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Daily excerpt from The Paranoid's Pocket Guide:
Some 3.7 million Americans claim to have been abducted by aliens. Most found it a positive experience.
Woke up at: 0635
Mood: hara ippai (Stuffed) and kinda sore
Listening to: Under the Bridge by Red Hot Chili Peppers
Weather Report: Pretty cold today. Rained a little bit
Japanese Word/Phrase/Food of the Day: aniki = older brother
Japan News: CHIBA: The Chiba District Court sentenced a 53-year-old man to the statutory maximum term of 15 years in prison on Monday for killing five pedestrians while he was driving drunk.

According to the ruling, Yutaka Wajima, who was intoxicated with alcohol, fell asleep at the wheel last Dec 9 and hit and killed the five pedestrians in the city of Matsudo in Chiba Prefecture. The prosecutors said Wajima's drunken driving was equivalent to reckless murder, while his lawyers argued that he has admitted to all charges and regretted his behavior.

Last time I checked...killin' 5 people has a sentence of more than 15 years!

Fantasy Football Update (as of 10.02.03):
Record: 2-2
Goin' into MNF with a lead of 18 pts...but Ko still has Manning. He'll need to throw at least 2 TDs.
Week 5 matchup:
Sakamoto Samurais :


BBQ, Ikko, Torarimu, School, BBall, Phatty dinner

On Sunday, headed out to Mizumoto Koen to kick it with Ko, Rieko, Marty and friends. Got to meet the new JET ALTS in Saitama. 2 new guys, one from London, the other from Ohio (Ohio is the sister state to Saitama Prefecture). Rupert is a total crackup. His british lingo kills me! We instantly saw eye to eye. Alex, the guy from Ohio, is your typical computer science geek, who has worked for PeopleSoft in Pleasanton for a couple of summers. He also noticed me reading Cryptonomicon, so he asks me, "So...are you in the tech field?" "Uhh...yeah man...I am. MIS, u?" "CS." Which was the start of your typical geeky computer conversation which involved programming, hardware, video games, etc. What was funny is was able to tell that I was California! Hmmm...do I look that californian?? I also got to see Yuriko again, she gave me this long 'ol explanation of how she was upset that I never emailed her back...but hey, she had the wrong email. This was the time when my Yahoo! account was buggy. She introduced to her friend Miho and we chatted for a bit. Sarah was there. She's from Australia, but her Japanese is chou pera pera (HELLA good yo!). I was introduced tone of her friends, Hide, who thought I was either from Hawaii or California. WTF! I guess I'm your typical looking Asian from the 2 most populated states! Also go to kick it with Hideki...man that guy is something. He says the off the wall things, ALL the time, drunk or sober! But I did find out from him that he traveled all through Cali & Nevada by car 2 years ago. Next thing he wants to do is take a motorcycle and travel across the whole U.S.! I give him props if he can do it. So it was a bbq right? The had some yaki niku, yaki soba, chicken, chicken nuggets, potatos, liver, pork...pretty much anything you can think of. Rupert, Ko, Marty and I played some football. Each takin' turns being the QB, WR and DB while one person would rest. After that, went back to chill and get a drink. Then I see Rupert rockin' out and then I notice Offspring playin'. This guy loves Offspring and Greenday. So I had to tell him that Greenday claims Berkeley, but they're really from Crockett. (Thanks Don & Tri!) We then headed out to play some frisbee. Ko and I were a little more advanced then the girls and guys, so we played away from the "rookies". We kept tryin' to catch the frisbee behind our back, under our legs, etc. It's been so long since I've played frisbee...chou natsukashii yo! Afterwards it got pretty dark, we all decided to head back.

I came straight back from Kanamachi eki while gettin' some good reading done on the train. Crypto is gettin' dope. For those of you who enjoy readin', like tech and WWII history, it's definitely a book to check out! I'm almost halfway through...pg. 455! Thanks again Tri for recommending the book!

Came back, decided to go to Ikko. Had some food, a little drink, then headed over to Torarimu (the name of the okonomiyaki and monjayaki restaurant that Hashimoto took me to last, last saturday) cuz I was craving my Kubota. Chilled and chatted with Yoko-san and Georgia and met Yoko-san's friend. Came home and crashed out!

This morning, got up, got dressed and headed out. I remembered to pack my bball clothes but totally forgot my breakfast!! Luckily it was a very light drizzle this morning and I was able to make it to school before it really started raining. Today's schedule was pretty crazy. Takahashi-sensei once again got mad at the students because lately, the classes have been more like a jungle. So in the first class, the students just weren't gettin' the point and he was gettin' frustrated. So he "tagged" me and I had to "jump into the ring" and try to explain to the students in a different way. With a little bit a Japanese and some weird looks, they finally got it! Yatta! I also got to teach with Takeuchi sensei. ninen nikumi (2-4; 2nd year, class 4) is always a pleasure to teach. They're fun, enthusiastic and always want to talk to me. Since this week is midterm week, students are not allowed in the teachers' room. After class, all the 7th, 8th & 9th grade teachers got together for their monthly meeting which lasted a couple of hours. However, I went to the gym to play bball! :) Only got to warmup a little bit before Nakayama kun tells me,"Kebin, reddo!" So the next thing I know, I'm playin' center and have to guard the biggest guy on the team. There are only 2 8th graders that I have their shiet together. The others...can't protect the ball and make some of the most terrible decisions I've ever seen! I try to help them, but they only retain half of what I say. Aso-san, he's the assistant coach jokes with me about how some of the kids are atama warui yo! (stupid, dumb) Anyhow, practice was cut short cuz the kids have to study...hehe, yeah right! Came back into the teacher's room and started plannin' the listening test for the 7th graders. Takahashi sensei came back from the meeting and we joked around a bit before I headed home. My back started to act up and my arm was still a little sore from throwing that darn football so much, I was way too tired to cook dinner. So...can you guess where I went??? Hmmm...that's a tough one, huh? Ikko of course.

Mama instantly knew that I was tired so she hooked up a feast for me. she started off with this new dish called sui ton (sp?) which is soup with these bread like pieces in it. GRUBBIN'. Next up was my favorite, natto tempura. GRUBBIN'. Next was saba yaki, ohitashi and miso shiru. GRUBBIN'. For dessert, it was oranges and kaki. GRUBBIN'. Hashimoto, Sensei, Kobiyama, Muraguchi and this guy (who's name i forget) who loves to fish. He wants to take me the next he goes. I was really tired after eat that meal, so I headed home. Took a shower, checked my Fantasy football league, caught up on some emails and bout to call it an early night. Aite ya'll...til next time.

Kaz out...
