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Days til Tri is in Japan: 13

Woke up at: 7:45
Mood: Happy
Listening to: Tinseltown to Boogiedown (beatnuts remix) by Mos Def
Weather Report: It was hot humid by 8am, now it's pouring rain...I thought Japan's rainy season was over
Japanese Food: Sake = Salmon or Japanese rice wine. To distinguish the 2, you pronounce salmon as "sha kay" and rice wine as "sa kay" (not "sa key")
Japanese Word/Phrase of the Day: Narenareshii = overfamiliar, too friendly


Change of Plans

Couldn't sleep last night so I was up til like 3am chattin' with folks, workin' on my website and doin' some research. It was crazy humid this morning and was drippin' with sweat by the time I got to school. I however didn't know that Takahashi sensei cancelled today's lesson because he's gone on a field trip with the orchestra (he's the assistant teacher/coach).

I was only at school for like an hour, so I decided to go home. I stopped by the tennis courts on my way out and spoke with Takeuchi sensei about next week's trip to Toyama. Found out that we'll be coming back by 6-7pm, next Friday. It's perfect cuz the next Saturday I'm going to Hakone with Kaoru, Iko, Aki, Yoshi, Hide and maybe Hideki.

Went to Life to get some groceries...came upon some fried chicken was pretty darn good. I also got some soba which I just finished eating.

Right now, it's not only pouring, but there's crazy thunder and lightning. It caused my power to flutter for a second...enough to reset my computer.

Anyhow...no school tomorrow...but I do have a dentist appointment. Getting some major work done. Then I'm supposed to go out with Tomo. Hope I can at least drink, hehe...

Aite...gonna catch up on some High Heat games and watch my London Hearts.

Kaz out...
