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Daily excerpt from The Paranoid's Pocket Guide:
One in six adults has agreed to sex because they were just too embarassed to say no.
Woke up at: 0605
Mood: Chillin'
Listening to: Simple and Clean by Utada Hikaru
Weather Report: Cold in the morning, then got crisp and clear
Japanese Word/Phrase/Food of the Day: gogo = afternoon
Japan News: FUKUOKA - A counsel of 503 lawyers from across Japan has been formed to help a Fukuoka boy and his parents who filed a damages suit Wednesday against a teacher for allegedly telling him he should kill himself because his ancestor was American. On one occasion, the teacher, noting the child's great-grandfather was from the United States, told him, "You have filthy blood. Go jump off from your condo building and die," the suit says. read more here

Fantasy Football Update (as of 10.09.03):
Record: 2-2-1
Nothing new to report
Week 6 matchup: Scruffs Minions (Don)
Fantasy Basketball Update (as of 10.09.03):
Just signed up with some old co-workers and friends from Sac in a bball fl. Should be interesting.
Midterms, Ikko, Torarimu

This mornin', was able to chat with Jim (worked with @ Prima) and we talkin' ffl trades. For some reason I offered him: Eddie George, Nate Burleson and Seattle Def for Tampa Bay Def. Hmmm...after doin' some research...I found out that Seattle D is just as good as TB's. I'm probably gonna reject the trade. Also found out that my buddies from Prima are goin' paintballin'. Damn...that's another thing I miss doin'!

Today was midterms in Industrial Sciences, English and kokugo (Japanese). We had a listening test for the 7th and 8th graders. For the 7th graders, Takahashi sensei read the question while I read the answers. There were only 4 problems but I made them very similar so that it would be hard to differentiate. What was funny when I finished the last question, Takahashi sensei and I both realized at the same time that the final question's answers didn't contain a correct one. More on how we fixed the problem later. For the 8th graders, Takeuchi sensei read all these dialogs and the students would have to choose from a set a pictures that described the dialog. I noticed that Takeuchi couldn't memorize the dialog so he had to look at the sheet when speakin' his lines. This resulted in his mouth being pointed away from the mic which we found out later that it was hard to hear what he was saying. Oh wellz... After the readings, Takahashi sensei and I went to each classroom to reread the saigo mondai (last problem).

Shiga sensei (9th grade Japanese teacher) asked me to help her with a recommendation letter for this one girl who's leaving next week to go to high school in Malaysia. Though she's learning English now @ NOVA, it was still a little tough to communicate with my broken Japanese and her broken English. But I finally understood what she was tryin' to say. Gotta find some of my old recommendation letters for review.

For lunch today, went to eat soba/udon with Ito sensei & Takahashi sensei to this place close to school. Found out some koo stuff bout Ito sensei. He's a black belt in Shaolin Kenpo! He has a hella clean TL equivalent Honda. I had Tempura Udon. Takahashi made sure that they didn't overcook our noodles this time. That's one of the worst things you can do to noodles. Hard noodles are so much better yo!

When we came back, I helpe Takahashi sensei correct the midterms. My girls: Ha san, Kinouchi san & Mikamiyama san disappointed me. I was expecting 100's from them but they made some stupid mistakes. I gave Ha san a sabisu (free) point on her spelling of favorite = favourite (which I think is from her British English). What was shocking is that the boys were the ones who got 100's. I did get to see how the students think by way of their notes. Also, some of their answers had Takahashi sensei and I rollin'! The best one was by Kiyoura Natsuki. The topic was "how many...?", "Is he/she...?", "There are...", etc... The sentence went like this: ___ ___ children do you have? Her answer was this: CD's Mr. children do you have? (Mr. Children is this music group)

Got some more readin' done in Crypto. This book gots me hooked yo! One of my next books was goin' to be Quicksilver, another Stephenson book but the majority of reviews has said that it sucks @$$!!! Hmmm...so what should be next? I'm probably gonna go with Snow Crash. But ya'll can browse my wishlist and send some comments this way of what book you think I should read next.

After gettin' 4 classes graded, Takahashi sensei said we should go home cuz he'll finish the rest @ home. When I looked at my watch it was almost 1700! The teachers are allowed to go home @ 1500! So I decided to have dinner at Ikko tonite. Had some salmon, genmai gohan, takuwan, nasu miso shiru and this other dish which I forget the name of. As always, it was grubbin'.

Got a text from Brian Sato, a guy a grew up with back in days. He's an ALT, in his 4th year, teachin' in Kawasaki. Supposed to kick it with him this weekend. We have another holiday this Monday, Taiiku no Hi Health Sports Day.

Went to Torarimu to give a bottle of wine to Yoko san, but unfortunately she wasn't there. However her mom and dad were there. At first it was kinda strange, but when I told them about myself and sat down to have a glass of Kubota, things got a lot more relaxed. I totally forgot that Yoko and Georgia were goin' to Thailand for vacation. They'll be back tomorrow. But it was good times talkin' to her parents and gettin' to know them. Afterwards, on my way home, I saw Kohiyama san and Kita san coming out of Ikko. They told me it was last call, but I was koo. I just talked with Mama a bit over some tea and she brought out some Murasaki imo (purple potato) chips and some other very old, not so famous snacks. She gave me the bag of murasaki imo chips and then I helped her close shop. Just got home a little while ago...might read some more Crypto before callin' it a night.

Misc. News:

- Chapter 10 of Ninjai came out. There was finally some action. Took them about 4 chapters of BS before they got to it though.

- WTF is goin' on back home? Arnold Schwarzenegger is now the Governor? I wish I was back home so I could vote for my dawg, Gary Coleman.

- A Californian company is applyin' an idea from Victorian enginnering to solving a ky stumbling block in the development of high-performance chips--how to cool them down. A pretty interesting article if you're interested in computers. Read more about it here.

- In Vietnam, a girl was burned when her Nokia phone exploded! Ouch!! All you Nokia users beware! Read more here.

Aite...gonna crash now.

Kaz out...
