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Just got back from dinner with Tomo. She came to Hayward as an exchange student from Funabashi 2 years ago. It was a koo time to catch up everything over good food and drinks. A little tough to eat cuz I can only chew on my right side due to my dental work today. I ordered a long island ice tea...however is was kinda wack. This is my first LI in Japan...maybe I forgot what it tasted like...who knows. After dinner it was kinda late and we wanted some ice cream, luckily Haagen Daaz was still open, yatta! Even though I dropped some of my ice cream it was still grubbin'! Green tea ice cream with anko and dango...yummy!!!

Well...I know for sure that I have speech practice tomorrow. So I'm gonna get some much needed rest. Peace out ya'll!

Kaz out...
