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Woke up feelin' pretty good today. Just a little sore throat and slight stuffy head. Found out at school today that it was a short day because of the Funabashi middle school meeting which I didn't even go to. Anyhow, I was able to go through the plan for tomorrow when 40 of the Funabashi Department of Education come to visit. That's pretty much kept up busy at school for the past week. We've been cleaning, cleaning & cleaning. We even put all these nice pretty flowers everywhere. Today's weather was pretty nice...so after finishing all the cleaning, Takahashi and I just sat on the balcony, choppin' it up.

Went to go meet Yu @ Tsudanuma eki. Didn't recognize him at first, cuz he kinda bulked up and got a little tan. But it was nice to see him, in his territory. Upon arriving @ Funabashi eki, we met up with his mom and transferred trains. When we got his station, we met up with his dad and went grocery shopping for dinner. The grocery store next to the station was pretty high tech. There were no paper price tags! All the price tags were electronic! I took a pic of it which I'll somehow show all of you shortly. Another thing about how Japanese supermarkets are more efficient than back home, you pack your own groceries at a separate place from where the register is. So you don't have to wait for the those slow @$$ people who have tons of groceries.

When we got back to Yu's house, his mom brought out all these snacks for us to eat while his dad prepared a spaghetti feast in a matter of minutes! He made some grubbin' Italian spaghetti...and I mean REAL spaghetti, the kind you normally get in Italy. It made me feel really natsukashii (warm and fuzzy inside from a past experience) of when I was in Italy.

Also got to play w/Yu's dog, Dabo (short for double bogey pronounced in Japanese). It's a Kiba, which is an endangered species! Really cute dog, but doesn't care too much for male strangers.

After a dinner, Masumi (Yu's brother) made a modified "digital archive" of The Matrix that we watched. It was a totally different movie after seeing Reloaded and reading many essays and other works about it. Yu also was able to give me my stuff that I requested him to bring back with him which included: Equilibrium and The Animatrix DVDs (Thanks E!), some Buddhapparel gear (Thanks Tony!) and most importantly...my stick deodorant (because they don't have stick deodorant in Japan!).

Well...gonna wrap this up, need to get up bright and early tomorrow.

Kaz out...
