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When ya'll get the chance, check out Tri's new Project Pink
Days til Tri is in Japan:
Days til Brandon & Thuy are in Japan: 05

Woke up at: 07:15
Mood: Koo koo
Listening to: Mind Blow by Zion I
Weather Report: It was cho astukatta Super Hot today and later, there was a huge thunderstorm which produced bomb like sounds and the lightning lit up the sky as if it were daytime.
Japanese Food: Saba = mackerel
Japanese Word/Phrase of the Day: kotae = answer
Japan News: Nagasaki -- A woman was arrested Wednesday for seriously injuring her infant daughter by showering her with boiling water, police said. The mother, 24-year-old Yumi Yamazaki, has admitted to the allegation. "I felt hatred toward her," She was quoted by police as saying. Police said Yamazaki attacked her 23-month-old daughter in the bathroom of their apartment in Sasebo on Tuesday night. The infant suffered second-degree burns. Yamazaki's husband rushed back home at around 1 a.m. Wednesday from work after she called him reportedly saying, "I doused her with boiling water."
Seems the Japanese are just as crazy as Americans...

Fantasy Football Update (as of 09.03.03):
I'll be updating this completely when the season starts.

Nothing new to post...season starts in 1 day!

Week 1 matchup: Spam Jam (Tri)

Fantasy Baseball Update (as of 09.02.03):
Had a descent day. Extended my lead to 100 pts!

1Hanshin Tigers3090109
2Dodger Dogs299051
4Border Jumpers2837110
5Fleas & Ninjas227188


School: Day 2, Thunderstorm

Man, today was frickin' hot! Maybe only 86 degrees, but it was at least 85% humidity which made it unbearable. Should have known that it was gonna be hot today since it was already 77 degrees when I woke up this morning! Add the fact that there is no AC in the teacher's room or classrooms, you can sorta imagine they discomfort today.

Lunch: Sweet Potato tempura, egg flower soup, rice, vinegar flavored veggies and apple pear.

Finished Catfish and Mandala today. Man, the author came through with a dope ending which summed up everything nicely. I highly recommend this book: Catfish and Mandala by Andrew X. Pham to anyone who's interested in reading about a man's journey from the bay to Vietnam...on a bike! Thanks Tri for all the books that you brought for me! Next on my reading list is Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card.

Had my dentist appointment today...was in and out in like 15 min.

Had some potato salad, edamame, and some more somen for dinner.

There was this phatty thunderstorm tonite. The craziest one that I'd ever experienced. Good thing I brought my clothes in when I did. I wish I would've taken some pics of the storm, but didn't want to venture outside. Afraid...maybe. You'd be too if you saw and heard what was goin' on outside.

Nothing much else to report.

Kaz out...
