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Started the day off with Brandon carrying on a tradition that Tri started. After Brandon inaugurated my toilet, I made some fried rice and somen for breakfast. We then headed out to Akihabara. Spent hella days there, almost lost Brandon a couple times. Got to play some Japanese video games. Thuy and I were surprised to see Brandon challenge another Japanese player in Street Fighter. However, Brandon thought he was playing the computer. He did pretty well against the guy, probably because the guy has never seen such an unorthodox style. Thuy and I played this anime typing game. Pretty interesting game, kinda hard.

Had some tempura donburi for a late lunch.

After we went all through Akihabara, we met up with Yu in Asakusa. We then headed over to Kaoru's restaurant for dinner. We had tons of food: this cold chinese appetizer dish (forget the name), ma po tofu, lemon chicken and potato & pepperoni pizza.

Well gonna call it a night, we're heading to Kyoto tomorrow and have to wake up @ 4am!!! Talk to ya'll later!

Kaz out...
