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Summer Vacation Countdown: 9

Today was a pretty interesting day at school. For the 5th and 6th periods, the 9th graders gave their group presentations on their 3 day field trip. They had all these pictures from what they experienced from: making sembei, honey, learning about the kappa (the mythical frogs) just to name a few. It was koo, because I don't usually get to hang out with the 9th graders. I've team taught with the 9th grade english teacher maybe 4 times since I've started. I feel bad because I really want to be there for the 9th graders but not sure what's up with the english teacher. Oh well...

Finished Taking the Red Pill and I must say that it was an enlightening book. Many different philosophical views which make you rethink life as a whole. Now I've been glued to The Rules of Attraction. Since I've seen the movie first, it kinda ruins the whole "reading the book" aspect. But it does shed a lot of light and gives tons of background to the story which makes me appreciate the movie even more. Not sure what's up...but I'm totally into this whole reading thing. I guess since I'm choosing the books that I want to read, it's more enjoyable. Some books that I want to start after The Rules of Attraction are: Simulacra and Simulation by Baudrillard, The Alchemist by Coelho, The Republic by Plato and maybe Neuromancer by Gibson.

I have this speech that I need to finish up for this Saturday night. Tryin' to find some inspiration...a little tough. My topic is growing up as a Japanese American. It's been a while since I gave a speech before. College speechs were easy, only had to talk for like 10 min or so. But on Saturday, it's gonna have to be around 30 min.!

Talked to Tomoyo today. She seems to be doing well. Working all the way out @ Narita must be hell of a commute. Let alone waking up @ 5:30 every morning! Anyhow, supposed to maybe get dinner next week sometime. I was planning on going to Japanese class that her mom teaches, but unfortunately she's not teaching tomorrow night. Guess there's always next week....

Well...I'm tired and need to take a shower.

Kaz out...
