local bento shop which was hella cheap. I got a good sized katsudon for about $4! Mark, Sam, Takahashi sensei and I ate together in the gym while talkin' bout Japan's current events. The next presentation was much better but at times it was a little difficult to understand. Probably because the food coma was startin' to set in. From that point on I was strugglin' to keep awake while there were discussions about the presentations. What woke me up was this one teacher from Katsushika junior high. Not only did I notice her cuz she was really pretty, but when she gave her two sense, she said right off the bat, "Since there are many ALTs here, I'm goin' to speak in English!" I was like WHOAH! Easy rider! what's goin' on? After hearing her talk (in perfect west coast English) and catching all her little "whatever"s and her strong attitude towards the city's choice of english texts, she definitely had my attention. I'm 100% sure she studied on the west coast and about 90% sure it was in California. But since all the subsequent teachers spoke all in Japanese, I slowly went back into my food coma. When the 6 hour meeting finally ended, Takahashi sensei and I went to Cocos for a snack and of course their drink bar. No no no...no alcohol, but unlimited coffee, mochas, coke, calpis, tea, etc... We saw a lot of other teachers from the meeting there. The highlight of that time was when I was explaining to Takahashi sensei about these cushions I'm lookin' at gettin'. As I'm describing the dimensions in relation to the table, I suddenly see the table jump up and blop right back down, followed by massive side to side motions. It was an earthquake! Lasted a good minute or so. I was used to the side to side motion, but never once experienced the ground goin' up and then crashin' down like it did in the beginning. Hearin' the waitresses in the kitched scream hightened the overall effect.
Takahashi sensei dropped me off at the house and I was so tired from the meeting and wanted to take a nap. Right as I was about to go to sleep, I decided to text Mikie and ask her if she was interested in attending the local matsuri. when I tried to go back to sleep, my ketai rings and it's Suga san. He's tellin' me that Setsu has arrived in Japan...uh...I kinda forgot that she was coming today. Whoops! Anyhow, he reminds me about goin' to yakiniku next week and I swear this guy thinks I'm totally fluent in Japanese by talkin' to me HELLA fast. He expects me to remember the first time we went to yakiniku about 5 months ago. I was like...err...uh...no I don't remember where the heck that place is!!! He finally tells me to meet him at the main intersection in downtown Funabashi. The next thing he wanted to talk to me about was the International Relations department's Culture festival in Amanuma Koen on the 25th of this month. I told him that I was busy cuz I have my school's bazaar that day too. The times happen to be exactly the same! Doh!!! I'll get back to this later...
Right as I get off the phone with Suga, I get a text from Mikie. She says that she just got off of work and is down to go. Tells me to meet her @ Yakuendai eki @ 1840. Meet up with her and we head out to Jimei Jinja Matsuri. Most of the Ikko family was there. We got some takoyaki and walked to the dry cleaners' vendin' machines to get some drinks and we chilled on the bench. After we finished the takoyaki, we got some okonomiyaki and watched the people sing karaoke and some odori. Kobiyama san was there, drunk off his ass and started to talk to Mikie and me. Remember, this is the guy that I can maybe understand about 20% of what he says! He was babblin' off to Mikie bout something, but she did her best to be nice. She told me afterwards that she can't even understand him and she's Japanese! The next dance was done by Mama's odori teachers. One, dressed as a guy and the other a girl. Their dance was dope, funny and long. An interesting love story dance that involved a parasol and katana! During the lulls of the song, I could hear Takahashi's (Ikko family, not sensei) wife givin' her support by being the loudest one there! After the dance was over, she comes up to me, gives me a hug and tells me to go to Ikko and have a drink with the family...and bring your "friend". I had to tell her, "ummmm...maybe next time, Takahashi san", the last thing I need is to get Kobiyama san talkin' out of his @$$ to her again. As we walked back to the bench to rest, saw Otsuki san (one of Mama's odori teachers who just finished dancing) and she tells me that I'm lucky it rained yesterday, otherwise I would've been up on that stage dancin'! She also tells me that I have no excuse next year! That she would give me personal lessons as an incentive. Now I'm stuck!!! Couldn't say no to her. Afterwards, we just chilled while she taught me Japanese and I taught her English. I don't know what it is with Japanese people, but they always want to find a celebrity that you look like. She told me that I look like Matsuzaka Daisuke. This isn't the first time someone has told me that, so now I'm really startin' to believe it a little bit. Anyhow...I to respond by askin' her who people thinks she looks like. She said Ichiro, but only his eyes when he was young. She also said Musashimaru, a sumo, but again, only his eyes when he's squintin'. Yet another person she said that her friends think she looks like is Go Morita (a member of a Japanese pop band) but this time, only her hair when it was short. So I was like...how bout a famous girl? She thinks for a bit and remembers that her friends say that she kinda looks like Konishi Manami. She kinda does but she kinda doesn't. Guess that's the same how I feel about Matsuzaka Daisuke. Anyhow we headed out and called it a night.
Came home, checked my email and watched some ESPN Motion highlights (ya'll gotta get that add on, it's dope!).
Wellz...got a long day tomorrow, callin' it a night yo!
Kaz out...
Daily excerpt from The Paranoid's Pocket Guide:
Each year, you face a 1 in 13 chance of suffering an accident in your home serious enough to require medical attention.
Woke up at: 0545
Mood: Was tired but now feelin' content
Listening to: The Zephyr Song by Red Hot Chili Peppers
Weather Report: Nice and clear
Japanese Word/Phrase/Food of the Day: odori = Japanese classical dance
Japan News: Japan will give 1.5 billion dollars (165 billion yen) to Iraq in 2004 to help rebuild the war-torn country, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Fukuda announced Wednesday. The chief government spokesman told a news conference that the money would be used to rebuild Iraq's infrastructure such as electricity and water supplies, as well as to restore basic services, including health care and education.
Fantasy Football Update (as of 10.15.03):
Record: 3-2-1
Should be an interesting weekend
Week 7 matchup: wholly shet (Matt)
Fantasy Basketball Update (as of 10.15.03):
Current Book Status:
Cryptonomicon: page 900
Shikyoken & Jimei Jinja Matsuri
Takahashi sensei was goin' to pick me up @ 0700, so I had to get up really early. The vice principal was surprised to see me so early...I was the 4th teacher @ school this morning. Anyhow, we only had one class today because of the big chu kyo kyo or shikyoken @ Narashino dai chugakko. Takahashi sensei told me sit with him @ the chairman's table and we had to sit through a couple of presentations. The first one tried to be all nice and technical with video clips of their classes on DVDs, unfortunately they had tons of technical difficulties which made their presentation drag past the alloted 1 hour. Anyhow, after the first presentation, we had lunch. I went with my buddy Mark, another ALT, to the local bento shop which was hella cheap. I got a good sized katsudon for about $4! Mark, Sam, Takahashi sensei and I ate together in the gym while talkin' bout Japan's current events. The next presentation was much better but at times it was a little difficult to understand. Probably because the food coma was startin' to set in. From that point on I was strugglin' to keep awake while there were discussions about the presentations. What woke me up was this one teacher from Katsushika junior high. Not only did I notice her cuz she was really pretty, but when she gave her two sense, she said right off the bat, "Since there are many ALTs here, I'm goin' to speak in English!" I was like WHOAH! Easy rider! what's goin' on? After hearing her talk (in perfect west coast English) and catching all her little "whatever"s and her strong attitude towards the city's choice of english texts, she definitely had my attention. I'm 100% sure she studied on the west coast and about 90% sure it was in California. But since all the subsequent teachers spoke all in Japanese, I slowly went back into my food coma. When the 6 hour meeting finally ended, Takahashi sensei and I went to Cocos for a snack and of course their drink bar. No no no...no alcohol, but unlimited coffee, mochas, coke, calpis, tea, etc... We saw a lot of other teachers from the meeting there. The highlight of that time was when I was explaining to Takahashi sensei about these cushions I'm lookin' at gettin'. As I'm describing the dimensions in relation to the table, I suddenly see the table jump up and blop right back down, followed by massive side to side motions. It was an earthquake! Lasted a good minute or so. I was used to the side to side motion, but never once experienced the ground goin' up and then crashin' down like it did in the beginning. Hearin' the waitresses in the kitched scream hightened the overall effect.
Takahashi sensei dropped me off at the house and I was so tired from the meeting and wanted to take a nap. Right as I was about to go to sleep, I decided to text Mikie and ask her if she was interested in attending the local matsuri. when I tried to go back to sleep, my ketai rings and it's Suga san. He's tellin' me that Setsu has arrived in Japan...uh...I kinda forgot that she was coming today. Whoops! Anyhow, he reminds me about goin' to yakiniku next week and I swear this guy thinks I'm totally fluent in Japanese by talkin' to me HELLA fast. He expects me to remember the first time we went to yakiniku about 5 months ago. I was like...err...uh...no I don't remember where the heck that place is!!! He finally tells me to meet him at the main intersection in downtown Funabashi. The next thing he wanted to talk to me about was the International Relations department's Culture festival in Amanuma Koen on the 25th of this month. I told him that I was busy cuz I have my school's bazaar that day too. The times happen to be exactly the same! Doh!!! I'll get back to this later...
Right as I get off the phone with Suga, I get a text from Mikie. She says that she just got off of work and is down to go. Tells me to meet her @ Yakuendai eki @ 1840. Meet up with her and we head out to Jimei Jinja Matsuri. Most of the Ikko family was there. We got some takoyaki and walked to the dry cleaners' vendin' machines to get some drinks and we chilled on the bench. After we finished the takoyaki, we got some okonomiyaki and watched the people sing karaoke and some odori. Kobiyama san was there, drunk off his ass and started to talk to Mikie and me. Remember, this is the guy that I can maybe understand about 20% of what he says! He was babblin' off to Mikie bout something, but she did her best to be nice. She told me afterwards that she can't even understand him and she's Japanese! The next dance was done by Mama's odori teachers. One, dressed as a guy and the other a girl. Their dance was dope, funny and long. An interesting love story dance that involved a parasol and katana! During the lulls of the song, I could hear Takahashi's (Ikko family, not sensei) wife givin' her support by being the loudest one there! After the dance was over, she comes up to me, gives me a hug and tells me to go to Ikko and have a drink with the family...and bring your "friend". I had to tell her, "ummmm...maybe next time, Takahashi san", the last thing I need is to get Kobiyama san talkin' out of his @$$ to her again. As we walked back to the bench to rest, saw Otsuki san (one of Mama's odori teachers who just finished dancing) and she tells me that I'm lucky it rained yesterday, otherwise I would've been up on that stage dancin'! She also tells me that I have no excuse next year! That she would give me personal lessons as an incentive. Now I'm stuck!!! Couldn't say no to her. Afterwards, we just chilled while she taught me Japanese and I taught her English. I don't know what it is with Japanese people, but they always want to find a celebrity that you look like. She told me that I look like Matsuzaka Daisuke. This isn't the first time someone has told me that, so now I'm really startin' to believe it a little bit. Anyhow...I to respond by askin' her who people thinks she looks like. She said Ichiro, but only his eyes when he was young. She also said Musashimaru, a sumo, but again, only his eyes when he's squintin'. Yet another person she said that her friends think she looks like is Go Morita (a member of a Japanese pop band) but this time, only her hair when it was short. So I was like...how bout a famous girl? She thinks for a bit and remembers that her friends say that she kinda looks like Konishi Manami. She kinda does but she kinda doesn't. Guess that's the same how I feel about Matsuzaka Daisuke. Anyhow we headed out and called it a night.
Came home, checked my email and watched some ESPN Motion highlights (ya'll gotta get that add on, it's dope!).
Wellz...got a long day tomorrow, callin' it a night yo!
Kaz out...