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Yesterday went to Narita to pick up Tri. Came home, dropped off the luggage and then headed to Ikko. Introduced Tri to the Ikko family and of course Oolong Hi. Had tons of food that Ikko no Mama gave to us for free. Came home and killed the half a bottle of Jinro while watching The Rules of Attraction. After watching it, we watched it again with the Carrot Top commentary. I don't like Carrot Top, but after hearing what he had to say in the commentary, it made me see him in a different light. The guy is fffnn funny! Tri passed out @ around 3:30 and me shortly thereafter.

Woke up today and Tri was feelin' under the weather. He inaugurated my toilet. We then headed to Jungle ramen and then we were off to Tokyo. Our first destination, Akihabara of course!! Then we went to Tokyo station to see the famous old style entrance. Woo hoo...not all that! Then headed to Ueno to look around. We stopped off at this one bar for some food and beer. Afterwards headed back to Funabashi to meet up with Ko and Marty. We went to eat Okonomiyaki and Monjanyaki. Got home about an hour ago. Gonna rest up cuz tomorrow's the big day. Fujii-san...here we come!!!

Kaz out...
