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Just got back from Atsuko san's house. She invited me over for dinner tonite along with her daughter, Izumi. Atsuko san made some haru maki (Spring Rolls) which were yummy. Izumi brought over some grubbin' chicken. It was a huge feast! I ate way too much food! Tabesugi yo! Anyhow...I had to lay down for a sec, which became like a half hour. Decided to head home but totally forgot that I have to bike up this phatty hill. That was tough on a full stomach!

I'm too lazy to copy my template over...so I'll just cut and paste my latest scores:

Rk Manager Season Last
1 Hanshin Tigers 2640 -35
2 Dodger Dogs 2596 -31
3 Border Jumpers 2352 222
4 Jookies 2336 93
5 Fleas & Ninjas 1868 52

Got a dentist appointment tomorrow and going to go play squash with Ami.

Aite...I'm tired...callin' it a night. Late!

Kaz out...
